Status: working progress

Promise of a Lifetime


I woke up to the smell of breakfast being made. I didn't even bother getting dressed I just waked down the stairs and seen Matt cooking. I sat down at the bar and he turned and seen me rubbing my eyes.

"Morning sunshine." he said.

"It's Raine sweetheart." I said chuckling and he laughed too.

"The rest of the guys should be over here any second." he said and I just rolled my eyes because I knew I would have to put up with Jimmy's hyperness. I do not like it first thing when I wake up especially in the morning. Right as I said that to myself Jimmy came through the door and sat down beside me hugging and kissing my cheek and forehead.

"It's nice to see you too Jimmy." I said and he smiled.

"So where is Val and Brian?" Jimmy asked.

"They went to the store for something. I decided I would fix breakfast before they got back." Matt said and Zacky and the rest of the crew came in and sat down. They all leaned over and stared at me. I mean I'm used to Jimmy staring at me for no apparent reason but what was going on with the rest of the guys.

"Why are you guys staring at me for?" I asked and no answer was given to me just smiles.

"You are plotting something on me ain't ya?" I said and still no answer.

"Matt help me out here." I said and Matt came over to me and put a plate of food down in front of me. The rest of the guys got up and fixed their plates.

"Brian told me last night that Jesse is coming back over tonight at 7 to do another procedure on you so that the nightmares will completely go away." Matt explained. I just smiled and started eating my food. Jimmy tried to grab some of Zacky's food but he slapped Jimmy's hand away. Saying something about food being sacred to him. Ha ha! I finished and waited for the others to finish. When they did I grabbed their plates and started washing them. All the dishes were done and put away and for once actually got a beer out of the fridge for me.

"NOOOO. NO MORE SORROW I'VE PAID FOR YOUR MISTAKES. YOUR TIME IS BORROWED...YOUR TIME IS COME TO BE ERASED!!!!" I looked and seen I had a text from someone. I didn't recognize the number. I opened it and I couldn't believe it. The text was from my mother telling me that she would see me soon and so would everyone else. My grip on the beer bottle became tighter and tighter. The bottle busted in my hand.

"Oh my God! Aerial are you alright!" Zacky screamed and rushed over towards me. He held my hand out and seen the little piece of glass in my hand and the broken bottle on the floor. I looked up and seen Matt and Brian in the kitchen next to me. Zacky had a towel around my hand and already pulled out the chunk of glass from my hand.

"I'm alright...I got a text from my mom. She said that she would see me soon and so would everyone else. They ain't dead Zacky! I know that fucking ain't!" I said calmly but with a hint of anger in my voice.

"We wont let anything happen to you...Don't worry." Matt and Brian said in unison. I smiled and bandaged of my hand in the bathroom. I went into the living room and watched the guys play guitar hero and I swear they sucked. I love playing guitar hero.

"Guys...why don't you quit playing if none of you are going to win." I said rolling my eyes.

"Oh you think you can beat us?" Jimmy said raising a brow.

"Yeah I can." I said putting my hands on my hips.

"Come on." Brian said handing my the guitar. I played against Jimmy and beat him playing Through the Fire and Flames. No one could beat me! It was down to me and Matt and I knew I would win.

"Sweetheart. I'll make you a bet." Matt said.


"I win you listen to everything the shrink says. If you win, I'll do whatever you want me to do for you." he said crossing his arms over his chest.

"Deal. Game on." I said shaking his hand and we began to play Ace of Spades by Motorhead. I nailed my solo and Matt messed up on most of the song. The stats come up after the song. I hit every note and got 100% while poor little Matt only had 90%. I smirked at him losing.

"What do I have to do?" he said sadly and I knew exactly what I was going to make him do.

"You have to....dress up in my sexy underware and run down the road screaming the song Barbie Girl." I said laughing. The guys were already laughing and I led him up the stairs and into our room. I gave him my best sexy underware and he put it on. I couldn't help but laugh as he put everything on. I walked back down the stairs with him. I stepped into the living room.

"You guys want to see the new Matthew Sanders?" I said and the guys cheered and I pulled him into the living room. The guys began to whistle and laugh.

"Can we just get this over with?" Matt said hanging his head. I led him and everyone else outside and we sat down on the porch as Matt ran up and down the road singing Barbie Girl. Jimmy pulled out a video camera and started taping it. Oh I can't wait to watch this over one night. Ha ha ha!! I yelled at him and he quickly ran inside and upstairs to change. When he did there was a knock at the door. I looked down at my phone and seen it was 7. We were having so much fun the time just past by so quickly.

