Status: (: Edward Cullen Story Re-Written! :)

Undisclosed Desires

: First Day, First Sight :

We pulled into the school parking lot and the anxiousness I had felt before was returning quickly.

As I looked around the lot I noticed that there were a lot of old cars except for a sleek silver Volvo.

I whistled.

"This school is pretty small." I said.

"Well, that's less walking that you have to do." Chino offered as an alternative.

I laughed.

"Where's the office?" I asked as we parked next to the silver Volvo.

"We're going with you, you dumby." Mac said.

"Oh, I didn't think you guys would want to hang out with me at school." I said.

"Why wouldn't we? You know what, never mind. Let's go to the office." Chino said shaking his head at my last comment.

He let me out on his side and I looked at the Volvo more closely.

"Sweet ride." I said.

I wanted to touch it, but decided against it.

If the owner came out I wouldn't want them to think I was a weirdo.

On the walk to the office Mac put his arm around my neck.

I looked up at him questioningly and he gave me an innocent smile.

"Make me look good baby. Make me look good." He said to me with a wink.

"You're gonna need a lot more than just me to help you accomplish that. You're face is a major problem." I said with a laugh.

Chino laughed at that too.

"Ooh. Burn." He said laughing even harder.

He gave me a high five as Mac opened the door for me and we walked into the tiny office.

"Hey Ms. Cope. We got some fresh meat for you." Mac announced.

"Like everybody doesn't already know. From what I heard, you and Chino have been gossiping like little twelve year old girls." I said.

I leaned against the counter.

"Dad tends to exaggerate." Chino said coming to my other side.

"Sure he does." I said chuckling.

"So you're the Callie everyone has been waiting for?" Ms. Cope said shuffling through some papers on her desk.

"In the flesh." I said.

"Well, I can see what all the fuss was about." She said.

I smiled at her.

"Now here are all of your papers. You need to get this slip signed by all of your teachers and then just bring it back to me at the end of the day. I'd give you a map but it looks like you already have two escorts." She said eyeing Mac and Chino while she softly chuckled.

I laughed too because I had a pretty good idea of what she was thinking.

"Thanks Ms. Cope. I'll see you after school." I said.

"Alright dear. Have a good day." She said as we turned to walk out.

"You too." I replied.

I pulled my hood on and we proceeded to building one.

"Looks like you've got English III with me." Mac said.

"Yes! I don't have to go on my own." I squealed, jumping up and down.

"See you guys at lunch." Chino said going the opposite direction as us.

"Bye." We yelled.

Mac led me to a door and I tensed up.

"Just breathe, you'll be fine." He told me.

I let out a big breath of air. He opened the door and we walked in.

All eyes turned in our direction, the teacher included.

"Mr. Razo, not a good way to start the week. Take your seat." The teacher said.

Mac took his arm from around my neck but didn't move from my side.

I walked up to the teacher and handed him my slip, grateful that Mac had stayed with me.

"Ah, so you're Callie Martinez." He said.

"Guilty." I replied.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Mr. Masen. Are you involved with Mr. Razo already?" He whispered, leaning closer to me so Mac couldn't hear.

"Not a chance. He's my cousin." I said.

"Oh, ok. Well you can take a seat at the empty desk in the back. Mr. Razo, once again, take your seat." He said.

I nodded and walked to the back of the class feeling a bunch of eyes on me.

Mac pulled my chair out and I sat down.

He winked at me before turning around and heading to his desk in the middle of the class.

The teacher was explaining everything that we would be doing in his class this year.

He had a huge book list that had to be completed by the end of the school year.

It was cool though cause the book list consisted of books I normally read anyway.

I looked up from the list and glanced around me.

The entire row next to me simultaneously turned their heads forward and stared at the front of the class.

I felt like a new attraction at the zoo.

I inwardly sighed.

'Better get used to it Callie. It's gonna be happening a lot here.'I thought to myself.

I looked to my left and there was Mac giving me a thumbs up.

I laughed silently and then covered my mouth to stifle the laughter when everyone turned to look at me.

The class went by fast after that and when the bell rang I sighed with relief.

I started gathering all of my things when I noticed there was a blonde guy with a baby face standing not too far from my desk.

He looked at me curiously.

I gave him a friendly smile and I guess it encouraged him cause he walked until he was standing right in front of my desk.

"Hi, you're Callie, right?" He asked.

"You caught me." I said.

He laughed.

"I'm Mike. Nice to meet you." He said with a huge grin on his face.

