Angels Fall First

Stand tall.

"How could I make them understand that beauty, true and real beauty is skin deep?" I asked the starry night once, as I sat on the windowsill watching the firmament "They refuse to understand" I whispered.

It was October. It had brought with it a cold winter into Lancashire. That day was a clouded one. Lancashire was dark, the streets were almost empty.

I remember myself once again sitting in my place, in one of the corners of my classroom. I was minding my own business, writing down my thoughts, forming lyrics and poetic paragraphs. I had managed to block out the noise around me and could hear nothing.

The class was a complete chaos. The students were rioting, talking loudly, yelling, throwing things at their friends. But I was in complete peace, outside reality.

That's when Ryan, a blue eyed, chestnut haired young boy in my class got up. He was one of those who tormented me the most; it brought him tremendous joy to humiliate me. I'd always thought of him as a thick-headed, shallow and lame poor guy with a huge ego.

His eyes searched the room, a gaze of hunger for power. When his eyes fell upon me; a smirk on his lips grew and I could feel my body shivering all of a sudden. I lifted my head from my notebook to look straight into the eyes of the beast.

"Oi, Sophie!" he called out from his place, the noise suddenly quieting down. They all wanted to see me humiliated once again "How many cuts do you have? Do you like cutting and bleeding because Marilyn Manson doesn't love you?"

"Ryan, please be quiet" our Literature teacher said carelessly.

His words were followed by a roaring laughter coming from his friends and other people who tormented me. I clenched my fists, putting pressure on my pen.

"I don't cut." I stated in a whisper, almost unnoticed.

Ryan noticed immediately and stopped laughing at once. He arched an eyebrow, perplexed by my own answer. Astonished that I, the abomination, could speak. That I had an opinion.

"What did you say, freak?" he asked seriously.

"Ryan, leave Sophie alone." she repeated. Ryan paid no attention once again.

I slammed my hands on the desk forcefully. Everybody jumped in their places and turned to look at me with amazement. Even our teacher raised her eyes to me. Silence fell upon the whole class, nothing could be heard.

"I said I don't cut, you brainless pathetic excuse for a human!" I yelled at him. I could feel the fire I had kept inside finally bursting out, burning everything my words stumbled upon.

An emotion woke up in me. A new emotion, it resembled freedom.