Status: Active (:

My Brother

Big News

I walked back in the door, laughing, from my extremely exciting day at the fair. I love fairs, even though they try to take your money and I don't trust the rides and the food makes you throw up (like Sable did last year. Going to the fair together is a tradition for the two of us). But the friends surely made it fun.

When I closed the front door, I looked towards the living room. Dad, Leigh, Sterling, Seth, and Alex were sitting on the huge sectional sofa.

"Who died?" I asked playfully, pulling the hair tie out of my hair (sometime during the fair I had bummed a hair tie from Sable) and letting my wavy hair fall over my shoulders.

My dad smiled at me and motioned me over. I looked at him suspiciously, then went over and sat on Sterling's lap. He laughed and rested his non-broken arm on my leg.

"No one died. But I do have some big news." Dad said. I raised my eyebrow at him.

"And that would be...?"

"We're moving."

I jumped off Sterling's lap. "What?!?!?! Where?!?!?!" I yelled. Dad simply laughed.

"Calm down, Morgan. We're not moving far, not even out of Vance."

I put my hand on my heart and breathed a sigh of relief. "Oh, good. Dad, you scared me."

Dad laughed. "Well, we've already picked out the house. We know which rooms are whose, so no, you don't get to chose your own rooms. But don't be upset about it, because I'm sure you'll be happy with the rooms."

I nodded. "I guess I'll start packing, I have alot of stuff."

"I know."

"When are we leaving?"

"In two weeks."

"Alright. After I pack, I'm gonna go to bed...I'm pretty exhausted from the fair."

"Okay. Goodnight, honey."

"Night, dad. Night Leigh, Seth, Alex, and Sterlin."

"Goodnight." Leigh, Alex, Seth, and Sterling said together.

I walked upstairs and to my room to start packing.

You know, maybe I should tell you more about my family. I never went into detail about them, except for Sterling of course, so what better time than now?

I'll start with Dad. He's amazingly tall, I get my height and looks from him. He's 6'7", to be exact. He has what's called 'salt and pepper hair', and every woman that's ever met him told me they thought he was handsome. Which he is, and that's why I'm thrilled I look like him. He works at a car company, and makes quite alot of money. He's a HUGE Bama football fan. You should just see the memorabilia, it's crazy. Dad is hilarious, and loud. He does not hesitate to [loudly] voice his opinion, and he doesn't care whose around or what people think about him.

Next is Leigh. Leigh is a sweetheart, I love her to death. She's very pretty and tan, and watches out for her family. She has medium length dark brown hair and has kids of her own, Krystal (who is married to a man named Justin and has two kids, Braleigh and Brodee, and is pregnant with a son that they're going to name Brock), Alex, and Seth. She likes to take me, Krystal, and Alex shopping, and we like to play with the massage chairs.

Next, Alex. Alex graduated last year and is moving out soon. She is absolutely GORGEOUS, and very nice. She's won tons of beauty pagents. She is always watching out for Braleigh and Brodee, and I love her to death.

And last, Seth. He's young, and going into 7th grade next year. He plays football, like Sterling. He has reddish brownish hair and freckles. He's a jerk around us kids but uses the best manners around adults. Besides his deceiving ways, he really is a sweet kid sometimes. We love to play xbox together, and I love it when he freaks out when I beat him at Guitar Hero.

I grabbed a box and started packing my books into it. Once I finished with my books, I went to movies. They were the only boxes I planned on packing tonight, since I had awhile to pack. My clothes would be last, since there were so many and I cannot live without my variety of clothes to choose from everyday.

I walked to my dresser, which was covered in pictures of me and friends, me and Sterling, me and other family, etc. I opened the drawer and got out a pair of hot pink booty shorts, then opened the drawer under it and got a tight black tank top. I put them on and threw my dirty clothes into the dirty clothes basket. I crawled into my EXTREMELY comfortable bed and cuddled under the warm blankets before falling into a peaceful, dreamless sleep.