Always Yours

Rusher's POV

Like I said this chapter will have a recap for the first 3 chapter in rushers POV. It will introduce new information and also show you his feelings and such. But any way on with the chapter.


Chapter 1- Rusher's POV.

I was sitting in the hall next to her locker waiting as always. I think its going on 8 years now that I have been secretly following her every movement in life. We started school the same year clear back in pre-school. Ainsley Grace was perfect, her long golden blonde hair. The honey highlights that shine brightly in the sunlight. She had pouty pale pink lips, oh and the way she smiles is like heaven just sent you a present from god himself. Her brilliant eyes that never lost their sparkle. And her cute nose with the ever so slight upturn. She was the exact image of perfection to a T. of course she's never noticed me, or any other male for that fact. But I still had hope. I kept my head down so no one would notice me frantically looking for her. She was always late but never this late.

I was just about to get up and look for her outside when she walked in. she went right to her locker looking pissed and distracted. I noticed that she kept glancing over at me. Maybe she thought I was weird. Nah she probably figured out I stalk her. Damn now I would have to give up. I heard her sigh ever so quietly; I looked up at her and saw her eyes change from distant to almost frantic. She looked at me taking in my entire being. In those few shorts moments I felt privileged. She was looking at me REALLY looking. I was going to look away but she talked.

"Your names rusher right? You’ve had every class with me since middle school right?" she asked slightly manic.

I gave her a funny look. Why did she care, she never spoke to me before. Hell what do I care she’s talking to me.

"Yea my name is rusher, and it was pre-school we had class's together" I told her trying very hard not to blush.

"Oh well, tell me rusher. What is it life for you at home? I know it seems personal, but I would really like to know." she said. I was shocked she was asking about my home life? What the fuck was this? Well what harm could it do telling her? Maybe she’s going to ask me to run off with her or something. HAH! Yea right and i'm an octopus monkey.

"Its not anything like it should be. My dad and I don’t get along and my mom is usually too weak to care. Why do you care?" I told her, now that I said it I felt a little off.

"Well my life sucks as well. My dad is sick and he beats me and so do my brothers. Every one is always on drugs and my mom is never home. I’m leaving it all behind today. Would you like to go with me? I have everything we would need. Although if you have any money you might bring it." she said rather quickly looking around.


Chapter 2- Rushers POV

I had to really keep my self in check. My jaw almost fell open. Me and her? Run away? Holy shit I wasn’t serious when I thought she would ask! I quickly jumped up and ran to the janitor’s closet. I had been keeping a duffel bag and a LOT of money here for just in case. I grabbed all my self and walked back over to her.

"Ok I’m ready let’s go" I was so high on this new adventure.

I began to walk to the parking lot. I was about to walk straight to her car but stopped. She did not know I knew anything about her. I pretended to look for her 'unknown' car and let her point me in the right direction.

"Well okay then! Nice to know you're all for this. And to think I thought you would try to talk me out of it," she was saying as I walked a little ahead of her.

Wow she really thought I would stop her? Pfft yea right, and give up my ONLY chance I don’t think so. And I practically told her this as we walked.

"Why would I do that? I want to run away; so do you. Not to mention you're a complete babe and you want ME, of all people, to go. What man in his right mind would try and deny you that?" I told her.

"Oh. Umm, okay, well good to hear I guess. The car is this way," she said, walking to my left as I followed.

We stowed everything away and got in. she started driving and when she pulled down my street I remembered my guitars. I needed them, I told her to pull over and she did. I jumped out before she even fully stopped. I ran in grabbed them and ran out. I didn’t want the love of my life to wait.

I loaded them into the back and got in. I grabbed both because I wanted to teach her all the songs I wrote for her. I knew someday she would be mine and I wanted her to know that I was her's and only her's all along. I was following her for 2 years before I found out about our fate. I have always loved her and always would.

"Okay. Sorry about that... One of them is for you, if you like. I can teach you how to play if you want," I told her as we drove off.

"That would be cool. I never knew you played," she said as we headed west.

"Yes, I play; have since I was about six. I love music. So, where are we going?" I asked her, I never really thought abut where we would go. Of course I already knew but I figured it would be best to play dumb. Eventually I would be able to tell her everything. Just not yet.

"Well, to Cali. I figure I can find some good work and save enough to fly out to Rome in about a year. I already have a two bedroom apartment rented out and waiting. All we have to do is get jobs and buy what we need for it. Unless you would like to go some place else along the way." she said. I could tell she really did not like the idea of being alone in Cali.

I was not going to let her live in fear. I wouldn’t let her live alone either. I was glad now that I had something to make her feel more secure with bringing me along.