"Nice to meet you too Mike." I said returning the smile.

"So, where you off to?" He asked.

"Ummm ... Spanish with Mrs. Valdez." I said.

"Oh, cool. My class is that way. I'll walk you." He said.

"Thanks." I replied.

We started walking towards the door when I saw the Mac was standing there waiting for me.

I hurried up and stood by him.

Mike looked at him a little weird.

"You guys got a thing going on?" Mike asked suspiciously.

Me and Mac looked at each other and busted out laughing.

"What?" Mike asked as we started walking to my next class.

"That's so funny." Mac said still chuckling.

"What? That you two are together?" Mike asked.

"Yeah. Only if you believe in incest." I said laughing again.

Mike obviously didn't get my joke. "You didn't tell anyone we were cousins?" I asked Mac.

"Naw. I just told them a hot babe was coming to live with us and that she would becoming to school here. They didn't think to ask if we were related. Idiots." Mac said.

I smacked him in the arm.

"The only idiot here is you. You shouldn't have been talking about me in the first place." I said.

"Soooo...does that mean you're single?" Mike asked, stepping closer to me as we walked.

I looked up at him with a confused look on my face.

Mac came and stepped in between us.

"It's not happening, bro. Never. Maybe in your dreams. Wait...not even there would it happen." Mac said with a little bit of menace in his voice.

"Mac..." I said in a warning tone.

Mac stepped forward a step and Mike stumbled backwards.

"You got that?" Mac asked.

Mike could only nod his head in agreement.

I pulled on Mac's arm because he was causing a scene.

Mac, don't you have to go to class?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'm going. I'll see you at lunch, Cal." Mac said turning his back on Mike to give me a hug.

I nodded.

He turned back to Mike.

"You better watch yourself. I got eyes all over this school. I'd be on you faster than you could say 'ouch'." Mac said with the threat evident in his voice.

Mike nodded again and my cousin started his walk to class.

Mike stayed rooted to the spot.

"Hey Mike. Sorry about that. Mac is a tid bit overprotective. And by the way, I am in no way shape or form going out with my cousin or any other family members." I said with a laugh, trying to lighten the mood.

Mike finally cracked and he laughed.

"You know you're funny. You kind of remind me of Bella." Mike said.

"Who's Bella?" I asked just as I got to the door of my next class.

"Well, you see---," He started, but then the bell rang.

"I'll see you at lunch Cynthia." Mike said walking off to his class.

"Alright, bye." I said.

I was late, yet again.

I walked into class, introduced myself, then took my seat.

Spanish dragged on, but I met some new people.

Jessica, who I found out was in my Algebra II class next period, started talking to me.

And my oh my could she talk.

I didn't mind much cause it took some of the pressure off of me.

I also met this guy named Eric in my Algebra II class.

He was a little too friendly for my liking.

'I really hope he doesn't act like that in front of Mac and Chino. I wouldn't want anyone going to the hospital so early in the morning.' I thought to myself.

Angela was a girl in my government class, even though she was really quiet and I didn't get to know her that well I could tell she was just gonna be one of those really cool and trustworthy friends.

She would steer the conversation away from me whenever she thought I was uncomfortable.

I heard 3 more times that I reminded everyone of this girl named Bella.

It was really starting to get on my nerves.

When the bell rang, setting us free to go to lunch, I walked with my new group of friends to the cafeteria.

I laughed and joked with them on the way there and while we were waiting in line.

When I reached the end of the lunch line I stood there and looked around.

"Hey, Cal. Over here." I heard Mac yell.

I turned and saw him sitting at a table that was almost empty.

I walked over to him and sat down.

"Mac, I didn't know you were a loner." I said sarcastically with a smile playing at my lips.

"Shut up. My friends are all at the back of the line, Chino's on his way too." Mac said.

I looked around the small cafeteria and my eyes stayed glued on one side of the lunch room.

At the farthest corner of the cafeteria there were 5 people sitting at a table.

All of them had trays full of food, none of them were eating.

That wasn't it though.

They were all remarkably beautiful.

I mean these people would put angels to shame.

There were 3 boys and 2 girls.

The oldest looking boy was really huge.

His arm was almost half as wide as I was.

He had a huge smile on his face and it made him look a little less scary.

The next one was a blonde and looked lean but still muscular.

The youngest one had a head full of disheveled bronze hair.

Sitting next to his brawny brother he looked pretty scrawny.

But man he's cute.

