
of Unrequited

Percy had noticed Luna in the halls of Hogwarts exactly three years ago, and three years ago was when he fell in love with the blond, doe eyed beauty. She was so peculiar, he noted. Moving with a lithe ease that was uncommon in those who never once looked at the ground as they walked, head held high and sporting a pair of colorful eyeglasses with swirls on them...well, she was peculiar, as he said. But she made him think. And not much made Percy Weasley, the great Prefect that he swore he was, think on one subject for too long.

Yet as interested in her as he was he never could hold a proper conversation, and if he could then it wasn’t for very long. Percy just couldn’t open his mouth long enough to string together a compliment or discuss something besides Prefect duties or Hogwarts with her. That was another thing about Luna; she made his mouth run dry and his throat close up. She had an effect on him like no other and it drove him simply mad. How could one woman, one he barely knew, do this to him? It made no sense.

So for three years he decided to separate himself from her, and for three years all was well. No more headaches, no more thinking her name all day every day and no more wishing she would think his name. All he would rarely allow himself was that one day that he saw her in the halls of his once-school.

But thinking on it now he was glad he allowed himself that one day, because that was the day he fell in love with the odd Luna Lovegood. And that was the day, just three years later, that his Luna would fall in love with someone else, someone who wasn’t him.