Status: (: Edward Cullen Story Re-Written! :)

Undisclosed Desires

: New Home :

I leaned my head against the cold window, watching as the rain drops slowly rolled down my window.

I was starting to get really uncomfortable in my seat seeing as I have been sitting in it for for the past four hours.

However, not knowing how my life was going to be like in my new home made me even more uncomfortable.

I was moving from sunny California to rainy, dreary Forks, Washington.

Turns out my foster parents got tired of dealing with a teenager and decided to get rid of me all together.

I don't mind in the least, they were assholes anyway.

I am now going to be living with my uncle Alex and his two sons.

The oldest of them is Paul, who I nicknamed Chino because he loved to impersonate Chinese people.

Don't ask me why, because I have no idea how that guys brain functions.

He's 18 and his younger brother, Mac, is 17, like me.

The only comfort I get out of starting in a new school is that they will both be going there as well.

They are both enrolled in Forks High School, Chino's a senior and Mac's a junior, once again like me.

Their mom died in a car accident while she was pregnant with the third child they felt positive was going to be a girl.

My aunt was driving and got hit by a semi-truck and was killed instantly along with the baby.

It was a big blow to the family and I wasn't able to go to the funeral because I didn't have enough money to buy myself a ticket.

I unfortunately had to show my condolences over the phone.

My uncle and cousins have been begging me since I was 13(the year my aunt died) to come and live with them.

I kindly refused saying that I didn't want to intrude at such a bad time.

They asked me again a week ago, and since I had no where to go, I finally agreed.

They were ecstatic of course.

The plane finally pulled into the airport and I breathed a sigh of relief.

Airplane rides have never been an exciting activity for me.

Probably has to do with the fact I'm thousands of feet off the ground and I could plunge to my death at any moment.

Has a way of making a person paranoid.

I pulled on my sweater when I felt the breeze blow in from the open plane door.

I pulled my hood on over my ponytail and grabbed my purse, slinging it over my shoulder, I clutched my carry on in my free hand not wanting to lose it.

After some pushing and shoving I was finally off of the plane.

I kept walking faster as I reached the gates.

I suddenly realized that I hadn't seen my family for at least four years.

They had come to see me in California, and that had been the last time I'd seen them.

I slowed my pace and then came to a complete stop when I got out of the gates.

I looked around me and saw all of the families greeting each other with hugs and kisses.

I tried to turn and avoid all of it but I was surrounded.

I did a 360 and standing in front of me was my uncle Alex.

He had a huge smile plastered on his face.

A huge smile spread across my face in response.

"Callie, wow. You've grown up so much. Look at you."He said.

"Hi, Uncle Alex. I've missed you so much."I said.

He smiled again.

"Come here." He said, opening his arms wide.

I walked into the circle of his arms and they closed around me.

The feeling of security that suddenly enveloped me at that moment was indescribable because I hadn't felt this way in so many years.

I hugged him back tightly and he seemed to understand.

One of his hands came up to my head pressing it closer to his chest.

"It's ok. Everything's going to be fine. You're home now."He said giving me a kiss on the top of my head.

I finally pulled away and wiped away the stray tears that had escaped my eyes.

I laughed as I looked up at my uncle.

"Your not gonna tell Chino and Mac I bawled like a baby, are you?" I asked.

He gave me a small smile.

"I wouldn't dare."He said.

He put his arm around my shoulder and we started walking.

"Here, let me take that."He said reaching for my bag.

"I can carry it."I insisted.

But he didn't listen to me and grabbed my bag anyway.

"So, where are Mac and Chino anyway?" I asked.

"I made the stay home. They're so excited that you're here. They got up really early and cleaned the house." Alex said in an amused tone.

"What?! They cleaned?" I asked, amazed.

"Yeah. I was shocked too. I woke up and Chino was mopping the kitchen and Mac was doing the laundry. I thought I was still dreaming. Or that my sons were kidnapped by aliens." He said with a laugh.