No way! You want to go to Rome? I've dreamt of that place forever... but you know, we won't have to stay in Cali long," I told her. I watched the confusion play over her face. I wanted so bad to kiss her but I held those feelings in. I would kiss her later and I knew I would.

"Why is that? I mean, I didn't bring much money, only $6,000, and that's not enough to fly there and live. Especially after I spend some of it driving to Cali and everything," she said still a little lost. I reached in back to show her just what I meant.

"Well, you may have only brought $6,000, but I brought a little more then that," I said, opening the bag to show her the contents. It was full of cash.

"Holy fucking shit! How much money is in that thing?! How did you get so much?!" she said as happiness crossed her face.

"Well, I've been saving for something like this since I was five. I have almost $50,000 in here, so once you get what ever it is you feel you need in Cali we can fly to Rome," I told her. I was so happy I would be able to share something like this with her. I was so close to kissing her at that moment. I held it in again. I was beginning to doubt my ability to take this trip.

"You're great, Rusher. Really, really great. Umm... but there's a reason I want to go to Rome. I've been researching since I was about 10, and I found out that I was adopted. My real family lives in Rome, and from the stuff I found out... well... I might just be a... “She started but did not finish. I knew what she would say. I let it drop not asking questions. She would tell me in time. But I knew what it was. I’ve known for 6 years now.


Chapter 3 - Rusher's POV

Its been 19 hours now. Neither of us had said much. She was driving the whole time, and I could tell she was beyond tired. I had been waiting for her to ask me to drive. It surprised me that she didn’t. I was about to offer when I seen she was looking for a turn off. I had gone this far before and knew a rest area was up a little farther. So I informed her of it.

"Keep driving for about another 10 minutes. You'll see a little rest area, you can pull in there and I will drive. We can put everything in the trunk and you can crawl back there." I said double checking the map. A hotel would be great I just couldn’t share a room with her. She could sleep and I would drive that would be the best thing.

"Alright, you do have a license right? I don't want to get a ticket if you get pulled over." she was speeding up which proved just how tired she was.

"Yes I do, did you bring a pillow or blanket or anything? Its going to get extremely cold tonight even with the heater on. So you’re probably going to need to bundle up." I told her looking in the back at everything she brought. I did not see a blanket.

"Shit now I didn't grab anything like that. I was late for school and in a hurry. Well I will pull over and you can still drive. When you see something for a store pull in. I will just buy some new stuff I guess." she told me as she hit the steering wheel a few times out of frustration.

It was cute, I had never her seen her so relaxed and open like this. I was so happy now. When I first found out our fate I was worried maybe we wouldn’t click. After several years of watching her I realized now I had nothing to worry about. I didn’t want her to end up closed off again. I decided we should stay at the rest area over night just in case. I didn’t want the cops to find us.

"Well actually I think we should stay at the rest area. If any one is looking for us they will assume we kept going. You know in order to get farther faster. So they will most likely pass us by morning and they will never know. But we doing need bedding stuff, I brought some of mine. Although I only brought one blanket. You can have it if you want." I told her. I would be a gentleman. I wanted her to like me as much as possible so I would be perfect.

We were pulling into the rest area when she spoke. "OK well let’s move the stuff to the trunk. The back folds down to make a flat area, so we can both lay down back there and share the blanket. I think I may have grabbed a small play mat from when I was younger. We can put that down to make the back softer. Does that work for you?" she asked quietly.

DOES THAT WORK FOR ME????? HELLS YES!!!!! Of course she could be making a move. Oh god what do I do?? Shit fuck grrrr I don’t know what to do!! Screw it I will just make sure its platonic.

"Umm well I guess that will work. We ARE sleeping in our cloths right? I mean I don't want to like turn this into some sort of umm well you know what I mean." I was fumbling over my own words how pathetic! She’s going to hate me. I didn’t mean to make it sound like she was a slut. I mean I would love to be with her I just couldn’t I didn’t know how! I was an 18 year old VIRGIN for goodness sake! Grrr I hate myself.

"Yea I'm not a slut or anything, I'm not trying to bone you. I just don't want you to freeze or be uncomfortable. It is your stuff after all I can’t just take it. But if you’re not OK with it then I can just put on more cloths and sleep up front and you can have the back." she said. I could tell she was trying not to laugh. But I would in no way make her freeze alone in the front seat! We could share!! I want to share ooooh good lets share!

"No its OK as long as we are both dressed and all. I'm fine with it, I just don't really have any idea in the girl department and I'm not ready for that. I should never have thought that any ways. I'm sorry." I told her trying to make up for my previous insult. I think it was working.

