Status: (: Edward Cullen Story Re-Written! :)

Undisclosed Desires

: Familiar Feelings :

Edward's POV

I weaved through the road even faster then usual.

That new girl, Callie is very particular.

First off, she's a new student here.

HERE of all the places in the world.

Second, I can't hear her thoughts.

Just like Be--, her.

It's still hard for me to think of her.

And just that, when Mac almost mentioned her, I didn't even blink because I was too busy thinking of Callie.

Trying to figure out what exactly it was that she was thinking today.

She smells so good.

I thought Be---, she,was the best smelling human to walk this earth, but she doesn't smell half as good as Cynthia.

She's so beautiful and---.

'No, no. no! You can't be falling for her! She's only been here a day for heavens sake. I was already hurt once and I'm not going to let it happen again.' I thought to myself.

Her smell is so much stronger a pull than that of Bella's.

I felt myself cringe.

Yet I can still resist and not take her like I want to.

I have to find a way to distance myself from her.

It doesn't help one bit that every one of my siblings find it so amusing that Callie is fascinating to me.

They just want me to move on and be happy, but it's absolutely none of their business whom I do it with.

Not with Callie, especially not her.

And as if I summoned her, a picture pops into my mind.

I remember how strong her scent hit me when she took a deep breath.

I inhale deeply as if I could somehow catch her scent.

"Thinking about Callie, are you?" Alice asked in an amused voice.

"Don't be ridiculous." I said, shaking my head.

"Oh come on, Edward. You have to admit, she isn't like anyone else in Forks." Alice said.

I scoffed.

"Yeah, how many new students come and talk to the outcasts of the school on the first day?" Emmett asked with a laugh.

"She did smell very nice." Jasper said dreamily.

'Edward and Callie sitting in a tree. K-I-S-S' Emmett chanted in his mind.

"Shut up, Emmett. I can hear you!" I growled.

That only made him laugh harder.

I tried to concentrate on the road but they were making it extremely hard.

'This is great. Now we have another human in our lives. Another Bella to drive Edward away and rip our family ap---' Rosalie thought and then cut short and looked at me.

My eyes were narrowed into slits.

I could see Rosalie tremble.

And she does not scare easily.

"Edward, I---," Rosalie started.

"Don't worry Rosalie. I won't let another human come in and, how did you put it? Rip our family apart?" I said in a cold voice.

Sometimes I can't believe inconsiderate and obnoxious my sister can be.

"Rosalie, you didn't." Alice gasped, shaking her head.

"No, Alice. Really, she's right. For once. I'm going to go up to Callie tomorrow and tell her we can't be friends. Then there won't be any danger for us. Is that alright with you, Rosalie?" I asked before I got out of the car that was now parked in our garage.

Rosalie didn't say anything just stared at her hands in her lap.

"It's okay, baby. I know you didn't mean it." I heard Emmett murmur to Rosalie.

I shook my head in disgust.

I already heard Alice's thoughts.

She planned on telling Esme and Carlisle all about Callie and the events of the day.

That's just great.

More questions, more concerns, more doubts over my judgement.

I sat at my piano and began to play, letting all the noise and stress of the day slip away and into the music.

As much as I hate to admit it, Callie never once left my mind.