Status: In Progress

My Day in Yoga


They led me to Jeff’s room and gave me a stack of paperwork to fill out so the hospital would have me on file. I was left with specific instructions to not wake him up, or leave. I sat in the stiff chair and started on the papers, I stared at the first question for five minutes before I realized it was just asking my name. I was panicking, what would I say when Jeff woke up? More importantly, what would he say? I looked up at him. His bare shoulder had a yellow and purple bruise and the back of his right hand was cut up pretty bad. He was curled up on his side with his arm hanging off the bed. It was just starting to get light outside and early morning sun was peeking through the blinds. I finished the papers and set them on the table when Jeff finally spoke.

“Mi-mia?” He whispered. I stood up and walked over to him.

“It’s Mia, Jeff. Do you remember me?”

He chuckled a little, “Of course Mia, how could I forget you?”

“I thought you had when you didn’t call.” I said dropping my eyes to the floor. He reached out for my hand and pulled me closer to him.

“I’m sorry. Why are you here, why am I here?” He asked confused.

“Oh, you were in a car accident, and you have a minor concussion and they thought you might have some amnesia because you won’t talk to the nurses.” I said that was all I knew anyway.

“I remember the night our season ended to the Lightening I was driving home, and I was frustrated.” He thought for a moment. “But that’s all I know.”

“I’ll go get a nurse or something, they might-“ I turned toward the door.

“NO! Mia wait.” He said trying to get out of bed. “Just wait. I want to talk to you. I might not know anything that’s happened lately, but I was losing my mind without you.” I smiled. “I don’t know if you watched the end of our season, but I pretty much sucked.”

“Jeff I-“

“No, Mia I was lost without you. I can’t believe it took me losing you to realize how much I need you.” He grabbed my shoulders and stared into my eyes.

“How could you do that? You just like dropped me.” I felt the anger coming out. I sat down on the edge of the bed and gripped the guardrail. “You can’t do that to somebody.”

He sat down next to me and wrapped his arms around my shoulders. “It was the stupidest thing I’ve ever done, MIA, I’m so sorry.”

“I don’t know.”

“I need you to forgive me. I can’t forget you, I never could no matter how hard I try. And I don’t want to have to try.” He said. The muscles in his arm tensed around me. I heard the sounds of heels clicking on the linoleum floors and the same red-head nurse that brought me up here came in.

“Have you finished the-“ She stopped. “Mr. Skinner, you are talking! Do you remember anything?” She grabbed a clipboard off the wall and started writing furiously.

“Um, no, I was just talking to Mia. She came to visit me.”

“Oh, actually the hospital called me and told me to come see you.” I said.

“They told you to come? You didn’t want to come, right?” He shouted suddenly angry.

“I didn’t even know you were here!”

“Just, just no. I thought you were here because you wanted to get back together. But ok, I see.”

“Excuse me.” I said getting up. “But, were you just not trying to get ME to forgive YOU? You know what, adios Jeffrey Skinner because I’m done.” I stormed out and out through the lobby. I ran to my car and leaned my head against the steering wheel.
♠ ♠ ♠
So sorry for taking so long to update and I know this one is pretty lame. I changed my story line so I lied there will be a few more chapters then the sequel. Thanks for reading.