Status: In Progress

My Day in Yoga

Call Me Mom

I paced back in forth in my room waiting for Jeff to come. Each minute seemed more like an hour. I was so nervous for my parents to meet Jeff, mainly my dad, because I really liked Jeff and I wanted them to like him too.

“MIA!” Nate hollered up the stairs. “JEFF’S HERE!”

“Ok, I’m coming.” I ran down the stairs and the smell of my mom’s cooking hit me, chicken and rice stir-fry, my favorite. I flung open the front door before Jeff could even ring the doorbell. “Hey.” I said breathless.

“Hey. You look nice.” He said and stepped inside. “It smells amazing.”

“Thank you,” My mom said stepping around the corner, followed by my dad. “I can’t guarantee it will taste as good.”

“I’m sure it will, I don’t get a home cooked meal too often.” Jeff said. “Nice to meet you Mrs. Paige.”

“Please, call me Emily. Or even better, call me mom.” She said and I saw Jeff blush.

“Mom.” I said through clenched teeth. “Stop.”

“Nice to meet you Jeff.” My dad said and shook his hand.

“You too Mr. Paige.” My dad smiled.

“Well, dinner should be ready soon.” My mom said and went back into the kitchen.

“Hey Jeff.” Nate said.

“Hey Nate.” Jeff said and clapped him on the back. “How are you?”

“I’m good.”

“Have you been working on your crossovers?”

“Yeah,” Nate said. “Absolutely.” I thought it was funny how Nate was only 3 years younger than Jeff, but Nate still seemed like such a little kid to me. We all followed my dad in to the living room and once again, Jeff stopped to look at the family portraits for a minute. We sat down on the couch and I braced myself for my dad to begin interrogating Jeff.

“So Jeff,” My dad said taking a seat. “How long have you been in Raleigh?”

“Uh, a few months, you know, I think I got down here in September at the start of training camp.” Jeff said.

“Right, right. So do you think you guys will make the playoffs this year? I know Nate would like that.” He said and ruffled Nate’s hair. Nate scooted away and straightened out his hair again.

“I hope so, you know. I think we have a good shot at it. I can tell Coach is getting a little antsy but I think the guys are putting extra effort into each game.” Jeff said looking at my dad.

“It would be awesome to bring the playoffs back to Raleigh, I can’t say I would be able to watch any of them, though. I am going to back to Japan next week for another month.”

“What are you in Japan for?” Jeff asked.

“I develop software and graphic design for computer programs. It is just taking a lot longer than we thought it would to get everything put together.” Dad said.

“Ok, food’s ready.” My mom said and poked her head around the corner. The smell is even stronger in the kitchen. My mouth is watering. I rarely get to eat real food like this. My diet mainly consists of salad, fruit and chicken. Jeff pulls out my chair before he sits down and I see my dad give him a nod. We pass the food around family style and I dig in immediately.

“Mia!” My mom scolded me. “You have a guest be polite.”

“Sorry mom, but it’s my favorite you know that.” I said. I see Jeff smile next to me.

“Jeff, you are just so cute.” My mom said. “Look at that smile!”

I can tell Jeff is blushing and I try hard not to laugh. We all finish eating without anything else embarrassing said. I help my mom clean up the table and take Jeff upstairs. He follows me into my room and we sit on my couch. I kick off my shoes and sit Indian style.

“See, I told you my dad would interrogate you.”

“It wasn’t bad. He just wants to get to know me.” Jeff said. “Like I want to get to know more about you.”

“Ok, ask me anything.” I said.

“Ok, what is your favorite candy?”

“Well, probably the yellow M&Ms.” I said.

“Just the yellow ones?” Jeff asked confused.

“Yeah, the other ones don’t taste as good.” I shrug. “So, what is your favorite kind of music?”

“Country. Like you told me the first day I met you.”

“You remember that?” I said.

“Of course, I remember everything about that day. It was so cold, and I saw your blonde hair and I knew I wanted to sit next to you, because everyone else in that room had grey hair. And you were wearing a purple shirt and black pants. When we went to the smoothie place you ordered strawberry and banana.” Jeff said. “I knew you were going to be special. I wanted to remember everything about that day.”

“Wow, Jeff, I mean. Whoa.” Was all I could manage to say to that.
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Ok, so I got a comment that said they didn't like me holding the story "hostage" which I think is a fair arguement so I won't do that anymore. I tried to make this one a little bit longer than my other one. Thank you to whoever wrote that comment.