Status: Taking A Break

It Could Happen To Anyone

Girl Help


Just as the credits start to play I realize that the only two people that are still up are Andrew and I. It was really weird that he was glaring at Jill and I. I’d hate to get in between their relationship. I gently take Jill’s head off my shoulder. She’s so cute when she’s asleep. I stand up and stretch. Andrew does the same with Melanie.

“I assume you don’t know that Jill was just in a relationship?” he asks still staring at me.

“Um, I think she might have said something about it yesterday,” I answer. This is seriously really awkward.

“Oh yeah? What did she say?”

I shrug, “Just that when she moved here it was hard but then she met this guy, I assume that’s him?”

Andrew nods, “He’s my best friend,”

“Listen man, I’m sorry but I really don’t know what I did,” I say.

“Peter was better for her,”

I felt my heart break but I tried to stay clam, “Is Peter the guy?” He just nods. “Okay well, I didn’t come here to be judged so, bye!” My sadness quickly turns to anger as I go out the front door and into my car.

I drive home in silence just thinking about what happened tonight.

I thought about good things like how her parents liked me and that her sister is getting married.

Thinking about her family though made me think of Andrew, and Peter. Whoever this guy is he must have been pretty lucky. Man, why can’t her family just like me?

As I get out of the car and into the elevator I start to think about what it could have been like if Andrew liked me. Man, like I said, Peter must have been really lucky.

“Biebs!” Justin says as I open the door. Lucky for me, the only other person here was Brandon.

“Where have you been?” Brandon asks.

I shrug as I past the living room into my room. Brandon follows, “Did something happen?”

I lay down on my bed and pull out my Blackberry. I scroll to the right picture and give it to him. “Hey, isn’t this that girl from the other night who whooped us at Life?”

“Yeah,” I say even though my pillow muffled it.

Brandon nods, “Okay, and why are you showing me this?”

“Because she’s was happened,”

Brandon’s face just gets more confused, “Okay, did she break up with you or something?”

I shake my head, “No, the opposite, I really like her,”

“Isn’t that a good thing?”

“Not when her brother hates me,”

“Ah,” Brandon says, finally understanding, “So you met her family?” I nod, “Dang, super fast relationship,” I throw my pillow at him. “Okay,” Brandon says deflecting it, “Do you really like her?”

I nod, “Yeah and I know what you’re going to say but I really don’t want to breakup with her,”

Brandon comes and sits beside me, “I have absolutely know idea what you’re talking about, I was going to say that if you really like her, then you should ignore all that, everyone can’t agree on one thing,”

I shrug, “I guess you’re right,”

“Unless,” he says, “How many people are in her family?”

“She has two sisters and a brother,”

“Then yeah, not everyone will agree!”

“Okay, but he still doesn’t like me and that bothers me, because in the end, he’s still her brother,”

“Um okay,” Brandon was never the problem solving type, “Did he say why he didn’t like you?”

“He said I wasn’t Peter,” I answer.

“Who’s Peter?”

“Her old boyfriend,” I answer miserably. “He’s Andrew’s best friend,”

All of a sudden Brandon starts laughing. In fact he laughs so hard that he falls off my bed and onto the floor. I was still sad but that was hilarious.

“That’s why?” he asks still laughing.

I nod, “Yeah, um, why is this so funny?”

“Whew,” Brandon says getting off the floor, “It’s just that, that’s such a stupid reason,”

“What?” I ask. Now I’m the confused one.

“He’s stubborn!” Brandon says like it’s the most obvious thing. “Obviously, Jill broke up with this Peter kid and her brother must just be mad and won’t like any of her other boyfriends,”

Suddenly, it all made sense. I understood what Brandon meant and I laughed a bit too. “Wait, that’s still not funny,”

Brandon shrugs while he walks out of the room. Next time, I should go to someone else besides Brandon for girl help.
♠ ♠ ♠
Alright so, I finally got one comment but come ON! I know you read it. Just write a little something!! PLEASE!