Status: In Progress

My Day in Yoga

Jaw Dropping

I called Benny and explained my situation. “I need you to take me to the RBC Center.” I begged.

“What about your parents? They would never let you go.” She said.

“Um, well, we could tell we are going to the mall. We go to the mall all the time that have to believe that.”

“Fine,” Benny said flustered. “But I am not lying to your parents.”

“Thanks SO MUCH! I will see you later.” I exclaimed. I checked my clock. 4 O’clock, I had about two hours before Benny came. They were the most agonizing two hours of my life. I sat in my room, I paced, and I made popcorn and didn’t eat it.

“Hey Mia.” Nate said coming into my room.

“Oh, uh hey.” I said surprised to see him. It felt like I hadn’t seen him in a long time, but I don’t blame him, I wouldn’t want to be around me either. I have been such a grouch. “What do you want?” I said but it sounded meaner than I wanted.

“Can you take me to go get pizza later? I’m meeting some friends.”

“Sorry, I’m going to the ga-“ I stopped midsentence. “I’m going to the mall with Benny.”

“Oh, alright then.” He said and walked out. I saw a car pull into the driveway and ran downstairs.

“MOM!” I called. “I’m going to the mall with Benny.”

“Hold it.” She barked. “It’s already six.”

“Mooooom,” I wailed. “IT’S BENNY, we are just going to the mall.”

“Fine, whatever.” She said and put her hands up. I grabbed my purse and ran out to Benny.

“Hey, Mia!” She said as I buckled in.

“Hey, thanks again, so much. I really owe you.”

“Yeah, you know it. Just remember my birthday June 6th, I would love a pair of cute shoes. That’s all I’m saying.” She giggled.

“Of course.” I said. “Do you know where you are going?”

“Yes I do.”


Benny dropped me off in front of the VIP section and I saw Tanya standing on the stairs. “Hello!” She said.

“Hey, thanks so much.” I said and she pulled me into a hug. I waved back to Benny and she drove off.

“You can come sit with us in the family section and then I will show you how to get downstairs after the game.”

“Sure.” I said and smiled. I watched the game in total confusion. You would think that with a brother who plays as much as Nate does, I would know something about hockey, but I don’t. I just jumped up and down and cheered when all the other wives and girlfriends did. After the game, Tanya took me downstairs and showed the security man a badge and he let us through. We went through a series of hallways and I saw Jeff standing at the end talking with some reporters. I waited until he was through and I ran up to him.

“Hey.” He said and pulled me into an awkward hug.

“Hey.” I said and frowned when I saw his face. “What’s wrong?”

“Can we talk over here?” He pulled my hand over to a corner. “I’ve been thinking, that maybe we shouldn’t date for a while.”

My jaw dropped, that was not what I was expecting to hear. “What? WHY?” I said astonished.

“I think you and your parents need to work something out, because I don’t want your folks to hate me, and I don’t want to ruin your relationship with your family.” He said and I sighed. “I’m really sorry, you know that, but you need to fix things with your parents.” I nodded and turned on my heel and walked with all the courage I had to the door.

“WAIT MIA!” He called after me. “Say something.” He pleaded.

“I don’t have anything to say to that.” I pushed the door open and went out into the crisp air. I called Benny and within ten minutes, she was there. I climbed in the backseat, curled up and tried my hardest not to cry, but I failed.