Status: Activated. Very Activated

Lines Crossed . Lives Lost.

Chapter one

Drugs. Drugs and Gangs is all I've known since I was five. I don't want to be into anything illegal or anything that puts me or my family in danger. That 's why I'm Going to school and getting my education to be the first one in my family to graduate highschool. My brother dropped out of school sophmore year. My parents were dissapointed but They understood that instead of wasting time at school , that time could be with me caliante.

Sometimes I wonder if he even thinks about the consequences Of being in a Gang. I guess he thought He had To be the next Gang Leader because of our father. Our father was me caliante's leader for over Twenty years But he decided to give up his posistion to my brother; Seko. Secko Had to do anything and everything to earn the leader and he did. It took him two years to do it. In California My father has alot of connections , So Getting caught would'nt be a problem.

Walking down the street from school , I look around for anything off. Still searching I keep Walking until I hear A black truck approaching.Hardcore Rap is all that's heard before I turn around and see them take there gun. I race around the corner and duck as I hear about fifteen shots. I'm Scared for my life. I hurredly look around the corner to see a My bestfriend lena Laying on the ground holding her chest. I gasp.

Waiting till the truck pulls off I run to her body on the ground and cradle her head.

" It's Gonna be okay.Hold on." I start to sob .

" Maria?" She rasps and her eyes go blank. My eyes widen.

" Please! LENA! LENA!" I begin to sob hesterically. No. Please god. I need her.

Somebody grabs me and picks me up. I hit and punch them Screaming for them to let me go.

" LET ME GO! LET ME FUCKING GO! " I continue to sob.

"Maria! It's Seko." I still continue to hit him as he throws me in the car.

I just sit there as he drives off and look out the window.

" Maria?" I continue to ignore him.

" Leave me the fuck alone Seko!My bestfriend just fucking died!" I said with as much venom in my voice as possible.

" We had to get you out of there. If police saw you they're gonna automatically think of caliante. We can't have more Police on our asses Maria!" His voice Hardens.

" What the fuck ever. You always think about yourself Seko! Lena Was my Bestfriend! She died! Died! i ca'nt fucking believe that your'e still thinking about yourself! Fuck you Seko!" I yelled. I hated the fact that everything was about him. I just saw my bestfriend die right in fornt of my eyes. Tears leak onto my cheeks.

It' s quiet for the rest of the way. As soon as we pull up ; I jump out of the car and head to my room , slamming the door. I finally let out a sob.
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