Status: In Progress

My Day in Yoga

My Ring Finger

“Just let me run up and change.” I said dropping my bag on the floor. I put on a t-shirt and jeans and took my hair out of my ballerina bun.

“Spin to me.” Jeff said when I went back downstairs. I gave him a puzzled look. “Like you did in your dance.” He clarified. I spot turned across the living room into his arms. He held me close and rocked us back and forth. I looked up at him and he smiled back at me.

“You know you have one of those smiles.” I said.

“One of what smiles?” He asked.

“The kind that make people want to stop and stare because it’s contagious.”

“My smile is contagious?” He laughed.

“In a good way, your laugh is too.” I said leaning into him.

“Well, you are one of those girls, that is just so beautiful that you have to stop and stare at too.” I couldn’t help but laugh. He gave me a sly smile. “It’s true though.” He said. He held me tighter and dropped his weight so we fell onto the couch.

I laid my head on his chest and stared out the windows that cover the whole back of my house. It started to drizzle and the thunder shook the house. “Today is also the one month anniversary of the day we met.” Jeff whispers looking down at me.

“It’s the ides of March.” I said quietly.

“The what?”

“A man warned Julius Caesar in Ancient Rome that he needed to ‘beware the ides of March’ meaning the 15th of March or so. Today is March 15th.”

“I didn’t know that. All I remember is that his friend Brutus killed him.” Jeff chuckled. “Good friend right?”

I laughed, “Promise if you ever try to kill me-“

“Don’t even finish that.” Jeff said suddenly serious. “I can’t imagine not having you with me anymore, and I don’t want that to ever happen.”

“Oh.” I said muffled. “I was just kidding.”

“I know,” Jeff said leaning his forehead onto mine. “I just couldn’t live without you here with me.”

I kissed him softly. He ran his hands through my hair. “Your hair is so blonde, it’s almost white.”

“Yeah, I’m a toe-head.”

“A what now?” He asked.

“It’s an expression. It’s someone that has very blonde hair.”

“It reminds me of Parker’s hair.” He said sitting up more.

“Who is Parker?” I asked.

“Eric and Tanya’s son. You know, I would like you to meet them.” He said. “And everyone, I mean I’ve met your family and they are the closest thing to a family I have here.”

“Sure I would love to meet them, but I think I've met Tanya and Parker.” He grabbed my hand and looked at my rings.

“Why do you wear all these?” Jeff asked spinning them around on my fingers.

“Random much?” I said sarcastically. “This one,” I pointed to my middle finger. “Just has my initials on it, and it’s pretty.”


“Jeff, it’s a monogram. First name, last name, middle name.” I clarified.

“Ok, then what’s your middle name?”

“Megan. Mia Megan Paige.” I said.

“That’s cute.” Jeff said. “What about this one?” He pointed to my ring finger.

“It’s my grandmother’s engagement band. My mom gave it to me when I was little.” I said. “The last one on my pinkie is from my uncle in Russia. He sent it to me when I was twelve or so and it was too big so I wore it on a chain. But now it fits.”

“Very interesting. You know what ring you are missing?”


He picked my left hand up off his lap and held up my ring finger. “One that I’m going to put right there.” He said and kissed it.

“JEFF!” I practically screamed. “I’m seventeen!”

“And I’m eighteen, this is your house, we are in North Carolina, anything else?”

I stared at him, “Jeff, you know I love you, no question, but I’m not even a legal adult.”

“Then I will wait, you will be soon, I think whenever people are ready to get married they should get married. It doesn’t matter how old they are.”

I felt the tears stinging behind my eyes, “Mia.” He said and held me close against him. I sat on his lap and we rocked back and forth. The first tear ran down my cheek and landed on my jean covered knee.

I sniffled and wiped the tears off my cheeks. “My dad would flip out if he heard you right now.” A big clap of thunder filled my ears and the house rattled. The lightning flashed outside and the rain came down harder. Something cold and wet brushed up against my toe. I shrieked. “Dear Lord Peeta! Don’t scare me like that.”