"That's hella funny. You told them I was coming at night, right?" I asked.

"Yeah. That's what made it so funny." He said.

We both laughed.

We reached his Jeep and climbed in.

We started on our hour drive home, making small talk along the way.

"So how was your flight?" He asked with interest.

"It was boring. This old guy kept trying to talk to me. It was a little weird."I said.

He chuckled.

"And life back in California? How was that? You gonna miss it?" He asked.

"Life in California was as good as you'd expect. The foster parents were complete asses and tried to treat me like a slave. I'm not gonna miss it at all." I said.

He eyed me skeptically.

"And the guy, did he treat you right? Did he ever try to fool around with you? I know how those foster homes are sometimes. It's ok. You can tell me." He said, trying to keep his face emotionless.

"He tried to once. He was drunk and walked into my room on 'accident'." I said making quotation marks with my hands.

"What happened?"He asked, no longer able to keep the tension out of his voice.

"I hit him with my baseball bat and broke his arm. I thought he was a 'thief '."I told him with a smile.

"That's my girl." He said with a wide smile.

We pulled into the borders of Forks and I looked around at the little town.

I smiled.

"I can get used to this." I said.

"I'm glad to hear it. Most people are depressed by the little towns."He said.

He looked at me from the corner of his eye.

"Callie, I should warn you." He said.

I turned to face him.

"Please do." I prompted him.

"Your cousins are really excited that you're here. The second I told them you were coming they started telling all of their friends." He said.

"Oh,no." I breathed.

"I tried to stop them, but," He said.

"'Im gonna kill them." I said through gritted teeth.

Like moving to a new town where everyone knows everyone isn't hard enough.

Now they were all expecting me like I was some kind of freak show.

"Don't hurt them too bad. You have to remember that you all have school tomorrow." Uncle Alex said with a small smile on his lips.

"Ugh..I don't wanna go." I whined.

I hated starting new schools.

"No, no, no. You have a fresh start and you're gonna do a good job, aren't you?" He asked sternly.

"Yes." I reluctantly said after a moment of silence.

"Good… Now go and say hi to the hooligans." He said laughing as he pulled up to his house and turning off the car.

I looked up at the two story house.

It was nice looking but also very modest.

I saw the front fly open and out came two tall figures.

I opened my door, grabbing my bags and steeping out into the chilly breeze.

When I came face to face, well more like face to chest, my cousins had grown a lot since the last time I saw them.

They were now at least 6 feet tall, if not bigger.

I looked like a midget next to them.

I laughed at the thought as I continued to study them.

They both had gotten a lot buffer and now had muscular chests with lean muscles on their arms and forearms.

"Whoa. Callie you've....changed." Chino said.

"Yea." Mac agreed.

"Time does do that to a person." I said with a laugh.

"I could say the same about you too. When did you guys get so manly?" I asked jokingly.

"We gotta look good for the babes." Chino said with a smile on his face.

I stepped closer to them with a smile on my face as well.

"When did you get so pretty and grow boobs?" Mac asked.

I laughed as Uncle Alex smacked him upside the head.

"Don't talk about your cousin like that." He said.

"Well it's good to see you anyway." Mac said rubbing his head.

He came forward and gave me a big hug.

"Its good to see you too." I said.

Chino looked at me then smiled hugely again.

"Little cuz." He said coming forward.

I jumped into his arms and he spun me in a circle.

"So good to have you down here, finally." He said giving me a look.

"Its good to be here." I said, ignoring his stare.

We all went inside and I set my stuff down in the second story room they gave me.

It was right in between Mac's and Chino's.

I wondered to myself if that was coincidence or if someone had to move bedrooms.

A tiny smile crossed my face.

The guys helped me unpack and a clothes fight broke out when Mac accidentally unpacked my bras.

He started waving it around like it was a batten, me and Chino both laughed at him.

"Hold still for a second." I told Mac as I walked up to him and took the bra out of his hands.

