Status: working progress

Promise of a Lifetime


I was buzzed and I was worried about Aerial so I rounded up the guys.

"Lets get out of here and go check on Aerial." I yelled over the music and they all nodded and we headed out of the club. We walked to where are bus was parked and I couldn't believe what I had seen. The security guards were all on the ground. Some were stirring but others were not moving. I ran towards the bus and so did the guys. I opened the door and hurried onto the bus. I seen Aerial laying on the floor in a pool of her own blood with a knife laying beside her. I rushed to her side and picked her up in my arms. I rubbed her head and screamed her name.

"AERIAL WAKE UP!! PLEASE WAKE UP!!" I yelled and Matt came to my side tears flowing down his face.

"ZACKY CALL FOR AN AMBULANCE AND HURRY!!" Matt yelled when he seen the knife wounds in her shoulder and gut. I looked down at her and felt for a pulse. There was one thank god! I brushed her hair out of her face and she opened her eyes.

"Aerial!! You're going to be okay. Zacky went to call an ambulance." I said calmly not wanting to frighten her. As soon as I said that she passed out again. Matt grabbed 3 towel out of the closet and put a towel under her head, one for her shoulder, and one for gut wound. I pressed her gut with the towel to stop the bleeding and it was helping. Matt pressed the other on her shoulder. I heard the sirens and they rushed into the bus. The checked her out and put her in the ambulance. I rounded up the guys and got into the rental car and sped along behind the ambulance. I cut the engine as I parked and we rushed into the hospital right behind her.

"I'm Dr. Tim Valentine. You need to wait outside in the waiting room and I'll be back to tell you the news." We listened and sat down in the waiting room waiting for the Dr. to come and tell us how she was. I looked at my phone and it was 5 in the morning. Thank God there wasn't anywhere we needed to be.

"Go call Michelle, Brian. I'll come get you when the doctor comes back." Jimmy said putting a hand on my shoulder. I nodded and walked out of the hospital and dialed her number.


"I'm sorry to wake you baby but there's something you need to know." I said panicked and wanting to cry.

"Baby calm down! what's wrong?"

"Aerial was stabbed. Her uncle and brothers did that to her. I should have fucking been there. I should have stayed..." I said crying my heart out.

"Baby take a deep breath." I did as she said.

"Has the Dr. came in yet?"

"No not yet. We just got here." I said calming down.

"Where are you?"

"The Covington Emergency Hospital in Georgia." I said a whole lot more calm than I was earlier.

"Alright I'll round up the girls and we'll be there as soon as we can."

"Thanks Michelle. I love you." I said.

"Love you too baby. Be there soon." I hung up the phone and Jimmy came out to get me. I rushed back into the hospital. I grabbed the doctor.

"Is she alright?! Can we see her?!" I said tears running down my face.

"Sir please sit down." I sat down and wiped the tears from my face.

"She was in surgery to repair her spleen. She was kicked several times and suffered 5 broken ribs. She is resting right now but if you want to see her this nurse will take you." We all stood up and followed the nurse to Aerial's room. She laid there in the bed with tubes coming out of her arms and stomach, and one to help her breathe. I sat down on the chair next to her and help her hand. I kissed it and put it to my forehead and balled my eyes out.

"Brian she's going to be okay. I know she is." Jimmy said and he rubbed my back as well as the others. I need her to wake up. I'm scared that she wont.

"You need to rest. Lets go get the bus and check into a hotel. Wait for Michelle and the girls to get here." Matt said. I just nodded and we left and told the nurse that we would be back tomorrow. Matt drove because I was in no condition to drive. We got back to our bus and hooked up the car to the back and got on the bus. I sat down on the couch as Matt drove to the nearest hotel. We checked in and took our stuff to our rooms. I laid down on the bed and fell asleep.

I woke up quite early it was 10am and I wasn't tired. I rubbed my eyes and got up to see if the rest of the guys were awake but before I could leave the room there was a knock at the door. I opened it and the guys piled in. They were showered and everything.

"Hey guys. What you doing up so damn early?" I said stretching my abs.

"We want to go back and see Aerial." Zacky said sitting down on the bed. I nodded and grabbed some clothes and went to change in the bathroom. I changed into my skinny jeans and metallica t-shirt and fixed up hair and walked out of the bathroom. I knew we would be staying here in this hotel for a while so we left our bags. We walked out and unhooked the car from bus and headed over to the hospital. The drive was silent. I didn't know what to say all I want to do was see my daughter. I got a text from Michelle telling her that she and the girls were at the hospital waiting for us outside. We got there and Michelle came running up to me and hugged me tightly. I didn't want to cry so I held in the tears.

"Let's go see her." Michelle said taking my hand as we walked into the hospital. We went straight to her room and there she was. Laying there with the tubes in her still not awake yet but the doctor was in checking on her and a nurse was changing her bandages.

"How is she doc?" Matt asked.

"Are you her husband?"

"No but Brian here is her father." Matt said as I walked and stood beside him with Michelle right next to me.

"Well Mr.?"

"Haner." I said shaking his hand.

"Mr. Haner, your daughter Aerial is doing so much better but we still need to keep her until she wakes up. There are no new complications so she is going to be just fine."

"Thank you doc." I said and let go of Michelle's hand and sat down on the bed reaching over and petting her head. I hung my head and looked back up and her face. It was so bruised and cut up I could barely recognize her. The guys sat around with their girls on their laps just as the door opened and the rest of the bands that we toured with came in. The all had something in their hands. So many flowers and stuffed animals for Aerial. I knew if she could see how many people were in the room with us, she would smile like no tomorrow. The guys from 3 Days Grace and Five Finger Death Punch couldn't stay long so they dropped off the things for her and left kissing her forehead before they left.

David and his guys stayed for a good long while before leaving. I sat there and just stared at her wanting and praying for her to wake up.
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comments appreciated :)