Status: working progress

Promise of a Lifetime


I was awaken by someone nudging me to wake up. I opened my eyes to see Jimmy holding me in his arms. "Hey Aerial wake up we are at Brian's. I got out of the car with my bag on my back. Brian grabbed my hand and lead me to the door. He opened it and Michelle was coming down the stairs.

"Hey sweetheart. Who's your friend?" "This is Aerial. She's going to stay with us for a while." Brian said. I was expecting her to yell and say get the fuck out of my house but surprisingly she was happy with it.

"Hi! I'm Michelle. It's a pleasure meeting you! I love you hair!"

"Thanks I did it myself." I said smiling.

"You did a damn good job too! Maybe you can do my hair sometime."

"I'd be honored too. So what do I have to do around here? I mean I can help you clean up and stuff. I'm pretty good at cleaning." I explained. I didn't want to tell too much from my past because I knew they wouldn't let me stay here.

"Sweet. You want to help me start making dinner?"

"Sure that would be awesome." I said smiling bigger. Someone who cares! I couldn't believe it. I couldn't stop smiling on the inside but a part of me was not wanting to trust anyone.

"But before you do that how about I get you settled in upstairs in your room."

"Awesome." I said and I followed her up the stairs. This house was so huge. Ive lived in some pretty good houses before but this one tops them all. She opened the door to my room and I loved it. Black and red sheets and pillow cases. Even the curtains were mixtures of black and red.

"Unpack and freshen up if you want too and meet me in the kitchen."

"Alright sweet." I said and I laid my backpack on the bed as she exited the room. I began to unload everything out of my backpack. I hung my clothes in the big walk-in closet and I decided I would take a shower. I got me some clothes and headed into the bathroom that was also in my room. How convenient a bathroom in my room that way I don't disturb someone else. This is so awesome! I let the warm water run over my head and down my back.

The scars I had still shown on my arms and where my parents used to beat me on my back. When I finished I dried myself off and changed into my black skinny jeans and long sleeve Metallica shirt. I stood next to the window and seen a pool in the backyard. I am not a big fan of the water. Past experience with water was bad and I didn't like to swim. I didn't even know how to swim. There was a knock on the door and it began to open. It was Michelle.

"You settled in?"

"Yeah. This room is amazing. I cant thank you enough for letting me stay here with you and Brian." I said sitting down on the bed. I looked down at the floor and she shut the door.

"Is there something wrong?"

"No just thinking about some stuff." I said fiddling with my hand again. I did that when I was nervous. I don't know why but it helped.

"Like what? Hey you can tell me anything and it will be between you and me. I promise."

"Well it's about my past. I mean I think if you knew what happened you wouldn't let me stay here." I explained.

"Hey your past is your past. Nothing can tell me any different about you. From what I've seen from you is that you are a very intelligent, sweet, caring, and well mannered young lady."

"So no matter what happened in my past and why I left my foster home will make a difference? I can still live here." I said looking up at her.

"Whatever you tell me, doesn't matter to me. I will think nothing less of you and you are still welcomed to stay here for as long as you want."

"Alright cool." I said and I explained what happened in my past. I could tell from the looks on her face that she couldn't believe something like could ever happen to someone like me. I couldn't believe it for a while but it came to a custom thing.

"That's why I left my foster home. I couldn't stand to live with a family who never cared or praised me for the good things I've done with my life. I made enough money to bring myself out here but I was homeless. I couldn't eat and I had no way of getting a drink or the medicine I need." I explained.

"What do you take?"

"I have an inhaler. I have asthma and it occasionally makes it hard for me to breathe but I've lived with this for years and never had an asthma attack yet but I like keeping it on me just in case." I said pulling out the inhaler from my bag.

"Please keep it with you. I can get you all the asthma medicine you need so don't worry about a thing."

"Thank you very much. There is one more thing I need to show you." I said looking back down at the floor again.

"What is it?"

I lifted up the back of my shirt and the scars of being whipped shown slightly but they were there. I heard her gasp.

"That looks so damn painful."

"It was. After a while of getting beat, I couldn't feel that bastard hitting me anymore. I shown no emotion because that fed him to beat me more and more." I said as a single tear ran down my face. I quickly wiped it away.

"I'm so sorry. But to get your mind off the pains of the past. Lets go cook. Do you like to swim? I mean we have a pool in the back yard."

"No...I don't know how to swim and because of that and past experiences with water I wont go in. I'll sit by the water but I wont go in." I said checking my phone. I set it on the night table beside the bed and stood up, "Let's go make some good food."

"You read my mind chick." She smiled and I smiled right back. We walked out of the room and down to the kitchen. I could hear the guys bitching in the living room about who's sexier but I could tell them who but he ain't here yet. Michelle and I cooked some Delicious looking food and my stomach was growling loud when we finished. Brian came into the kitchen and grabbed the hamburgers and hot dogs from out of the fridge alone with beers for the guys.

"You need me for anything else?" I asked politely.

"Nah go hang outside with the boys. I'll be out there shortly."

