Status: working progress

Promise of a Lifetime

Waking up

It's been a week since the incident in the bus and she still hasn't woken up. Brian, Jimmy, Zacky, Johnny, Michelle, and the girls had left to go get something to eat and to clean the bus. I stayed there with her along with David. I held her hand with a single tear running down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away.

"Matt she's going to wake up. The doctor said there is no complications." David reassured me. I just nodded and leaned up to kissed her forehead when I felt something touching my chin. SHE'S AWAKE!!

I woke up to the feeling of someone kissing my forehead. I seen it was Matt and I kissed his chin. He hadn't shaved in quite a while and it was really scruffy. He looked down at me and his eyes welled with tears. I smiled and held his face with my hand.

"Hey baby. I missed you so much." He told me and I smiled because of the tube. I looked down and seen it and tensed up.

"Don't worry that's just to help you breathe. David go to the desk and tell them that she's awake and we need Dr. Tim Valentine." He said and without any words David ran out of the room. A few minutes later the doctor came in and checked my vitals. He smiled down at me and a nurse came to the other side of the bed checking my IV.

"Aerial hunny. We are going to take this tube out of you now. I need u to take in a deep breath in when I tell you too and blow out hard and I mean hard." I nodded my head and he told me again to take a deep breath and blow out. I felt the tube being pulled out of my throat and I coughed. I smacked my lips together. The doctor put a straw in my mouth and I drank the water and it felt so good against my raw sore throat. I closed my eyes and took another breath in and opened my eyes looking at Matt.

"I missed you too." I said looking around the room.

"Where's dad?" I asked again.

"He's gone out to get something to eat and clean out the bus. Do you want me to call him?"

"Yes please." I said and he pulled out his phone and called Brian.

"Brian and the guys are on their way. I smiled and Matt kissed me. I looked over and see all the stuff that was brought to me.

"Who came to see me?" I asked picking up the stuffed bear.

"The guys from Five Finger Death Punch, 3 Days Grace, and of course Disturbed."

"How you feeling?" David asked coming over and ruffled my hair but I didn't care I probably looked like shit anyways.

"Give me a hug asshole." I said smiling and he hugged me and I kissed his cheek.

"Man I'm so fucking sore." I said rubbing my ribs.

"You will be for a while. Do you remember anything?" Matt asked holding my hand.

"Well, I remember looking out the window and seeing the body guards being knocked around and my uncle coming through the door. My brothers held me back and I spit in my uncle's face. He stabbed me in the shoulder and punched me in the mouth and in the gut really hard. He said something to me but that's a little fuzzy. Then I was thrown to the floor and had my ribs kicked and punched in the face. I fought back though but I got stabbed again. I think in the gut." I explained rubbing one of my eyes.

"You looked awful when we found you. You were passed out on the floor with the knife laying beside you in a pool of your own blood. There was damage to your spleen that required emergency surgery and from where your brothers kicked you in the rubs you have 5 broken ribs and they're broke in several different places. It was crazy. We all were going out of our mind and worrying that you wont wake up but I told Brian that you are fine and would wake up soon." He said smiling.

"One more question? How long have I been here?" I asked raising my eyebrow.

"A week and a half."

"Shit" I raised my eyebrows.

"They did a number on you girl. I mean when me and the boys, 3 Days Grace and Five Finger Death Punch came in here to see you, we couldn't recognize you. I still can barely recognize you." David explained.

"I want to see."

"I don't think you should be walking around right now." Matt said rubbing my hand.

"Baby I've been laying here for a week and a half and I need to get up. I hate just laying around." I said sitting up.

"Baby take it easy. I know you want to get up. Let me take a picture with my phone and I'll show you."

"Alright." I said and I laid back down carefully. He snapped a picture with his phone and showed it to me. I rubbed my eye and it was so fucking sore. I heard the door open and Jimmy ran in and to my beside.

"Glad to see that you're alright!" Jimmy ruffled my hair and I just glared at him with an evil look. Brian came in and smiled at him and I smiled right back.

"Baby girl!! How do you feel?"

"I'm alright. I just need to get up but Matt wont let me." I said crossing my arms and pouted.

