Status: in progress

Killing Katie

chapter one

Her name was Katie. She was beautiful, and also a total bitch.
She had long brown hair that flowed down the length of her shoulder blades and fell softly around her face, swooping to the side of her forehead. Her eyes were blue. Not just blue blue, but like, arctic ocean blue. The iceberg that sunk the titanic blue. Cold hearted bitch blue.

She never seemed to fall into any cliques, I noticed. After months of stalking her at school, I found that she hung out with quite a diverse group of people. Goths, jocks, cheerleaders, posers, punks, nerds, band geeks. But something else I noticed, is that she never really seemed close to anyone in particular. Like she didn’t have a best friend. She just had many…acquaintances. Maybe they weren’t even her friends. She pretended like they were, but I could tell she wasn’t sincere by the way her mouth turned into a straight line and she scrunched her eyes shut as soon as she walked away from her so called “friends”.

She seemed to be perfectly normal. she dropped her class schedule one day, taking all normal junior classes; math, English, science, PE, band, and health.
She ate her normal lunch; a salad with ranch dressing on the side, a diet coke or water bottle, and some crackers.
She wore her normal clothes, jeans and a t shirt and black chucks.
She even walked normally to her normal car, a bronze ford Taurus with classic rock music toned down in the speakers.
She was too bitchy to be this normal. Something was weird about her, and I vowed to find out.

The day I killed her, about two hours before, I remember sitting outside her bedroom window on her roof, watching her do her homework, she looked so sad.
Oh, I’m not a stalker by the way.
I’m a vampire.
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brand new story, wrote in like ten minutes cause the idea seemed cool. lets hope it gets better!