Status: in progress

Killing Katie

chapter two

First off, let me explain some things about vampires.
NO, we don’t glitter in the fucking sun, that’s stupid.
YES, we do need blood to survive, but not as often as you think, and animal blood does suffice.
Luckily for me, I don’t explode in the sun, but rather just freak out with an allergic reaction, a very bad rash spreads across my skin.
Also, yes, we live forever, unless someone kills us. And there’s only one way to kill a vampire; drive a stake through the heart and burn the body.
Oh, and you cant give birth to vampire children either. The only way to become a vampire is to get bitten by one yourself. You die, then come back a blood thirsty, pale-bodied, vampire.
Contrary to popular belief, we aren’t banished away by garlic. It does smell rather putrid though.

Also, when you become a vampire, you don’t magically turn into a sexy playboy bunny or gorgeous buff hunk. We look just like everyone else. Granted, some vampires are prettier than others, and some much uglier than others, but the only thing about our looks that change when we’re bitten, is our skin slowly turning pale as result of the loss of all the blood in our veins, and our eyes to turn a sallow dark grey. Your eyes are the window to your soul? Well we’re the living dead, so we have no souls, therefore, grey eyes.

One more thing, werewolves don’t exist. That’s just stupid.

I was born with the name “Emma Christianson Waller”, in 1892. That makes me 119 years old. I was bitten by some stupid newly bitten vampire when I was 18, so I’m forever stuck in my post-pubescent 18 year old body.
I didn’t want to keep the same name, so for school and other things, I just go by emma wall.

I live in a stupid little apartment flat, above a dirty touristy street in Seattle.
I have money. A lot. When you’ve been around as long as I have, you learn to save, get a lot of different jobs, and save some more.

But I chose the flat as a convienence.
The tourists run crazy around my building, it being so close to the heart of Pike Place Market in Seattle.
And hey, I gotta eat SOMETHING. But what people don’t know, is that sucking a human’s blood, is not the same as biting them and turning them into a vampire. I can grab some fat white bastard with his giant camera and Hawaiian shirt, grab a quick couple liters or so of his blood from the far back of his neck, and send him on his jolly way, feeling nothing more than a little dazed and headache-y.
It’s a practice.

But anyway, this story isn’t about me and my vampiric roots. It’s about Katie.
It all started on my first day of my sophomore year. (and when I say first day, I meant like 600th first day, of sophomore year) I switch schools every few years or so, so people don’t get suspicious.

I brooded around waiting for the first bell, found my locker, and shoved my books inside. I didn’t need them. After going to school for over a hundred years, you sort of learn everything there is to know in high school. I slammed my locker shut, angry that I even bothered coming to school at all. It’s not like I needed to, but it was so boring living alone.
I didn’t’ have parents. Luckily for them, they didn’t get bitten, and they died at a reasonable age of natural causes.
But here I was, killing time at another school. That’s when I saw her.

She walked up to the locker next to mine, nervously spinning the combination, and then pulled out a couple notebooks. She didn’t really look nervous, but kind of unhappy. She was starting high school as a freshman. Obviously she wasn’t ready to start school just yet. Her delicious brown locks had streaks of natural blonde, dyed from the seattle sunlight, when it decides to come out.

She turned to the side of her locker door, where she places a magnetic mirror, and checked her reflection. I was staring at her nice, slightly tanned neck, when she caught my eyes. She stared at me for a minute, and I waited for her to say something about how I look older than 15 or 16. Suddenly, she slammed her locker and whipped around to face me. She stared into my eyes for what seemed like an eternity, and I simply said, “Hi, I’m Emma.”

She blinked once, then turned around and walked away.

What a bitch.
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ahhh comment please! this story needs to thrive on feedback :)