The two girls, one of them was blonde and even though she was sitting down I could tell that she was absolutely perfect.

The last one was really small looking, almost like an elf.

She had short spiky hair and was holding hands with the blonde guy.

They all had these purplish bruise-like shadows under their eyes.

Like they'd gotten injuries to their noses and were in recovery.

It was a little weird cause they were also very pale.

Not just the pale you get from living in a town that rarely gets sunshine, but deathly pale.

"Those are the Cullen's." Mac said.

I snapped my head back toward him.

"What?" I asked.

"Those people over there. Emmett, Alice and Edward Cullen. The blonde and the babe are twins. Jasper and Rosalie Hale." He said looking dreamily at the girl named Rosalie.

"Well if you like her so much why don't you go and talk to her?" I questioned.

"And get killed by her gorilla like boyfriend? No thanks. She goes out with the big one. Emmett. Alice, the little one, goes out with Jasper, the other blonde. The messy haired one is Edward. Every girl in school drools over him. I don't see why. He isn't any better looking then me." Mac said, slightly pouting.

"Of course he isn't Macky." I said pinching his cheek like I was an old relative.

My group of friends came up and sat down.

"I see you've noticed the Cullen's." Jessica said.

"Yeah. It's kinda hard not to, don't you think?" I asked her.

I looked back and this time my gaze fell on the bronze haired one.

The one Mac said was name Edward.

He wasn't looking at any one in particular or talking but deep in his face he looked really sad.

'How could someone so beautiful look so sad? It should be a crime.' I said to myself.

"So what's the story about the Cullen's?" I asked turning back to my group.

"What makes you think there's a story?" Mike asked.

"Well,maybe because no one is sitting with them. Cause whenever you guys talk about them you guys whisper really low as if they could somehow here you even though your on the other side of a very noisy cafeteria." I said.

Everyone just looked at me with wide eyes.

I just smiled innocently.

"Callie has always been a sneaky, perceptive little thing." Mac said with a laugh.

"Ok, there is a story. It has to do with that girl you remind everyone of. Bella." Mike said.

"If one more person says I remind them of that girl I swear I'm gonna punch something." I said frustrated.

Everyone looked at me with shocked expressions.

"Chill, Cal. We all know you're prettier than that Bella girl." Chino said with laugh as he sat down at the table with a few of his friends.

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"That's not what I meant and you know it." I said.
"Well, anyway. This girl named Bella moved down here a year ago to live with her dad." Mike started.

"Yeah, everyone was really excited because we hardly ever get any new students here. But she was like immediately drawn to the Cullen's for some weird reason." Jessica said.

"She was not!" Mike yelled.

"Mike had a thing for her, but she only saw him as a friend." Angela whispered to me.

"Oh." I said.

'Now it all makes sense.' I thought.

"Oh get off it Mike. She was too. So, anyway. It was weird cause at first it seemed like Edward was trying to stay away from her but then one day they started eating lunch together and he'd walk her to each class. He even started picking her up and dropping her off at school." Jessica said, her voice betraying a little jealousy that she was trying to hide.

Me and Angela smiled slyly at each other.

"So they started going out for like 6 months and out of no where he tells Bella that he's moving away with his family cause his dad got offered a new job. His dad works at the town hospital." Jessica said.

"Bella got really depressed when he left. She wouldn't talk to anyone and she wouldn't eat anything. She looked so weak and like she was trying her hardest just to make it through each day. It was really sad. I didn't know what to do and it made me feel so useless." Angela said.

She looked really sad for a minute.

I put my hand on her shoulder and she looked up at me and smiled, showing me her appreciation.

"She started hanging out with this guy from La Push. Jacob." Mike said sounding very bitter.

I coughed to cover up my laugh.

"What's La Push?" I asked.

"It's an Indian reservation about 15 miles from here." Mac told me.

"She started getting better. She was talking to us again and she started looking healthy again. Alive." Jessica said.

I looked over at the Cullen's table. They were all looking at Edward with sympathetic looks on their faces.

I turned my gaze to Edward who looked like he was frowning, almost as if he could hear what we were saying and he didn't want to hear it all over again.

"So the Cullen's moved back. Something about Mrs. Cullen not liking the new town. Everyone thought Bella would take Edward back, especially Edward. But she told him that she didn't love him anymore and that she was in love with Jacob. She was going to go and live with him and go to school in La Push." Jessica said.

My mouth dropped open out of shock.