Jesse pulled all the guys into the kitchen and I had to stay behind on the couch.

I pulled the guys into the kitchen.

"You all know what to do when she is under hypnosis right?" I asked.

"Yeah when you give us the signal we recreate her events while shes under it right?" Jimmy said.

"Yes Jimmy but when we do this I don't want anyone bringing her out of it. Don't stop when it gets bad. I've seen a lot of cases just like Aerial. It gets pretty bad. Please do not and I mean DO NOT break her hypnosis no matter what. Agreed. I am the only one who can bring her back to normality and keep the nightmares from reoccurring." I said.

"Agreed." all the guys said and we made our way back to the living room to Aerial. The guys sat all around Aerial while I sat in the chair in front of her. I pulled out a pen from my shirt pocket and raised it up.

"Aerial are you ready?" I asked.


"Alright. Focus everything on the pen...all your energy is focused on the pen and no one is in the room except my voice....You are become sleepy and want to close you eyes...Please close your eyes and become sedated...My voice is the only thing that speaks to you and you can answer to it...." I said slowly and I seen her eyes slowly shut before they closed completely and her head hang down.

"We are going to do a little test before we begin....I want you to raise you left arm straight out." I said and she did.

"Alright you can put your arm down now...Will you please tell me what happened to you before you came to Huntington Beach California?" I asked and she began to speak.

"I was just a kid...4 years old when me and my father were going back to the house from spending the day at the fair. It was 8 that night when a drunk driver hit us head on killing my father and I had not had one bruise or cut.....I got back to my mom and a few days later my uncle moved in with my brothers to help take care of everything around the house....One night my uncle was drunk and so were all my brothers...I witnessed them beating my mother almost to death and telling her that I was next....They came for me in my bedroom while I was sleeping one night and tied me to the bed. I was frightened and had no clue what was happening to me. They punched me....everywhere....My mom tried to stop them but they said they would kill her if she interfered again....I seen her back off and smile at as they raped me and beat me at the same time....They all took their turns on me....each being rougher than the other." I nodded to the guys to start cheering and making slapping noises and she would slightly cringe and tears streamed down her emotionless face.

"I begged them to stop but they would gag me and choke me or beat me until I would pass out....My uncle was always last and right before he did anything he would call me a little whore or a slut and start....cutting me...It didn't matter where he sliced me...He sliced my chest, face, neck, arms, wrists, legs, stomach.....he punched me everyday for 12 long agonizing years.....I was helpless. I couldn't escape them....If I did I would be brought back and put in the basement with no food or water for days....I couldn't use the bathroom so I had to use it on myself.....When I was shoved into a foster home I was again beaten and abused....I was verbally abused with them saying I was nothing but a worthless piece of shit that no one would ever want in a million years.....I saved enough money to fly myself out to Huntington Beach California to start a new life by any means necessary."

"Exactly how long did you stay out on the streets in Huntington Beach?" I asked.

"I stayed here for a week and a half by myself with little food and little water. I took my baths in the ocean....late into the night....."

"Alright....Please nod for me if you want all these bad memories and nightmares to disappear and be gone forever and never to return?" I asked and she nodded.

"Alright...When I count backwards from 10 all those nightmares and bad memories from the past will be gone forever......10.....9........8...........7......6.....5......4.........3.......2...........1............0....Please open your eyes and come back to us." I said and she opened her eyes and looked around the room.

I felt my eyes become heavy and I passed out from what I thought was sleep. When I opened my eyes the guys and Jesse was looking at me strangely.

"What's wrong guys?" I asked.

"You don't remember what happened in your past?" Brian asked putting his hand on my shoulder.

"Not a thing...did something bad happen?" I asked confused.

"No nothing...I love you. Your the best daughter I've ever had." Brian said smiling.

"I love you too dad...Oh and by the way I'm your only daughter." I said smiling right back. I had no idea what he was talking about. I let it drop and looked at Jesse.

"So when are we starting the procedure?" I asked and the guys laughed.

"Sweetheart...That was already performed." Matt said.

"Isn't it 7?" I asked confused once again.

"That was over 7 hours ago. It's 3 in the morning." Zacky said. I shrugged it off and yawned. I laid my head on Matt's shoulder and closed my eyes. I was very tired for some reason but I'm sure it was just because of the procedure. I don't remember much. Matt nudged me and we both got up and walked our bedroom. I grabbed my PJ's out of the closet and took a shower before heading straight to bed. Matt was already laying in bed when I came out. I laid down next to him and he wrapped his arms around my waist pulling me closer to him. I rested my head on the pillow and drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
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