Don't Ask Questions


I turned into the street which my best friend lived on. I looked up at her wood and glass house, and began making my way up the long drive. To say Larissa's family had money would be an understatement - they were freaking loaded. They had this house built from scratch, so it could fit their every need. That was three years ago, and they were already on their second kitchen.

I rang the doorbell and waited patiently for an answer. I quickly checked that I looked okay by flashing a glance at my reflection in a window, and smiled when the door opened. It faded when I was greeted by her brother, Ronnie.

'Lar's upstairs,' He said, slightly turning the corners of his mouth up.

'Thanks,' I mumbled, pushing through into the big house. I made my way up the stair case, gripping the banister tightly. I counted the thirty-two steps, then turned left at the top. Larissa's door was the last one on the right. I was about to knock when it swung open, and my best friend was stood in just jeans and a bra.

'Crap, Cole!' She laughed, diving back in and grabbing a shirt and pulling it over her head.

'Hey, you opened the door before i could knock.' I raised a shoulder then let it drop.

'Oh. Well, whatever.' She grinned. 'You didn't call me, I wasn't expecting you. I was just about to shower.' She ran her fingers through her hair.

'That's cool, you can go shower. I'll wait here.' I suggested, and she nodded.

'Good plan. I'll be like, twenty minutes.' She hugged me quickly, then went off to the over-sized bathroom down the hall. I glanced around the room I spent most of my time in. Pictures where dotted around the room, mostly of Larissa and me, some of her with family and other friends. I slumped down on her king-sized bed and stared blankly at her forty inch flat screen TV which was mounted on her wall. She had some weird music channel on, so i grabbed the controller and switched over to a slightly better one. I closed my eyes just as I heard Korn start blasting from the room next door. I muted Larissa's TV and listened to the sounds coming from Ronnie's room, mouthing the words to Freak on a Leash. I sat up and contemplated going in to Ronnie's room. I exited Lar's room and stood at the door of her brother's, my hand almost touching the handle. Then the door swung open, just as if this family had a thing for doing that.

'Woah, hey dude.' He smiled, and I jumped a little.

'Oh, hi.' I said, blinking a few times. 'Uh, nice music.' I blurted.

'Yeah, thanks.' He nodded. 'Where's Lar?' He looked over my shoulder, his lip-ring glistening slightly in the light flooding in through a window.

'Shower,' I replied, wanting to kick myself because I knew I was smiling like a freak.

'Ah. Want to come in until she's out?' He asked, and I nodded slightly, so he stood aside and I walked in. He closed the door and sat on his bed, staring at me. I looked around at his posters and other objects covering his room, floor and all, and finally ended up looking back at him.

'You like some good bands,' I thought out loud, and he laughed.

'If only my parents thought that. Not that they're ever really home.' He laid back on his bed, fiddling with a remote.

'You're Cole, right?' He asked, staring at his ceiling.

'Yeah.' I replied.

'You can sit, y'know.' He rolled his eyes, so I perched on the edge of his bed. Looking at him lying there confirmed everything; I had a crush on my best friend's brother. Didn't that just make everything perfect.

I kept my head down, not taking my eyes off my hands. This wasn't awkward at all. Paramore came on and he started air drumming, raising his hands high up in the air.

'Paramore's cool, Hayley's a babe.' He laughed, and I did, too. 'It's a shame Josh and Zac left, they were pretty awesome.'

'Yeah. But they weren't exactly nice about leaving.' I muttered, and he laughed.

'Good point.' He sighed, turning off his iPod. 'So, what's the deal with you and Lar?'

'Excuse me?' I said, startled, turning to face him.

'Y'know, are you friends, are you more?'

'We're... friends.' I stared at him.

'Right. You got a girlfriend?'


'Me either.' His ever-present smile faded. Our eyes met and before I could do anything I'd suddenly placed my mouth on his.


'Did you like it?'

'Well - I - Sure, but-'

'Then don't ask questions.' I grinned, and our lips reconnected. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt and just as he grabbed mine Larissa knocked on the door.

'Cole? Are you in there?' She knocked again. We froze, our lips still touching.

'Yeah, I'll be a second.' I yelled, barely moving my mouth from Ronnie's. I kissed him one last time before standing up. He walked to the door with me, kissed me quickly and retreated back to his bed. We smiled at one another, before I opened his door and walked out.

'Having fun?' She rolled her eyes. 'You're here to see me, stop going off with my brother.' She laughed, and I just smiled, remembering how Ronnie's lips had felt on mine. 'I'm going out later with some of the girls, you guys can talk then, if you like.'

'Sure,' I took my best friend's hand and and pulled her into a hug.

I don't think she quite understood what kind of talking we'd quite be doing.
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I hope it's okay. :')