Status: (: Edward Cullen Story Re-Written! :)

Undisclosed Desires

: Bad Dreams :

Callie's POV

Callie's POV

As I laid in bed that night, I couldn't stop thinking about why Edward was acting so weird towards me today.

He was fine when we were at the lunch table.

Well, sort of.

Then in Chemistry he was like a stone.

Cold and silent.

Completely ignoring me and acting as if I didn't exist.

As if I didn't faze him in the least.

As if I wasn't important enough for his notice.

I hate to admit it, but it stings.

It brought back old feelings of sorrow and depression that I would rather forget.

Different scenarios played in my mind as to how I would ask him what his problem was.

Most of them were violent, which wasn't a good thing.

I had a bit of a temper and it never ended well.

Mostly for the person my anger was aimed at.

And in this case, that is Edward Cullen.

Stupid jerk.

Doesn't he have any manners?

I mean, what the hell is his problem?

I've been sweet as peach since I met him.

And now he's going to give me the cold shoulder?

I huffed loudly.

He'll hear what I have to say tomorrow.

Believe you me.

He's not going to leave until I say my peace.

I fell asleep still thinking about it.

I dreamed it was really cold.

Bone-chilling cold.

I felt myself shiver and I wanted to wake up and cover myself, but I was caught in a dream.

And a weird one at that.

I felt myself moving, almost as if I was floating.

I heard the pounding of feet and I turned to see what the noise was.

My eyes widened.

It was me.

And my parents.

I was walking down some street with them, my hands tightly clutched between theirs.

I looked about seven years old.

I cringed at the realization.

I was seven years old when my parents were murdered.

In my dream I watched myself walking to our car with my mom and dad.

It was already dark and it had started to rain.

I couldn't feel the rain splashing against me, but I wrapped my arms around myself, still feeling the cold air hitting against my bare skin.

"Oh, shoot. I forgot my purse." My mom said.

"We'll all go back and look for it." My dad said.

"No, I'm fine. I'll just be a minute. Take Cal to the car so she doesn't catch a cold." My mom said rubbing my head.

I smiled up at her and she gave me a wink.

She was so beautiful.

"Hurry back." My dad said giving her a kiss.

She blushed and started running back to the restaurant we were just at.

She ran right past my dream self, I reached out, wanting to touch her, but it passed right through her.

She seemed to shiver and clutch her arms around herself.

I felt tears burning my eyes.

My mommy.

I took in a deep breath and turned back to watch my dad and younger self.

"Come on, sweetie pie. We'll wait for Mommy in the car." My dad said picking me up and running toward our car across the street.

I laughed because my dad still treated me like a four year old.

I smiled as my dad bent over and set me in the back seat, dropping a kiss on my forehead.

My younger self grinned widely.

I lifted a shaking hand to my forehead, wanting to feel the warmth of the kiss my father placed on my head so many years ago.

But the warmth was gone.

And the realization almost brought me to my knees.

He was just closing the back door when we heard a loud scream.

My dad's head whipped around quickly as did mine.

The only thing I saw was my mother's legs kicking as she was dragged back into an alley.

"Stay in the car," I heard my dad yell, racing across the street.

My dad ran passed me and I saw the top of my seven year old head through the back window.

It was covered with the continuous flow of rain and I doubt I could see anything through it.

I saw the door open slowly, and little Callie poked her head out.

When she didn't see anyone, she stepped out of the car.

"What are you doing?!" I yelled to myself.

But little Callie didn't hear.

And she made her way down towards the alley.

I felt myself shaking.

This is not a good idea.

I quietly walked next to little Callie, wanting to stay close and see what she saw.

To see if it would trigger a memory of sorts.

It was really dark and I couldn't see a thing.

I doubt she could either.

All I could hear was this gulping sound and loud groans.

And I wanted to yank my younger self out of here.

I continued on into the alley and saw my parents lying side by side on the ground.

I gasped, my hands going up to cover my mouth.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Little Callie yelled, running to their sides.

I kneeled next to them with her, and they weren't moving.

"No, no, no." I cried.

They were so pale and when little Callie reached out and touched them, she shrank back.

I reached out to touch them but my hands went right through them.

I yelled in frustration.

"Please, wake up." Little Callie pleaded, tears streaming down her small face.

They didn't move and that made her cry even harder.

I felt the tears sliding down my own cheeks.

This is a memory I could've done without.

I was too preoccupied on my parents and little Callie to see the pale figure all of a sudden appear right next to her.

Where the hell did he come from?

"Don't worry, kid. You can come with me. I'll take care of you." A smooth voice said to little Callie.

I shrunk away from him, not wanting to hear his voice.

It echoed through my head but little Callie stayed right by our parents.

"I don't want you! I want my mom and dad!" Little Callie yelled at him.

Brave little kid.

"Oh, they don't want you anymore. I took them out of their misery. They're lives will be much more fun now." He told me.

He put his hand out to her.

She shook her head.

'Took them out of their misery?' I thought to myself.

His hand was right in Callie's face.

It was just as pale as my parents now were.

She turned her back on him, her eyes on our parents.

My eyes widened when little Callie was thrown against a wall so fast, I didn't register how it happened.

"You don't have a choice." He growled at her.

She shrank back at the force in his voice.

I moved against the wall next to her, and the only thing I could see were his blood red eyes.

I wanted to scream, I wanted to shout, and it surprised me that my younger self was quiet.

He was leaning closer to little Callie's face and she was cringing against the wall.

Just then a cop car pulled up and she fell to the ground, whimpering.

"I'll be seeing you, kid." The voice said.

I watched little Callie crawl over to our parents pale and unmoving bodies.

"Mommy, Daddy, please wake up." She cried.

I felt my throat tighten at the amount of pain in her voice.

In my voice.

They didn't move, and my breath got stuck in my throat.

Little Callie picked up my dad's hand and squeezed it tightly against her chest with my moms.

All of a sudden my father and mother started moving.

Convulsing really.

My mother let out a blood curling scream and her hand squeezed Little Callie's so tightly, she cried out in pain.

I felt my owns hands throbbing and they were clenched into tight fists, my knuckles white and protruding.

Little Callie tried to pry her hands out of my mothers, but she was squeezing too tightly.

Her eyes were rolling to the back of her head and her whole body was shaking.

I felt my back hit a wall at the sight.

This couldn't be happening.

It was still pouring rain and my mother was choking on all of the water accumulating in her mouth.

"Mommy! Mommy please!" Little Callie cried.

But she didn't let go of her hand.

I screamed when my mother sprung up and her eyes were blood red.

She didn't look at my father, still laying motionless next to her, or to Little Callie, who's hand she still gripped.

She looked right at me cringing against the wall.

A menacing smile I'd never seen before graced her face, and then she licked her lips.

I screamed.

I jerked awake and I was gasping and completely covered in sweat.

"It was just a dream. It was just a dream." I chanted, trying to convince myself.