"Okay." I said walking out of the room. I went out the sliding glass door to the back yard. Jimmy and Johnny were already in the pool. I sat down in one of the chairs at the patio table.

"Hey Aerial come in!" Jimmy yelled splashing water at Johnny.

"No thanks. I don't like the water." I said lighting up a cigarette.

Michelle came out of the house and seen me smoking.

"Aerial. What are you doing smoking?" she asked.

"Helps with stress."

"You have asthma girl. That could really hurt your lungs." she said caringly.

"I know but that's the only way I can relieve my stress."

"Will you at least try and quit smoking. I'll figure something out that way you wont have to smoke." she said sitting down next to me.

"Oh come on Michelle. I smoke and you don't get all over me for it."

"I know Brian but you don't have a medical condition that can really hurt you like she does." she explained.

"Oh...but until you figure out some way for her to quit smoking...she can smoke as long as she wants."

"Oh why cant I win?" she pouted.

"Ha ha don't worry you guys. I only smoke when I'm really stressed out."

"So how long have you been stressed out?" Brian asked flipping the burgers.

"All my life." I look up and seen Matt coming through the gate and into the back yard. He had 5 cases of beer in his hand.

"Hey Matt come sit down over here." Michelle said motioning him over. I got really tense as he made his way over to his us. There was something about Matt that I really liked but I couldn't figure it out. Matt set the beer into the cooler beside the grill and then sat down.

"Hey there's my buddy! How you doing?" Matt asked with a smile. I swear his dimples kill me!

"I'm alright I guess."

"Good! Say why ain't you in the pool?" he asked taking a sip of the beer he got in the cooler.

"I cant swim and I'm not a big fan of the water."

"I can teach you if you want me too." he said smiling again.

"That would be great! When?"

"Tomorrow. We all can go to the beach." he said sitting back in the chair.

"Awesome alright."

"Yeah cool and before we go to the beach, me and the girls will take you shopping for a new swim suit." Michelle said and as she did some more people came through the gate and into the yard.

"Speaking of girls." Matt said. I could feel him staring at me and I looked deep into his sexy eyes and then looked away.

"Hey Gena! Hey Lacy! Hey Leana!" Val squealed as they came over to the table.

"Did I hear the word shopping?" Gena asked excitedly.

"Yeah. Aerial here is staying with Brian and myself for a while."

"It's very nice to meet you. I'm Gena Zacky's girlfriend." she said shaking my hand.

"Nice to meet you too."

"I absolutely love you hair! Who did it?" Gena asked.

"Actually I did it myself."

"You're very talented." Gena said, "I love her already Michelle." she said.

"I'm Leana Jimmy's Girlfriend." She shook my hand as well as Lacy. They all liked me and I made some more friends today and I was so proud of myself. If I hadn't have went with or met Matt in the park that night I would never be here.

"So Matt where's Val?"

"Me and her got into another fight." Matt said not looking disappointed and it was odd.

"I cant believe it. She doesn't know how bad she's hurting you."

"Well I wont have to worry about her anymore. She left. I broke it off. She admitted cheating on me and I told her to get her shit and get the fuck out." Matt explained and I wouldn't blame him. I mean from what I've already heard about this Val chick, she sounds like a real bitch.

"Can we talk inside Michelle?" Matt asked getting up.

"Yeah sure. You sit tight Aerial I'll be right back." Michelle got up and went into the house with Matt and I got up as well and stuck my feet into the water. Jimmy and Johnny were having a race to see who could swim the fastest to each end of the pool. It was kind of amusing and entertaining. I smiled like I've never smiled before.


I walked into the house with Michelle and I sat down on the couch.

"What's up Matt?"

"The reason me and Val got into a fight was because of Aerial. I mean I have nothing against the girl but Val thinks everyone I hang out or find someone new to talk to she goes postal and gets mad at me." I said looking down at the ground.

"Matt look at me. You're my best friend. I was talking to Aerial a few hours ago and she said that she really likes you and I think you do too."

"Did she really tell you that she likes me?" he asked.

"Well no exactly out front but I can tell she does. The way she blushes when you smile and whenever you come around."

"Never knew that." I said shocked. I couldn't believe Aerial had a crush on me.

"Yeah so I think you should go talk to her or something. Get to know her a little before you make a move on her."

"Who said I want to do that? I mean she's 17." I said taking a drink of the beer I brought in with me.

"She'll be 18 in 4 weeks so she's good. You have that time to really get close to her and get to know her. I can tell you this though."

"What is it?" I asked concerned.

"That child has had nothing but heartbreak. She's been beaten and broken down by so many people. Be her friend and then take it to another step."

"Michelle you're so cool and such a good friend." I said and I gave her a tight hug.

"Okay thanks Matt but you're cutting off my air supply." I laughed and so did she. Michelle is so good with giving people advice and helping out with problems. I don't know what this band would do without her.

"Anytime Matt. Oh and she will come around to you eventually give her some time. I have a feeling she doesn't know who to trust but show her that she can trust you." I smiled at Michelle and then that's when I heard a scream.
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dum dum dum...cliff-hanger... please comment.
I wonder what that scream was all about?