"What a bitch. That's a little harsh don't you think?" I asked.

Everyone just stared at me.

"You guys, sorry I should've warned you before. I'm a very out spoken person and I say what I think. I don't hold anything back and I'm brutally honest. You guys should get used to my little out bursts now cause there gonna happen a lot." I said.

Mac and Chino just smiled because they already knew all of this.

"So no one's told me. Why doesn't anyone talk to them?" I asked.

No one said anything.

"They're just really weird." Jessica said.

" let me get this straight. You guys have never really talked to them?" I asked.


That's a no.

"So you guys don't know anything about them except what you guys have been told and what you see." I said.

Again with the silence.

"Well I'm gonna go and introduce myself." I said standing up.

"What?!" Everyone but Mac, Chino and Angela said at once.

"I'm gonna go and say hi. Everyone else knows me so why not them? I don't judge people by what others say about them. I'll make my own observations and see if I like them or not." I said starting to walk towards their table.

"Callie, wait." Mike said.

"Oh, come on. They're not gonna bite me." I said.

"They might want to. She's so hot." One of Mac's friends said.

"Dude, that's my cousin. She's off limits." Chino said.

"Sorry, bro. I'm just saying." He muttered.

"Well next time, keep your thoughts to yourself and away from my little cousin." Chino said with authority in his voice.

His friend just nodded.

As I walked towards the Cullen's table I felt all eyes on my back.

I looked around at the noisy cafeteria that had suddenly gone silent.

"You know, if you're gonna stare at someone at least don't be so obvious about it." I said in an annoyed tone.

Everyone turned back to their own table and I kept walking until I reached the table.

All of the Cullen's had different expressions on their faces.

Emmett looked amused, Rosalie seemed to be annoyed, Jasper looked...I don't know, like he was in pain, and Alice looked curious while Edward looked frustrated.

"Hi, I'm Callie Martinez. I just moved here and wanted to come and introduce myself." I said with a friendly smile.

Alice smiled hugely in response.

"Hi, I'm Alice Cullen. Nice to meet you." She said sticking her hand out to me.

I shook her hand.

'Geez .... that's really cold.' I said to myself.

"Likewise. You're hands are pretty cold, you alright?" I asked her with genuine concern in my voice.

I looked around the table again as they exchanged glances.

"Oh, yes. I'm fine. Thank you for asking." Alice said with another smile.

"No problem." I said.

I looked at all of the other Cullen's and they just looked right back at me.

It kind of made me wanna laugh.

"Sorry. We're not used to this. This is my brother Edward." Alice said nudging the guy sitting next to her.

I stuck my hand out to him. He just looked at it for a minute.

"You know, it's only polite to shake someone's hand if they stick it out in front of you." I said.

Everyone at the table giggled a little.

Even Edward was struggling to keep the sides of his mouth from going up.

He grabbed my hand and shook it.

"Edward." He said.

"Cynthia. Nice to meet you." I said.

Edward just nodded.

"Please, sit down." Alice said.

"Thanks." I said trying to ignore all of the looks that the rest of her family was giving her.

I took the empty seat and continued on with my introductions.

"I'm Jasper." The blonde next to Alice said.

I put my hand out.

He looked at my hand warily and side glanced at Alice, she nodded slightly and he shook my hand.

Well, he more of touched it and then let my hand go.

"Jasper, what an interesting name." I said to him as he smiled.

"Thank you. You do smell, very good." He sort of purred.

I laughed a little bit not really knowing how to respond to that.

"Thanks." I said with a laugh as I noticed Jasper jump like someone kicked him under the table.

He quickly turned his head away from me and took a deep breath.

I looked at the breath taking blonde.

"And you must be Rosalie, right?" I asked.

I put my hand out.

"That's right." She said shaking my hand quickly.

"My cousin thinks you're hot, by the way." I said.

She smirked in a condescending way.

"Who's you're cousin?" She asked.

"Mac Razo." I said pointing to him.

She rolled her eyes.

"I know what you mean. I do that a lot whenever I'm around him." I said laughing.

"I didn't know you guys were cousins." Alice said.

"Yeah, I know. He failed to mention that when he was telling everyone about me." I said grudgingly.

They all looked at me weird.

"I don't like it when he tells people about me. It makes me feel really weird and I don't like the spotlight on me. It makes me do stupid things." I told them.

They nodded in understanding.

I finally turned to Emmett, who still had a huge smile on his face.

"You saved the best for last." He said with a booming laugh.

