Status: Taking A Break

It Could Happen To Anyone

Forget Him


“Hey mom, sorry we were late but Jeff had to go back to his apartment and we were at the zoo,” I call throughout the house.

“It’s okay,” mom says from the living room, “We were waiting for you,”

“Hopefully you weren’t waiting long,” Jeff says pulling me into the dinning room and seating me before he seats himself.

“I like this one,” My oldest sister Marie whispers to me.

I smile, “Me too,”

My other sister Meredith stands up, she always makes stuff so formal. “I have an announcement,” she says looking at her boyfriend, Carson. They’ve been dating for six years. I saw the ring on her finger and I knew what was coming, “Carson and I are getting married!”

I can’t help but squeal. I love Carson, he’s the nicest guy “You two are perfect together,” My Mom says smiling.

“So whens the wedding?” My brother, Andrew asks. I notice Melanie and I give her a small wave. I wonder if they’re going to be next.

“Well, I wanted it to be in the spring but Carson talked me into doing it this fall, it’ll be so lovely with the changing of the leaves,”

“I can’t wait!” I say.

“How did he propose?” Marie asks.

Meredith starts giggling, “We were on the beach, his hand were shaking so much that he dropped the ring,” Marie, my mom, Melanie and I all sigh at the same time. Meredith laughs, “I know!”

“But we found it,” Carson says with his face turning red.

“Smooth,” Andrew says getting up and taking his dish into the kitchen.

Melanie playfully smacks his thigh, “I think it’s cute,”

“How are you going to pay for this wedding?” my dad asks. He’s always been the money worrying kind of guy.

Meredith stops laughing and looks my dad, really seriously, “Well, Carson had some money saved and so do I,”

My dad smiles, “I’ll pay for the dress,”

Meredith gets up and runs over to my dad, kissing him on the cheek. “I love you,” she says.

My dad laughs, “Love you too,”

I look at Jeff, he hasn’t said much all night. I think my dad noticed my change of attention because he says, “So Jeff, where do you go to college?”

“Um,” Jeff says obviously uncomfortable by the spotlight, even Andrew came back from the kitchen. “I don’t go to college, I play hockey,”

My dad frowns, “Hockey?”

I can’t take anymore of this. “Everyone, this is Jeff Skinner, he plays for the Carolina Hurricanes,”

Andrew raises his eyebrows, “A professional hockey player? How old are you Jeff?”

This is what I hate, Andrew’s protective side. I was going to speak up but Jeff did before me. “I’m 19, this is my rookie year,”

My dad nods approvingly, “Good for you, no one makes it in the NHL when they’re nineteen,”

I sigh with relief. Under the table Jeff’s hand holds mine, and throughout the rest of the night he was always by my side. Whether it was helping with dessert or cleaning up in the kitchen. He was getting along with everyone. Everyone, except Andrew.

“So where are you from?” my brother asks like he’s interrogating him.

“Markham, Ontario,” Jeff answers politely, taking another plate into the kitchen.

“Jeff” my mom calls.

“Yes?” Jeff answers coming into the kitchen where I was. “Thank you so much for helping we were going to watch a movie if you would like to join us.

Jeff smiles, “I’d love to.” Since I was done with my kitchen job, I took Jeff’s hand and we walked into the living room and sat on the couch.

“Jill?” Andrew calls from the hallway, “Could you come here?”

Uh oh, this can’t be good. Jeff grabs my hand just as I get up. I look down at him, “He doesn’t like me does he?” I smile and kiss him.

“Nope,” I say and quickly walk into the hallway. I’m not a person to lie to make someone feel better.

“What do you want Andrew?”

“He’s not right for you,” he answers, shaking his head.

“Oh c’mon!” I say, “Give me one good reason!”

“He’s not Pet-“

“Andrew! I broke up with Peter three months ago! He might have been your best friend but we both knew we weren’t right for each other!” Andrew looks as me impatiently, “C’mon Andrew!” I almost yell, “You know it’s true!”

Andrew just shakes his head. I storm out of the hallway and back into the living room. I plop down beside Jeff again and fold my arms across my chest. “How’d it go?” Jeff asks even though I know he already knows the answer.

I just shake my head, “Forget him,”

Jeff leans over and kisses me softly, “I’m sorry,” he says.

I shake my head. “You shouldn’t be apologizing, it’s not your fault,”

I make a point of kissing him again when Andrew comes back from the hallway.

The movie we were watching was Rio. I’ve seen it before and I really like it. I liked it so much that I completely forgot about being angry and was really enjoying myself.

My mom was fast asleep with her head resting on my dad’s lap. Melanie was asleep on Andrew’s shoulder. Andrew was glaring at me and Jeff. Marie was sitting in the rocking chair and Meredith and Carson were siting together on the loveseat. I can’t believe they’re getting married.

Just then Jeff puts his arm around me and kisses my head. I rest my head on his shoulder and try to ignore my brother’s glare. Before I knew it I was fast asleep.
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