Status: In Progress

My Day in Yoga

One of My Best

I laid down on my bed as my phone dialed Jeff. “Hello?”
“Hey Jeff, its Mia.” I said and roll over onto my stomach.

“Mia? I don’t think I know a Mia.” Jeff said.

“Shut up!” I said laughing. “You want to come to my audition tomorrow?”

“Audition for what?”

“The one for Klara, for the solo in her show.” I said. “It’s like a huge deal.”

“Right, sorry. Yeah sure, I would love too. I will pick you up, ok?” He said.

“Ok. Thanks, bye.” I said and hung up. My mom knocked on my door. “Come in.”

“Hey honey, Nate and I are leaving for Kentucky soon.” She said. “Come down and say goodbye.”

I hopped up and followed my mom downstairs. It seemed like lately she had been going to with Nate to all his tournaments now that my dad has to be in Japan all the time. “Bye, squirt.” I said to Nate and squeezed his shoulders.

“Bye, blondie.” He said pushing my arm off him. “And watch the hair, I am meeting with scout when we get there, I need to look nice.”

My mom rolled her eyes and gave me a hug. “Your dinners are in the fridge. We should be back no tomorrow but the next morning.” I nodded. “Good luck on your audition sweetie.” She turned and went out to the garage.


I got in Jeff’s car and pulled my knees up to my chest. “Hey.” I said staring out the window.

“What’s wrong?” Jeff asked. “You nervous?”

“Yeah, this is just a really big deal and I couldn’t sleep last night. I slept in my parents bed because I was so scared.” I said.

“So you are scared to stay in that big house all alone.” He said.

“Well last time I was supposed to be alone you accidently fell asleep too.” I said through my teeth chattering. “So I wasn’t scared then.”

“Are you cold?”

“No, I just shake when I get nervous.” Jeff laughed and turned back to the road. I leaned against the window and fell asleep. I woke up when Jeff shook my shoulder. “We’re here sleepy head.”

“Thanks.” I said getting out of the car. Jeff got out and put his arms around my shoulders as we walked to the door.

“You know, I have never seen you dance before. Like really dance.”

“You will soon.” He smiled. I saw Benny and she gave me a huge hug.

“Hey Jeff.” She said. He gave her a small wave. “Drake just went. She thinks she did really good, but her knees were totally bent the whole time.”

“Good.” I said. “Not for her though.” Benny laughed.

Natalia came out of the studio with a big clipboard. “Benny Cao your next.” Benny gave me a weak smile and went into the studio. Natalia came over next to me. “Mia you are after Benny. Start warming up.”

I dropped my bag on the floor and started to stretch. I watched Benny through the observation window and tried to give her smiles whenever she turned my way. After about ten minutes Natalia called me in. Jeff gave me a hug and stood by the window.

“Hello, I am Klara.” Said the women behind the table.

“She is one of my best.” Natalia said behind me and I smiled. Natalia was not one to give out compliments. My music started and I danced like no one was watching. I saw Jeff leaning against the window and he smiled at me the whole time. When I finished Klara clapped.

“Brilliant, you are beautiful, and you are the perfect size for the part. I will let you know tomorrow the final decision.” I nodded and walked out of the room and took a huge breath.

“You were beautiful Mia.” Jeff said.

“Absolutely.” Benny said. “Well, I’ve got to go. Bye Mia.”

“Bye.” I said. “Was I good?”

“Your were perfect as far as I could tell.” Jeff said. “Let’s go.” I grabbed my jacket off the floor and grabbed his hand.

“You want to go back to my place?” I said as I got in the car.

“Won’t your brother be there? It’s Saturday.”

“Nope.” I said and smiled. “He and my mom are gone all weekend.”

“Perfect.” Jeff said and kissed me.