"You know it." I said laughing with him.

"I'm Emmett. It's a pleasure to meet you." He said shaking my hand.

His seemed to completely swallow my small hand.

"The pleasures all mine." I said.

"You know, you're ballsy. I like that." He said with a chuckle.

"Well I've heard it once or twice ... or a hundred." I said.

They all chuckled this time.

"You know. No one really has the courage to come up and talk to us. You're the first." Alice said.

I instantly thought of Bella.

"So I've heard. I really don't see why. You guys seem cool to me." I said.

"People can't get comfortable with people they don't understand." Edward said and I looked over at him.

"On the contrary, I think the people you can't understand are even more interesting." I said.

Our eyes stayed locked for a couple of seconds and his golden eyes seemed to see everything.

I broke the staring contest just as the bell rung.

I slowly stood up.

"It was great to meet you all." I said.

"Same here. Come and sit with us whenever you want." Alice said.

I smiled at her.

"Thanks. Same offer, you guys come and sit with us whenever you want." I said.

All of their beautiful faces creased.

"What? Who died?" I asked.

They all chuckled as if they knew I joke I had missed out on.

"I don't know if you're friends would like that." Edward said in a some what superior voice.

"Well you guys are my friends too. So they need to get used to you. Besides people can't get used to change until it starts happening. So you guys come and sit with me if you want to. If anyone has something to say, they can deal with me. I'll see you guys later." I said turning and walking away.

"I like her." I heard Emmett say.

"Me too." Alice said.

I smiled to myself and got my book bag from Mac who was waiting for me.

"Thanks, cuz." I said.

"How'd it go?" Mike asked walking up behind Mac.

"Horribly. They were so rude and smelled nasty." I said.

"I told you." Mike said.

"I was joking. I honestly don't know why you guys don't like them. They're really nice." I said walking out of the cafeteria with Mike on my heels.

"I have Chemistry with you." Mike said.

"Oh, cool." I said.

"So does Cullen." Mike added reluctantly.

"Sweet. More talk time." I added just so I could see the look on Mike's face as he scowled.

"Lighten up Mike. You have to get over Bella sometime." I said walking into class and up to the teacher.

He signed my paper and sent me to the only empty desk in the classroom.

I sat down and pulled out my notebook.

I started drawing on it until I heard the chair next to me move.

I looked up and saw Edward sitting next to me.

"Hey Edward. What a coincidence." I said with a smile.

He didn't even acknowledge that I was speaking to him.

My temper started flaring so I just clamped my mouth shut and turned back forward.

'Just breathe Callie. You don't need to get suspended on your first day because Edward Cullen is bipolar.' I said to myself and took a deep breathe to calm myself down.

The class dragged on and on but finally it ended.

Edward got up and was to the door before anyone else.

I shook my head and stood up.

"I thought you were all chummy with Cullen now. Why didn't he talk to you?" Mike asked with a satisfied look on his face and I scowled at him.

"Maybe he's not feeling good." I said.

"Right." Mike said.

I walked to my next class which was Gym.

I just so happened to have that one with Mike as well.

I didn't have to dress because I didn't have any gym clothes yet.

I may not be the worst person at sports but I was certainly not the best either.

That class flew by fast and I ducked out as soon as the bell rang.

I pulled my hood back on as I walked to Chino's car.

I stopped when I got to the lot and my eyes scanned the entire place again.

I looked at the empty space and then at Edward's Volvo.

I remembered that we had parked next to it.

I stood there with my hands on my hips.

"What the hell!" I heard Mac yell from behind me.

I turned to face him.

"Did you know he was leaving early?" I asked.

"Hell no. Do you think I would still be here if I knew he was leaving?" He said.

"Good point. This is just great. Now we're walking." I said throwing my hands up in the air.

I looked around and saw all of the Cullen's coming towards the lot.

'Oh crap. I don't want to ask for a ride after Edward was being a complete ass in class.' I thought to myself I laughed a little bit at my rhyme.

The Cullen's stopped next to us.

"What's going on Callie?" Alice asked me.

Someone walked up behind me before I got a chance to answer.

"Hey Callie. Your cousin asked me to give you a ride home. He wasn't feel too good so he left early." Mike said standing next to me.

He gave me a big smile that I didn't return.

"I thought we could maybe go to dinner before I drop you off at home." Mike said hopefully.

I frowned and I heard Edward, Jasper and Emmett all start coughing to hide their silent laughs.

