Status: In Progress

My Day in Yoga

May 14th

It had been a few days since I had seen Jeff, but we had been texting everyday practically all day. I should have probably warned my mom about my phone bill. I pulled into the parking lot of the yoga studio in my new Acura MDX. I recognized Jeff’s car and pulled in next to him. I hopped out of my car and knocked on his window. I saw him jump in his seat.

He rolled down his window, “Hey.”

“Hey!” I said. “Did I scare you?”

“Yeah, I didn’t recognize you. You have a new car.” Jeff said.

“My grandma bought it for me, early birthday present.”

“How early?”

“Three months.” I said laughing.

“So really early, and my birthday is in May too.” He said and got out of his car.

“What day? Mine is the 14th.”


“We better go inside. It’s already 7:13.” I said.

“OH NO!” Jeff said in a mimicking voice. “I hate being LATE!”

“Shut up.” I said and ran into a tall, thin girl. I mean I was short for a ballerina, only 5’3, but this girl was tall. “Oh, excuse me.”

“Oh look, Mia is STILL a klutz. It’s nice to know some things never change.” Drake said rudely.

“Shut up Drake. It’s not my fault that your brother wanted to go out with Benny. Just leave me alone.” I said shoving past her.

“Mia!” Jeff called behind me. “Who was that?”

“My ex-best friend. Drake, Benny and I used to be super close. But Drake has a brother, Chandler, who is gorgeous. And Benny, being Benny, asked him out. Then when Benny dumped his sorry butt Drake got really mad or something and stopped talking to us. Which was fine by me, she always ate popcorn at the movies, and she was never nice anyway.”

“Then forget about her. She’s-“

“I can’t just like shove her away, she is in all my ballet classes and always tries to beat me at everything, never does, but tries.” I said and that got a laugh out of Jeff.

He put his arm around me and pulled me inside, looking over his shoulder at Drake. When we got inside I saw a girl from ballet, Jenna, sitting near the back. I waved and she waved back. Once, again yoga went by way too fast with me watching Jeff the whole time. When Sonya told us to leave I stood up and grabbed my stuff.

“You want to go somewhere?” I asked Jeff.

“I can’t sorry. I’m helping out with some kids’ hockey league or something.” He said. I forgot it was Saturday, my brother was supposed to have some Hurricanes player at his practice today.

“I think that’s Nate’s league. He said something about it.”

“Really? I’ll tell him you said hi.” Jeff said.

“Later.” I said and waved over my shoulder.
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Sorry I haven't updated in a while, I have been so busy.