Status: (: Edward Cullen Story Re-Written! :)

Undisclosed Desires

: INFO :

Cynthia Martinez

Age: 17
Description: Wavy brown hair,5 foot5 inches tall, toned body,very pretty, green-hazel eyes
Traits: very lovable and funny, a loyal friend and very family oriented,has a horrible mean streak so its best to stay on her good side, has a very rough past and not very open about her feelings.

Edward Cullen
Description: 6 foot 1, although he's lanky he's quite muscular, obviously very beautiful to human eyes, is still trying to mend his heart from losing Bella to his enemy Jacob,
Traits: overprotective, dark sense of humor, very witty and gentleman like

Alex Razo(Cynthia's uncle)
Age: 36
Description:6 foot 3, very handsome and young for his age, in great shape because he tries to keep up with his two teenage sons
Traits: very protective of his family, especially Cynthia because he knows she's been through alot, a very bad temper if he's provoked, funny, sweet, an all around cool dad to have.

Paul Razo(Cynthia's cousin)
Age: 18
Description: nicknamed Chino by his younger cousin Cynthia, 6 feet tall,very fit,protective,funny,outgoing,has his moments of being really mellow and calm

Mac Razo(also Cynthia's cousin)
Age: 17
Description:nicknamed Big Mac(also by Cynthia),very childish, funny,outgoing,very fit,protective but not as much as the two other Martinez men, fun to be around when he's not messing with you too much

Alice Cullen
Description:very tiny in size, looks sort of like a pixie with short spiky hair,very energetic,loving,loves to shop and set up parties of all sorts,

Jasper Hale
Age: 18
Description:very serious at times but when it comes to Alice there is nothing he wouldn't do for her,has the hardest time adjusting to his new way of life but will endure it so he can be with his true love

Rosalie Hale
Age: 18
Description:gives off the vibe of being very self-centered,loves her family and will do anything to keep them together,is said to be the most beautiful woman to walk the earth,which she uses to her advantage at times

Emmett Cullen
Age: 18
Description: looks very terrifying because of his massive size,but is very care free and lovable once you get to know him, likes to joke around and not take life too serious,loves any chance to show off his awesome strength,

Carlisle Cullen
Age: 32
Description: said to be the most compassionate vampire to walk the earth,tried the new philosophy of being a "vegetarian" and then brought the rest of his family in to follow his lead,a very successful doctor

Esme Cullen
Description: the sweetest person you'd ever meet,so motherly and tender you cant help but love her once you meet her,is family oriented and isn't happy unless her family is happy as well.
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'Dream I Didn't Know I Had' Re-Written :)