Forgive Me Angel

Forgive Me Angel

The room full of the darkness that surrounds me, with nothing to keep me somewhat sane but my thoughts swimming in the darkness of which I have to live. The small single beam of light that enters my room for one lucky minute each day in which my food and water is given. Why don’t I escape? How can I when all that happens when I walk in one direction for what seems like hours on end and then arrive back in the exact same place?

Well now I am stuck here until my thoughts find direction, it is so strange how they can’t hear my thoughts but they seem to be able to see what I am thinking by my expressions. Which raises another question, how can they see when I can’t?
Well how did I come to this room of darkness?

It was what I think to be about one year ago, I was running home from school home from school, deep in my own mind recalling the events that had just happened. My twin sister and I had had a large argument in the math lesson that we had first period over the extra credit. I yelled at her and she yelled back, we were sent out of to discuss our issues together rather than in front of the class that was clearly backing her. We got out of the class and I explained as she yelled at the top of her lungs that just because I was older by two minutes didn’t mean that I was any smarter. I walked straight into the classroom collected my equipment and walked towards her and yelled at the top of my lungs that I hated her from the bottom of my guts.
Yeah I know maybe I shouldn’t have done that, but she started it. Anyway she punched me, twice. My nose was bleeding and my eye was watering. I ran. I ran as fast as I could possibly go. I am running home to my sanctuary, and as I got near the gate she was coming, running behind me along with my math teacher. The gate had always been particularly difficult to open. Stuff-it, I jumped it. I was heading for the road, running faster. I heard my name being screamed from a crying voice it was my sister, she wasn’t sorry. Or was she? I turned around. I heard the screeching of breaks, flashing lights, people yelling, screaming for help and my sister, crying her heart out. I felt blood, my thoughts over powered my body. I lost control, completely, I went numb.

Here I am one year later, or so it feels.

My door starts to open; I made a decision, to confront Angel.

"So tell me Angel, how do I leave? I love her, I love my sister. I love my family; I don’t want to be left here. Away form her cute, bubbly face that I cherish so much, I would die just to see her one more time, please, Angel please, please just give me my one last chance. Please Angel. Don’t take me, not yet."

My door opened wider, but no food arrived. The light was getting stronger. The door was being pushed, but by what I do not know. The door was swinging right off its hinges and the light radiating from the door was like an overly powerful wind.

“Angel, Angel!” I screamed

“Where are you? Where are you taking me? I want my sister! I want to see her! Last chance, I beg of you! Don’t make me leave her, not yet, please!”

“Hey, Alexis” said the sweet voice that I have missed so much. It’s the voice of my sister, my saviour. How can this be? How can my bright electric green eyes be looking into the one face that I miss so much? We look so alike but her face has some unique characteristic that I feel mine some what does not contain. She just jumps on me and pulls me as close as she could, yanking me into the warmest hug on earth. All I could think was ‘I love you’ yet all I could say was

“What happened?”

There is a silence that separated us for what seems like forever.

“You were hit… a car... you collapsed and we lost you for a bit” Aliana said looking worryingly at my expression.

“So how long have I been out of it? A week? It felt like a year!”

“Well you see Alexis, it has been. And you weren’t exactly ‘out of it’, you were in a coma for a year. It’s a shock I know, but it’s true, Alexis, it’s true.”

The dark room was a coma; I had been in a coma for a whole year! Thinking about this overwhelms me, as tears pour down my face onto my sisters clean white shirt as she holds me as close to her as she could.
She opened the door. She was my light, my hope, my Angel.

“Aliana… I do love you. I’m so sorry, forgive me?” I said.

“Forgive me Angel.”