Status: In Progress

My Day in Yoga

On Land

I had been thinking about skating with Jeff all day. I hope I don’t make a fool of myself, I know I can’t skate. My brother has tried to teach me many times. I was getting ready and I heard my dogs start going berserk downstairs and knew Jeff must be here. I grabbed my purse and my really old skates and ran downstairs. My dogs were pawing at the door. I shooed them out of the way and answered the door.

“Hey.” Jeff said.

“Hey,” I said. “Come on in. I just need to grab a jacket.” Jeff followed me through the hall and he stopped to look at the family portraits. We were all sitting in the sand in white outfits. Then there was a picture of me doing a grande jete on the beach and Nate standing in the surf.

“These are really pretty.” Jeff said.


“Am I ever going to get to meet your family?”

“Well actually my dad is in Japan till the end of the month and my mom and brother are in Atlanta for a hockey tournament until tomorrow night.” I said grabbing a jacket off the couch.

“You’re not scared to stay in this big house by yourself, love?” He said poking my ribs. “Which by the way is huge and gorgeous.”

“Thank you, and love?” I said.

“Would you prefer beautiful?”

“It’s your choice, gorgeous.” I said smirking. “Come on.”

I grabbed his hand and pulled him through the garage. “But we just moved here a couple months ago. My dad wasn’t so sure about it though. He thought it was too modern”

“I think it’s cool.” He said.


I stepped out onto the ice and immediately clutched the wall for support. As long as I stay on my feet and off my butt, I thought I was doing pretty good.

“Ok, one rule. Get off the wall.” Jeff said.

“Seriously?” I said. He pulled me off the wall and grabbed my waist.

“I got you. It’s really easy just push off your feet.”

“I understand it, it’s the ‘doing’ it, that’s the problem.”

“Here let me push you. Once you get the feel of it, it’s easier.” Jeff said, trying to help.

“My brother has tried to teach me before. I think it’s just a lost cause.” Jeff started to skate backwards and pull me along with him. I just wobbled around. “I’m going to fall.”

“No you are not.” Jeff said and grabbed me behind the knees and picked me up, scaring me. “See, I got you.”

“JEFF!” I screamed as he spun around and set me back down.

“See, you won’t fall.” He said. “You are a dancer so you have balance.”

“Yeah, on LAND, not on water.”

“I think it’s ice.”

“Whatever, you spend all day on ice.” I said. “The only time I use ice is for drinks.”

Jeff laughed and continued to pull me around.
♠ ♠ ♠
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