

As soon as I stepped outside, into the dark, warm night, my mind went blank. I saw Gerard under the street lamp, his features captured the light so well. He looked gorgeous.

"You look like your mind is on pause." He muttered, putting a cigarette to his lips.

"It is." I finally spoke.

He took a long drag, "Why?"

"Because you're fucking gorgeous." I said quickly, "God, it's so hard to hate you."

He raised his brow, "Because I'm good looking?"

"Yes." I crossed my arms, "It's like I forget what you look like whenever I'm away."

He just smirked at me, "Sure."

I waved it off, "So, talk. What do you have to say?"

" have you been?" He smirk had faded, he looked nervous.

"I've been well, as you can see. I actually didn't think of us while I was there." 

He frowned, "Look, I came to talk to you about something."

"Yeah, go ahead." I said a bit sharply.

"I met someone."

I laughed. I laughed because I wasn't expecting it. I turned away, giggling like a retard.

"What's so goddamn funny?" he growled at me.

"Nothing," I stopped laugh, "Nothing at all."


I cut him off, "I really hope she makes you very happy." 

"She does. Fuck, she is stacked." 

I raised my brow, " descriptive."

"She's got a great fuckin' body," He grinned like an idiot, "I really like her."

"That's awesome." I said, again, I wanted to laugh.

"Yeah, well, I wanted to tell you before you assumed anything."

I laughed, "Dude, I was totally going to chew your ass out for being a dick to me, but this is much better."

He frowned, "What?"

"You got another chick to treat as your punching bag." I thought about it for a moment, "I just hope she isn't stupid like I was," I shook my head, "now I feel bad."

"Feel bad why?" He growled again.

I looked at him, "That girl--"

"Her name is Marie."

"Marie. Okay, well, that girl...she has to see your wrath." I tilted my head slightly, "I only hope you treat her better than you treated me."

"What I fucking do with--"

"Not judging you, just telling you that I hope you treat her nicely, and, I am sure she is a nice woman." I patted his cheek, "I wish you nothing but the best, Gee."

I turned from him, leaving him speechless, and went inside.

That went nothing how I imagined. Nothing ever goes the way you think it might.

The next morning, Astrid was still asleep, and I had only gotten a few hours of sleep, before the doorbell rang again. I yawned, tiredly, heading to the door, "Who is it?"


I smiled to myself and opened the door, "Frankie, hey."

He stepped in, hugging me quickly, "Hey, um...where's Trid?"

"She's sleeping. She was feeling a little sick last night."

He sighed, "Can me and you go for a walk? I need to talk to you."

I nodded, "Sure, just let me get my shoes."

After I put my shoes on, I followed Frank outside. The morning was warm, and quiet. All the artist on this street were asleep; they work at night. Frank was quiet, too, as he walked beside me.

"What's wrong, Frank? You and Astrid alright?"

He scratched his head, "I think Astrid is breaking up with me."

I furrowed my brows, "No way. Astrid is head over heels in love with you, Frankie."

He sighed, "You sure? She seems so distant lately, and she doesn't want me around like she use to..."

"Astrid is a tough cookie. She doesn't like to be...y'know, tied down or told what to do. She's very independent and loving."

"Did I do something?" He asked me desperately.

"No, she's just...she's very serious about you. She's never had a serious relationship."

"Me either," he swallowed thickly, "I want to ask her to marry me."

My eyes bulge, "What? Really?" I stopped him.

He dug his hands into his sagging black shorts, "I bought this a few days ago."

He handed me a black, velvet jewelry box, "Oh wow," I opened it and saw a small diamond ring, "Frankie...this is great! Oh, Astrid is gonna love it."

He looked nervous, "You sure? I don't want to ask her and have her dump me."

I closed it and handed it back, "I'm almost positive, Frank. She's in love with you."

He smiled, "You sure?"

I exasperated, "If I wasn't sure, I wouldn't be telling you this, dingus."

He kept that grin up, "Thanks, Stormy."

"No problem."

Frank and I went back to my place, and just as we walked in, Astrid was sitting at the counter. She looked tired, her eyes looked heavy. She got tense when she saw Frank.

"Hey, babe," he said softly, "I want to take you out."

Astrid smiled, then looked at me, "Take me out?"

"Yeah. I want it to just be us."

She nodded, "Sure. Just let me get ready." She turned to me again, "Storm, can you help?"

"Yeah. Make yourself at home, Frankie."

He smiled and hopped onto the couch. I followed Astrid to her bedroom, she shut the door and turned to me, "Did you tell him?"

I shook my head, "No. I swear, I didn't say a word."

"Well, what happened?" She questioned.

I sat on her bed, "Well, he wanted to know why you've been so distant. He was worried you were gonna break up with him."

She exhaled softly, "Poor Frankie. What did you tell him?"

"I told him the truth...that this is your first, serious relationship."

"So, he isn't mad?"

I shook my head, "He loves you, Trid, a lot. He had the same fears you did. You two are made for each other...and you're gonna have a kick ass kid."

She smiled, running her hand over her stomach, "Yeah...I just hope this doesn't change anything."

"I don't think it will."

"Thanks, Storm, for not ratting me out."

I waved it off, "I wouldn't anyway."

"I'm gonna get ready now, and go tell him."

"Good luck."

Frank and Astrid left an hour later, and I was on my own. I went up to my room and began to paint. I got inspiration from Frank and Astrid. I thought about them having a baby, and possibly getting married and their lives together. I can't lie, I'm jealous of them.

I always wanted what Astrid is getting. I wanted a boyfriend who loved me and my weird way, and who was just as weird. Someone who wanted to marry and have babies with me. Someone I could be myself around. Not just a guy who insulted me, beat me down and used me for sex.

I painted my future niece or nephew in the womb. I started to cry once I finished, just because I felt all the emotion drain from me. Behind the baby, I had painted their names; Astrid and Frank, with the baby shadowing over them, so you couldn't really read their names. I knew Astrid would appreciate it; she was always pestering me to paint her something meaningful. Hopefully, she'd like this.

I set the painting in my balcony to dry, I leaned against the railing and saw them walking down the street. They both looked happy, and honestly, it was painful to watch. It just didn't seem fair...
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Unsure of what to say. What do you guys think?