Status: (: Edward Cullen Story Re-Written! :)

Undisclosed Desires

: The "Big" Talk :

The next day at school seemed to pass by pretty quickly.

I didn't realize the day was almost over until lunch time came around.

I walked towards the cafeteria with Mike, Jessica, Eric and Angela.

Well, there were a few more people with us.

Unfortunately, those were the only ones I knew by heart.

There were way too many people to keep track of.

Honestly, I didn't have the energy or attention span to try and figure it out today.

It seemed like everyday I was meeting someone new.

I just couldn't keep up.

On the walk we made small talk and I tried to clear things up with Mike.

"You know, Mike. I wanted to apologize about yesterday. I was just really frustrated with my cousin for leaving, but you didn't deserve the attitude I gave you. I'm sorry." I said.

"It's cool. I understand. I'll give you a ride anytime you want. Maybe we can even go to a movie or something." Mike said hopefully.

My smile faltered a little bit, and I tried to keep it up.


I didn't want to lead him on.

"Yeah, you know we could all go as a group. That would be really fun. Good thinking Mike." I complimented him with a pat on the arm.

Crisis averted.

Well, hopefully.

I walked to the table and Mac was already sitting down.

I waved at the Cullen's before I sat down.

"Hey, Big Mac. What's up? You've been a little quiet today. You okay?" I asked him.

He pointed to his throat.

"I'm losing my voice." He whispered in a raspy voice.

"Uh, that sucks. I know how much you love to talk." I said with a sweet smile.

He laughed a little and lightly nudged me.

Everyone started sitting down and for a couple minutes we all just talked amongst each other.

It suddenly went quiet and me and Mac looked around at them.

"What's wrong?" I asked, confused at the dead silence.

They were all looking at me and I started wiping at my face, thinking I might have ketchup on my chin or something.

It took me a minute to realize they were looking behind my head.

I turned around and standing behind me where Alice, Emmett, and Jasper.

"Hey! Come on, sit down." I said with a huge smile.

I was so glad they took my offer to come and sit with us.

They all took seats around me and I couldn't help but grin.

"Everyone, I assume you all know Alice, Emmett and Jasper." I said pointing them out.

Alice, Emmett and Jasper all waved to everyone.

"I told them they could sit with us." I said.

Mac leaned forward and put his fist out to Emmett.

Emmett smacked his fist and then Jasper did the same with Mac.

I tried not to laugh as I saw Mac open and close his fist a few times.

I sent a wink Emmett's way and he smiled widely.

"Hi Alice, Jasper and Emmett. I'm Angela." Angela said in a brave but quiet voice.

I smiled at her.

"Nice to meet you, Angela."


"What's up?" Alice, Jasper and Emmett responded.

"You used to hang out with Bella, didn't you?" Alice asked.

The conversation just sort of took off after that.

I smiled and leaned back in my chair.

It was definitely a little awkward at first.

But the ice broke after a few minutes of conversation between the Cullen's and the rest of the table.

I don't know why everyone avoids them like the plague.

Not only are they easy on the eyes, but they are interesting on top of that.

I turned around and saw Edward and Rosalie still sitting at their usual table.

I raised an eyebrow and Edward rolled his eyes.

He tries to seem like such a tough guy.

I smiled and turned back around.

After ten minutes of casual talk Alice started shaking her head.

"Oh, no." She said in a low voice.

I leaned towards her.

"What's the matter, Alice?" I asked in a concerned voice.

She didn't say anything and then I felt a tap on my shoulder.

I turned around and Edward was standing there.

"Can I have a word?" He asked.

"You already have." I said with a smirk on my face.

His forehead wrinkled and I could tell he was already getting impatient.

Mission accomplished.

I love pushing his buttons.

He makes it so easy.

"In private." He clarified.

"Why didn't you say so?" I said sarcastically.

I stood up slowly.

Mac cleared his throat and Chino looked up and saw me and Edward about to walk away.

They both started getting up.

"I don't think so." I said pushing Mac back down.

I took in a deep breath and calmed myself a bit.

"Boys, do you remember that talk we had yesterday?" I asked them.

I looked at Chino and he sat back down.

"I'll be back." I told them both.

Edward started walking towards the cafeteria exit.

I followed since I didn't know where we were going anyway.

He opened the door for me and we stepped outside.

I stopped folding my arms across my chest as the cold air hit me.

"Alright, what do you have to tell me that is such a secret you had to bring me out into the cold?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest.

Edward turned to face me.

"We're not talking." He said.

"Yeah I know. If you would hurry up and get on with it, I could go back inside to the warm cafeteria." I said.

"No, we're not going to talk." He said again.

I was instantly confused.

"It's kind of hard for you to tell me something if we're not talking, don't you think?" I asked.

"That's what I had to tell you. We will no longer be talking." He said.

"Yeah, cause we did so much of that before." I said in a sarcastic tone.

"So. Do we have an agreement?" He asked me.

I didn't answer.

"Yes? No?" Edward asked.

I again didn't answer him.

"Are you going to answer me?" He asked in a frustrated tone.

I shook my head.

"And why not?" He asked.

"Cause we're not talking, remember?" I asked him.

"Ugh. You are so frustrating!" He yelled.

"What! I'm frustrating?! How so? I'm just doing exactly what you said. Not talking to you!!" I yelled back.

"You could've at least answered me. And since when do you ever listen to anyone?" Edward asked.

"Why would I answer you? We're not talking. How are you going to come up to someone and tell them, before you've even had a real conversation, that you're not going to talk to that person anymore? What is wrong with you?" I asked.

Edward breathed out heavily.

"It's just better this way. Trust me." He said pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Why would I do that? I don't even know you. And just to give you a heads up, I don't like people doing things they think are in my best interest, if you hadn't already noticed." I said.

"So you don't think you need anybody's help?" Edward asked.

"I've done fine without it so far." I said.

"Fine. I'll let you find things out the hard way from now on, you stubborn, hard-headed girl!" Edward spat.

"Fine!" I yelled, jerking my head towards him.

"Fine!" Edward yelled, doing the same.

Our faces were now just inches away from each other and we were looking into each others eyes.

He breathed in my face and I almost leaned in to take a whiff.

Man he smells good.

The bell rang and people came rushing out of the cafeteria and I turned my back on Edward and went inside to get my stuff.

I marched on to class and ignored Edward as much as he ignored me.

The rest of the day thankfully past by quickly.

I enjoyed the rest of my day as much as possible.

I had fun in Gym and on the walk out I said hi to all of the Cullen's except Edward.

I got home, cooked dinner, did my homework.

We watched a little bit of TV and then we all went to bed.

I slept a dreamless night, for which I was thankful.