I turned to look at them and narrowed my eyes at them.

They stopped laughing real fast and I turned back to Mike.

"If you knew about this why didn't you tell me about it in Gym?" I asked.

"Well, I was going to surprise you." Mike said smiling sheepishly.

I again didn't smile.

"Mission accomplished." I said.

"Well, come on. You can forget about your dinner with Callie. But if you're giving us a ride home, let's go." Mac said, he was ready to go home.

"Ummm, he didn't say anything about you." Mike said.

"Maybe he thought you'd have the sense to know that he would be going with her seeing as they live in the same house." Rosalie said with a laugh.

Mike wasn't really paying much attention because Mac was now standing in front of him.

"If you're taking Callie, you're taking me. No way in hell am I leaving her alone with you." Mac said fuming.

"You know what? I---," I started but was interrupted.

"Mike, we already offered Callie and Mac a ride home." Alice said.

We all turned to look at Alice, especially the Cullen's.

"Callie, is that true?" Mike asked.

I smiled at Alice and she just grinned at me.

"Yeah. She offered. But thanks anyway." I said smiling at Mike.

He looked down and then walked away.

"Oh my gosh. I owe you big time. There's no way I wanted him knowing where I live." I said.

"No problem. It's the least I could do." Alice said.

"Alice, you shouldn't have offered. We don't have any extra room." Edward said.

I looked at Edward.

"Alice, if it's a problem I'm sure Mike would still be willing to give us a ride." I said trying to keep the anger from my voice.

Mac rubbed my shoulder.

"Breathe, Cal." He whispered in my ear.

I took a deep breath and exhaled.

Edward seemed to shake and he moved a step away from me.

"It's fine Callie. Don't mind Edward, he's just hungry. You know men and food." Alice said with a wink.

"Oh, yeah. I know that." I said with a bitter tone.

"Look it's simple. Rose will sit on Emmett's lap, I on Jasper's, and Cynthia on Mac's." Alice said.

"Alright, let's get out of here." Mac said.

Emmett and Jasper got in, then Rosalie and Alice.

They closed the seat and Mac sat down.

"Come on princess, we don't have all day." Mac said.

"You're such a charmer, Mac." I said sitting in his lap.

He closed the door and Edward sped off out of the parking lot.

I was used to fast drivers , hell I was one, but I was usually in a normal seat, so I clutched on to Mac.

He held on to me tightly so I wouldn't slide around too much.

It seemed to me like Edward was doing it on purpose just to annoy me.

"What was up with Mike today? Is he always like that?" I asked trying to distract myself so I wouldn't kill Edward.

"He's always been weird." Jasper said with a laugh.

"But he's extra weird to the ones he likes." Emmett said.

"Come on. He's known me for all of 8 hours." I said.

"He's fallen a lot faster." Edward said.

I side glanced at him and he was looking at me.

I quickly looked away.

"Yeah, you know that Be--," Mac said.

I elbowed him in the stomach before he could finish and he coughed.

"Uh, I mean, Mike needs to back the hell off or he's gonna get his ass kicked." Mac said.

"Oh, please. I am more than capable of taking care of myself." I said with a huff.

"It doesn't matter how many fights you've won. We still have to watch out for you." Mac said.

"I don't care what you say. I'll tell Chino myself, I don't want you guys hovering over me all the time. I can handle myself." I said.

"You know, being cocky never helped anyone." Edward said with a smirk.

I turned and faced Edward full on, he stayed smirking while I scowled at him.

"I guess you would know all about that, wouldn't you? You're almost the cockiest person I've ever met." I said to him.

He just smirked wider and breathed on my face.

The weird aroma made me want to move closer to him and that didn't help it only made me madder.

I started balling up my fists.

"Hey, look at that. We're home. Thanks for the ride." Mac said getting out of the car and carrying me with him.

"See you tomorrow." Mac yelled.

"Thanks." I grumbled as Mac ran with me in his arms towards the house.

I looked back and Edward was still smirking.

I tried to squirm out of Mac's arms but he held me tight.

"Oh no you don't. Why do you have to be mean to anyone who tries to be nice to you?" He asked me.

"Just one punch, come on. It won't hurt him ... much." I said.

"You know, I'm starting to think you like him." Mac said setting me down on the steps.

I smacked him in the arm really hard.

"Ow. Don't deny it." Mac said laughing while he rubbed his arm.

He turned and started unlocking the door.

"You can't deny something that doesn't exist." I said walking inside the house.