I quickly wrapped the bra around his head like a scarf.

Me and Chino were rolling around on the floor because we were laughing so hard.

"It looks good on you, bro. Purple is definitely your color." He said trying to hold back his laughter.

He was unsuccessful and we all erupted in another round of hysterical laughter.

When we finished unpacking we all went downstairs and shared a small meal of instant Mac N' Cheese.

I offered to take over the cooking seeing as they couldn't cook anything that didn't come in a T.V. dinner box.

While our food digested we all marched into the living room and squeezed all of our bodies into the 3 person couch and watched a movie.

When the movie was done it was already almost midnight.

We dragged our feet across the floor.

"Goodnight, Uncle Alex." I said giving him a kiss on the top of his head.

"Goodnight, honey. Sweet dreams." He said.

"Night, Pops." Chino said.

"Night, dad-e-o." Mac said, squeezing his shoulder as he passed by him.

"Night, boys." He said.

I smiled at the fact that my uncle still called his practically adult sons, boys.

They'd probably be 50 and Uncle Alex would still be calling them boys.

I grinned.

"Night, guys." I said with a yawn as I got to my door.

"Night, little cousin." Chino said.

"Night." I replied back.

"Don't go trying to sneak out either. I'll hear you." Chino said in a warning voice.

"Yeah, right. Cause there's so many places I could go." I said with a sarcastic laugh.

"Good point." He said.

"Just wake me up if you feel like sneaking out. I'll go with you." Mac whispered in my ear as he gave me a hug.

I laughed quietly.

"Night Mac." I said.

"Night." He said giving me a peck on the forehead.

I went in to my new room and quickly changed into my pajamas.

I was ready to climb into my bed and pass out.

I went into my closet to get an extra blanket and as I pulled it down a folded piece of paper fell out of it.

I picked it up and immediately recognized my uncles handwriting.

'This used to be your mothers. She made it herself and gave it to your aunt a long time ago. It's yours now. She would've wanted you to have it. Love, Uncle Alex.'

I smiled and brought the blanket up to my face.

It was really soft against my skin.

I crawled into bed and covered myself, I instantly fell asleep.

The next morning I woke up at 6:30 so that I could take a shower first.

It was unfortunately interrupted when I heard the door open.

"Hey." I protested as all of my hot air went out into the cold hallway.

"You're taking way to long. We gotta get ready and look good too." Mac said.

I finished up and grabbed my towel, wrapping it around myself before I climbed out of the shower.

"Move over giants! Let the little person through. I gotta brush my teeth too." I said shoving until I was in between both of them.

I finished up and went to my room to get dressed.

Ten minutes later Chino was knocking on my door.

"We're leaving in 5 minutes, slow poke." He said walking down the stairs.

"Ok, I'll be down."I yelled, so he could hear me.

I was wearing a white famous stars and straps shirt with my favorite black hoody, light blue jeans with my black vans.

I put on a little bit of eyeliner and left my hair down since it was still wet.

I grabbed my book bag Mac had given me the night before and went downstairs.

"You guys are gonna be late. Here, granola bars to go." Uncle Alex said, throwing each of us one as we walked out the door.

"You guys have a good first day." He yelled.

"Thanks, uncle." I yelled back.

"Bye, dad." Chino and Mac both said at the same time.

They both started to say jinx but I beat them to it.

"Jinx you two owe me a soda." I laughed.

"Damn it." Chino said, snapping his fingers.

"I almost had him." Mac exclaimed.

"Sure you did." Chino said with a laugh.

We all got into Chino's Honda Civic.

I got in the back since I'm the smallest.

We drove to school.

"So you nervous?" Chino asked.

"Nope. I'm ready." I lied.

They both laughed.

"Bull crap." They both said at the same time again.

We all laughed again and relaxed on the drive there, the anxiety in the pit of my stomach no longer seeming existent.
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Not very many changes to this chapter, mostly grammar stuff that was corrected. Let me know what you think anyway :)