"I'm glad he didn't let you up because you need to heal. I'll talk to the doctor and see if you can get up and move around." Brian said and he gently rubbed my head. I closed my eyes just for a second and looked at Johhny. He was just smiling from ear to ear. Michelle came over and hugged me and I kissed her cheek. I looked around and seen everyone I love and hold dearly to my heart were in there and I couldn't be more happy. There was a knock at the door and a nurse came in.

"Hello how are we feeling?" the nurse said.

"I'm alright. I just wish I could get up." I said smiling.

"You're in luck. The doctor told me to get you up and moving. I'll be in here until the physical therapists get in here to help to walk around." she said.

"Thank you so much. I hate just laying around all the time."

"You better get used to it because with the wounds you sustained, you'll have to be catered to for 6 months to a year and a home health nurse will be by everyday to help you out with everything so these guys can be busy busy busy with their music." she said smiling at Matt. I looked at her sternly and she looked back at me. She checked my vitals and the therapists came into the room.

"Hello my name is Mark and this Jason. We will be getting you up and walking around today."

"About damn time." I said and Brian looked at me with that don't-be-rude look.. I smiled evilly. He rolled his eyes and the guys all laughed.

"Don't make me laugh it hurts." I pouted. The therapists helped me out of bed and grabbed my fore arms and helped me walk the door. I walked down to the end of the hall with Matt and Brian right behind me. We all turn around to go back to my room when the guys of 3 Days Grace, Five Finger Death Punch, and the rest of the members of Disturbed came around the corner.

"Hey she's up walking around! You're one strong chick." Ivan said pointing at me.

"So I've been told but I would really like to try and walk by myself to my room." I said and the therapists let go of my arms and i slowly began to walk back to my room. I got to my room and sat down on the bed.

"Damn what a workout!" I said jokingly.

"Any pain?" the nurse asked.

"Just a little in my face but hell I can deal with it." I said smiling. The therapists helped me onto the bed and I laid down holding my ribs.

"Baby girl are you hungry?"

"She is on a all liquid diet for at least a month." the nurse said sadly. I rolled my eyes.

"When can I get out of here?"

"I'll go ask the doctor and be right back. Don't go anywhere." she said jokingly.

"Oh I wont. Not with these guys watching me." I said pointing to them. They all nodded and I just rolled my eyes in annoyance. The guys all talked about how good I was at the tour and I laid my head on the pillow and closed my eyes. I was out like a light in a matter of seconds. A few minutes later I was awaken by Matt.

"What?" I asked as I rubbed my face.

"The doctor is in here." I looked up and seen the doctor walk through the door.

"So doc when can I go home?" I asked in annoyance.

"Well, I'll called the therapists in Huntington Beach and they have someone that's going to be at your house when you get home. So you'll be leaving here in an hour. A nurse will be back in here in just a few minutes with the release papers and then you may go home."

"Thank the lord above. I just want to get home and relax." I said. The doctor shook my hand and then the rest of the guys in the room and left.

"Just think sweetheart, I get to bring you things." Matt said and he kissed my head.

"Hell I can do things for myself. I sure as hell ain't laying around all damn day. You know I wont." I said rubbing my eyes. The guys just stared at me but slowly the guys of 3 Days Grace, Five Finger Death Punch, and Disturbed all left and it was only me and the guys. Lord I hope this 6 months of ''taking it easy'' doesn't become a pain in my ass. The nurse came back into the room with the papers and a wheelchair and Brian signed me out and I was helped by Matt and Jimmy out of bed and into the wheelchair.

"Why cant I just walk?" I asked throwing my hands slightly in the air.

"You need your rest." I just rolled my eyes as we got into the elevator and headed out to the rental car. I was sat into the passenger seat and the guys piled into the back as we headed to the hotel the guys are staying at. I opened the door when Brian stopped the car. I pulled myself out before Matt or Brian could get out. Brian and Matt took my arms gently and helped me up to their room to stay the night. We finally got to Matt's room and I sat down tired and in pain. Thank god the doc gave me some pain medication to help me sleep in comfort. The rest of the guys went to their rooms while Matt helped me get dressed into my PJ's. I laid down on the bed and he laid next to me. I couldn't lay on my stomach and it sucked. Matt gave me my pain killers and I drifted off into sleep.
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