Status: incomplete

The Land of Infinity

Chapter six

The angel grabbed at its weapon slowly, I then start to think this angel wants to attack me; so I prepare to ready my weapons for battle. Just as it seems the spirit was attacking i grab my weapons and the angel disposes of its weapons immediately. I question the being, "who are you?" queerly.
The angel then spoke, "You may call me Uriel" he started. " I am the highest of four of His favorites" I then asked "who is Him that you speak of?"
"The Monarch" Uriel says.
I question no further but to ask why he's here. I received no reply. Uriel simply grabbed his weapons and slowly flew overhead, intending me to follow I asked. So I followed. We then entered a massive clay wall that stretched for mile upon mile, farther than the naked eye can see. What we had enteted upon was a cave labyrinth.. Larger than any maze anybodys ever seen in an eternity.