Status: Active (:

My Brother

New House

I sat in the back of our red SUV, wrapped up in my black jacket, leaning on the window and watching the town go by. Sterling sat beside me, texting someone random, while Seth and Alex were in the seat in front of us. Dad was driving, and Leigh was in the passengers seat. We were on our way to our new house. It turns out that Dad and Leigh had bought it way before they told us about it, and they had been remodeling it. It was apparently completely furnished, except for my, Sterling, Seth, and Alex's room, because they knew we would want to decorate them.

A few minutes later, we turned down a road. We drove less than 30 seconds, then pulled into the driveway of a very pretty house. It was smaller than our old house, and didn't have a pool (our old house had an inground pool and hot tub). But I'm sure I'd like it.

We all jumped out of the car and walked up to the front. Dad got a key out of his pocket and unlocked the front door. He opened it, and we all gasped, and walked inside. To the left of the front door was the dining room, which was really beautiful. There was a door on the other end of the dining room that lead to the laundry room. We walked down the hall and into the very large living room. There was a huge brown sectional sofa that took up two walls, and carpet in the middle, and an entertainment center that took up another wall. It had a flat screen LED TV in the middle, with pictures lining the top and top shelf, and movies on either side of it. To the right of the livng room, the wall caved in, with a door in the middle. We walked into where the wall caved, and saw a door on the left and right. The door in the middle turned out to be a bathroom, and the other two rooms were bedrooms. To the left of the living room was the kitchen, which was big with a new counter and a table to the side of it. There were two doors in there. One was to Dad and Leigh's bedroom, which was already furnished, and when we opened the other one, it had stairs. So, there was a basement. That's good. We walked down the stairs, and saw that Dad had taken everything Alabama football related, and put it in that basement. There was a kitchen down there, too, that was also pimped out with Alabama stuff. Beside the kitchen was a pool table. There was also a couch and a black massage chair down there. There were two doors on either side of the TV, and a door on the same wall as the massage chair. The doors beside the TV were bedrooms, and the one near the massage chair was a garage/storage room, which had a ton of stuff in it, and our golf cart.

"Wow...I love it!" I said. My brothers and sister agreed, and Dad and Leigh smiled.

"Well I guess we should tell you which rooms are yours." Dad said, and we nodded. "That one is Seth's," he said, pointing to the door on the right side of the TV, "and that one is Alex's." this time, he pointed to the door on the left. They ran in the rooms to look around and try to figure out what they were gonna do with them.

We went back upstairs and to the bedrooms near the bathroom. "That one is Sterling's," Dad said, pointing to the one on the left, "so that one is yours, Morgan." he motioned to the one to the right. I went inside and looked around. I smiled. It was a good size, and I had ideas of what I wanted to do with it.

Once we had gotten everything of the car and moving trucks (we hadn't unpacked anything yet, though), Dad took us to Lowes to pick out paint for our room. Sterling and Seth said they were fine with white walls, so it was just me, Alex, and Dad. When we got there, Alex picked out lime green for the walls, and hot pink for the ceiling. Cool, I know. I picked out hot pink for the walls, and black for the ceiling.

When we got home, we all went straight for painting our rooms. We finished by the end of the day. The boys had gotten most of their rooms unpacked, while me and Alex only had our furniture. My bed was set up, with my fuzzy black sheets, two giant pink comfortors, and my many, many pillows. My medium-sized entertainment center was set up, but none of my stuff was packed up and put in it except for the TV. I had a huge, two door, walk in closet on the right wall, with only boxes inside so far. My desk was set up on the same wall as the entertainment center, right beside the window. My laptop lay closed on top of it. There were boxes all around the room. I sighed, looking around my new room. I opened one of my five clothes boxes, and dug out a pair of short black shorts and a light blue tight tank top. I lay down on my confortable bed, and fell asleep as soon as I closed my eyes.