Status: working progress

Promise of a Lifetime

The Examination

I was woken up to Zacky nudging me as we pulled into the driveway. I looked up and Zacky kisses my forehead.

"Welcome back Raine." I just smiled and looked out the window and seen a strange car. That had to be the damn shrink. I was so fucking tired and I sat up and looked at the radio clock and it was 6pm. Damn I hate waking up to this time. I'll never get to bed. I got out of the car and everyone else piled out too. I lean up against the car and Matt took my hand. We walked up to the door. Brian walked through the door and I heard Val talking to someone in the living room. Brian walked in and so did we. I stayed behind Matt.

"Hey Jesse." I seen Brian and this guy shaking hands. I knew that had to be the fucking shrink now. I hate shrinks.

"So where is my patient?" He asked and Matt pulled me in front of him. I stood there with my arms crossed across my chest.

"This is Aerial." Brian said. The shrink got up and shook my hand.

"Hello Aerial. I'm Jesse Dell. I'm the boys Psychologist." I shook his hand.

"Please sit down and make yourself comfortable." Jesse said and I sat down on the couch.

"Now..let's talk." I sat there in silence before answering, "What do you want to talk about?"

"Well how about how you met the boys and why you came to Huntington Beach." he said as he wrote something down on his notepad. I sat there and looked over at Brian who stood against the door frame. He nodded and I shook my head. The shrink looked over at Brian and I have no idea what the hell they were doing.

"Jesse it's hard for her to talk about what happened to her. I mean her mom only gave me a little bit of the details but I don't know all of it." Brian said and honestly I believed him since my mom was never there to see the beatings, or the rape. I just shook my head in annoyance. I didn't want to talk. I finally got up and walked up the stairs to my room and locked the door. I turned on my radio as loud as it would go and laid there on my bed.

I couldn't believe she just got up and walked out after he asked that question. I guess it really is hard for her to talk about something that happened to her. I know her mom heard the screams when they beat her and raped her but she did nothing to stop it. I had absolutely no respect for that woman.

I know the doctor can get on people's nerves especially mine at times but I have never got up and walked out before. I hope she will be okay. I mean we are here for her and we all want her to get over the nightmares she has every night. I know when I'm over here at Brian's I even get woken up by her blood curdling screams. I care so much for the girl it's not even funny.

I followed her up the stairs and knocked on the door. Over the music I could hear her sobbing and it broke my heart. I banged on the door and heard the music turn down.

"Aerial please let me in." I said looking down at the floor.

"Just go away Brian. I'm not talking about it."

"You don't have too right now. I make sure the doctor doesn't ask you until you are ready. Can I just please come in." I pleated. No answer came from her, only sighs. I waved at Matt to come up to her room.

I came up to where Brian was.

"Maybe you can talk to her. I'm going to talk to the doctor. I know she will let you in." Brian whispered. I just nodded and waited for him to leave my sight before I knocked on the door.

"Brian just go the fuck away."

"It's not Brian...It's Matt." I said and the door opened. She gestured me into her room and I gladly accepted. She shut the door behind me and I sat down on her bed.

"Sweetheart...The doctor only wants to get your depression under control that way you can move on with your life without the nightmares. I hate hearing you scream when you have those dreams. It kills me inside to know that your hurting. I don't like to see you hurting sweetheart." I said. I looked at her and seen her looking down at the floor. I gently pushed her chin up to look at me. I kissed her lips softly.

"Baby I love you so much and I don't like seeing you hurting." I said. She grabs me around the waist and pulls me close to her hugging me tightly and laid her head on my chest. I rubbed her head calming her sobbing.

"I'll talk in time and I love you too. It's just so hard to talk about it. Too much shit to be stirred up." She said crying into my chest. I held her in my arms as she calmed down. Her breathing became slower and I looked down at her and saw she was sleep. I laid her down and covered her up. I quietly left the room and walked back down the stairs to the rest of the guys.

As Matt was upstairs trying to reason with Aerial, I went back down to talk to the doctor.

"Aerial is cant talk about her past. It kills her to talk about it." I explained.

"That's understandable. There is another way we can get her to talk about it but it requires everyone dedication and support. No one can talk during the procedure only me. It's called Hypnosis. I can hypnotize her and tell her during hypnosis that once she tells us what's wrong the nightmare's will go away but there is a more dangerous procedure that we can do that requires all of you."

"What is it? We will do anything we can to help." Johnny asked impatiently.

"Everyone has to recreate her past in hypnosis. From what Brian has told me she was rape, tortured, and beaten. So we need to like recreate what those people said and making slapping noises and rattle chains or something. Even if we have to blow cigarette smoke in her face so she can inhale it that's what we will do." Jesse explained.

"We will do it." Brian said and the rest of the guys nodded. I heard Aerial's bedroom door shut and Matt coming down the stairs. I explained to him what we were going to do. He was hesitant at first but he agreed to it. I love my daughter and I will do anything to get those nightmares to leave her alone forever.
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