I began moving everything to the trunk. I looked up just as she started to speak.
"Its OK Rusher doesn’t worry about it. And if it helps I don't know crud about guys." she said and she smiled at me a smile I had NEVER seen. And right then and there my non-beating heart almost shattered in pure happiness!

We put everything away and folded down the seats. We made up the 'bed' we would be using and lay down. Of course I did not need to sleep so I just pretended to be. But she was having a hard time I could tell so I decided to talk. I wanted to open her up and get her closer to telling me about her adoption problem. I needed her to tell me so I could eventually work in being a king to the conversation.


"Why are you going to Romania? You started to tell me and never finished. I know it’s not my business but I was just curious." I was speaking so quietly I hardly heard a word I said.

She sighed and rolled to face me. She looked deep into my green eyes thinking of the best thing to say. After several minutes of deliberation she decided the truth would be the best thing.

"Well I'm adopted and originally from Romania. I decided to research and find more about my family. What I found out is really strange and unimaginable. Don’t think I'm crazy or anything because truthfully I really kind of hope its true. But there is a story told about my ancestors being 'people of the night'. what I can tell from that is they believed that about 8 generations back my family became what we know as ....................................vampires" she whispered that last word so quietly I could barely hear it.

She seemed to expect me to jump and run or something. Well to bad for her I wont. This is exactly the opening I needed. I could finally tell her the beginning of the true story. Of course I needed to lie a small bit. I drew a huge breath and began.

"That story is wrong. It was 10 generations back. And I don't think your crazy for wishing its true. However you will have to stop wishing for that. It’s just plain and simple you can wish for something that’s already real. You see I do not know EXACTLY the truth behind your family history but I do know that vampires are real. And I have read the same story as you. I know what family you’re talking about. When I was on summer vacation I met one of the members. I saw him at a club I used to go to. He looked intriguing and I heard him talk with an accent so I talked to him. We drank and talked for a long time. Eventually I noticed his fangs I asked him about them and he let it slip that he was a vampire. Eventually I got him to tell me the truth and he said he was here to look over a girl who was lost from his family when she was born. He told me if I wanted to know to research a family name from Romania. The name he gave me was "Valentina" so I looked it up. From the conversation and the story it made sense. I looked for him for a long time and eventually I found him again. He showed me the way of the vampires. By that I mean he turned me...well partly anyways. He said he would finish the process if I could find him again someday. That’s why I was planning to runaway." I finally finished the story.

I watched her and she was shocked. She began to smile slowly as it all dawned on her. I was glad I could make her this happy. I wish she could be this happy all the time. I had a feeling she would be much more open and happy after tonight. The urge to kiss her was unbelievable!

"So they wanted me? They really wanted me??? It’s all true, I'm a vampire and my whole family is? And you, your one to? Oh this is so awesome I knew it was real I KNEW IT!!!" she was practically screaming with joy.

"Yes it’s all real. Although I think I to was adopted. The man had told me only mortals with vampire blood in their history can be turned. He was able to begin the turning process so he said that meant I must be adopted. I'm on my way to find out who my family is as well. Maybe your family could help me find mine." I was just as happy as she was!

It was now that I realized coming was the best decision of my life. I was happy and so was she. I was looking at her trying to think of what to do next when she started to lean toward me. Expecting a hug I kept my position the same to make it easier. However what I got was the best kiss of my life! I was shocked at first but quickly began kissing back. I was just starting to enjoy it to much and decided pulling away would be best and so did she.

"I-i-i-I’m soooooooooooo sorry i-i-i didn't mean to I was just so happy and oh gosh please don't be mad. I really didn't mean to." she stuttered a quiet apology. I knew I was looking slightly dazed.

"It’s OK really it’s not a big deal. I understand you were happy. It's cool really no big deal. Its not like it was completely horrible, I mean I did kiss back so I guess I should be saying sorry as well." I was blushing and it was sooo horrible.

"It’s alright. Umm I'm just going to try and sleep now. We can talk more in the morning." she told me while she rolled away. I was so happy; I FINALLY got to kiss her. Sure she made a mistake or so she thought but I didn’t care. My future queen gave me my first kiss. The night was mine and I would never forget it.

We would get to Cali tomorrow night. And I would contact my 'family' in Romania; I would tell them to wire me money. Once I got the money I would take her away the moment she was ready to go. In the meantime I would spoil her rotten and show her every bit of love I could with out causing her discomfort. Of course I wouldn’t show too much, I wouldn’t want her to figure anything out until I was ready for it.
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ok so i may not do it like this it just depends on the response i get. i may just add his POV for the bigest parts of the story or at the end of every chapter. any way the next one will be normal POV