Until the Tide Returns


According to my doctor (Tyler) my blood was 100% normal. He obtained privileges at the local hospital and tested the vials he had drawn while I was unconscious. Physically I was fine as well. He was out of ideas seeing that’s as far as my gather would let him go with his tests.

Billy, after learning what my father had been doing, threatened to call my grandparents and tell them if my father didn’t start giving me some freedom after discovering the newest little trick of mine. My grandmother was a force my father did not want to deal with so he did as Billy said.

Maggie was thrilled to have Tyler here and decided to pit us against each other. She gave us each a buzzer and asked us anatomy questions. For each correct question we got a jelly bean. I destroyed him.

“How haven’t you been sued for malpractice yet?” Billy laughed from the couch. “She’s half your age and smarter than you.”

“She’s faster than I am. I knew the majority of them.” Billy just shook his head and went back to working on his laptop. The phone rang. I looked at the clock. It was a quarter to two.

“Go ahead.” Maggie smiled warmly. “It might be your father.”

“Hello?” I said answering the phone.

“Beckett? It’s Loraine. We’re coming over now ok?”

“Yeah. I guess. I’m still doing lessons though.”

“Ok, we’ll just sit and watch. It’s not like we have anything better to do.” There was a thump on the other end. “Not while I’m driving.” She hissed. I heard Tank ask in the background if Billy was here. “We’ll be there in like five minutes.” There was a click and the line went dead.

“What did your father want?” Maggie asked.

“Oh that was just some friends of mine they’re coming over. Is that ok?” I asked nervously. It was my house but I didn’t want Maggie to get upset. She had always been so nice to me.

“Of course!” She moved away from the kitchen table and began going through the fridge. “I was just about to start making lunch anyway.”

“Maggie.” Tyler smiled at her. “Why don’t we just wait until they get here and order some pizza?” Maggie straightened her back and closed the fridge.

“That would probably be easier.” She conceded. “In the meantime why don’t we have another match up? How is your knowledge of world religions?”

“I would say pretty good. I try to know as much as I can so I don’t offend any patients.”

“Excellent.” And with that she launched into her questions. She only got four in before the doorbell rang.

“I got it. You guys keep going.” Billy called out.

“Name the four parts of the Veda.” I hit the buzzer before Tyler.

“Samhita, Brahmanas, Aranyakas, and Upanishads.” I said. She tossed me a jelly bean. “Shouldn’t I get four?”

“No. You need to eat something besides candy.” She sighed.

“It was your idea to reward us with jelly beans.” I reminded her.

“I can always stop and not give you any incentive at all.” She smirked at me and I shook my head.

“What are you guys doing?” Loraine asked coming into the kitchen.

“Maggie asks us a question and whoever answers it right first gets a jelly bean. Right now the topic is world religions. Oh. Maggie this is Loraine.”

“It’s nice to meet you. I’m glad to see Beckett is finally making some friends.” Maggie patted Loraine’s shoulder. “I have an extra buzzer if you would like to play.”

“I’ll just watch.” She pulled out the chair beside me and sat down.

“Are you hungry?” Tyler asked.

“Totally. Cafeteria food is non edible and I’ve been shriveling away all day.”

“Well then you’re just in time. We were about to order some pizza. What do you like?” Tyler walked over and pulled the phonebook out of the cabinet and returned to his chair flipping through the pizza section.

“Just cheese, I’m kind of picky. Landon and Tank will eat whatever. They’re walking garbage disposals.” She laughed. Tyler punched a number in and brought the phone to his ear.

“I do have standards you know.” Landon said walking into the kitchen. Loraine rolled her eyes. “They must seem pretty low though if I still hang out with you.” He smiled at her and took the empty chair besides Tyler. “I’m Landon.” He held out his hand to Maggie.

“Maggie.” She shook his hand and smiled at him. “We have an extra buzzer if you would like to play. Topic is world religions, and for every correct answer you get a jelly bean.”

“Count me in.” He smiled.

“Good luck.” Tyler said to him. “She just slaughtered me in anatomy.”

“Maybe I should rethink my choice in doctors.” I laughed.

“Good luck Spicket. I’m your only option and you know it.” He smirked at me. I didn’t understand why it was easier for me to joke around with Tyler and Billy, or why I felt so lost sometimes around my new friends.

“Guys.” Maggie warned. “Next question.”


Landon beat me. Tyler thought it was hilarious, still unhappy about his recent loss.

“Well it was nice to have someone who can actually challenge Beckett.” Maggie smiled casting Tyler a glance. “How did you know so much?”

“My grandfather taught world religions in different colleges on the east coast before he retired and moved in with us. He’s constantly quizzing me.”

“Well, he taught you well.” Maggie picked up the buzzers and placed them in her bag. “We’ll take a break for now Beckett, but you do owe me a paper tomorrow. You should continue to work on it.” I had already finished the paper and rechecked it a thousand times but there was no point in telling her that.

“Jesus. How long do you go for?” Loraine asked typing away on her phone.

“We start at 8 and end at 4.” I said. Her eyes widened.

“Are you serious?” I nodded. “You have no idea how happy you’ve just made me that I am in public school.” Was that really such a long time to be learning each day?

The doorbell rang and once again Billy called out he would get it. A few moments later he walked into the kitchen with Tank holding a stack of pizzas.

“You must be Tank.” Maggie said eyeing him.

“Yes ma’am.” He smiled at her. “It’s nice to meet you Maggie. Beckett speaks very highly of you.” I didn’t recall speaking to Tank about Maggie. There was that one night on the porch but I hadn’t said anything about Maggie as a person. I had only mentioned her name.

“Beckett.” Billy called from the counter. I got out of my chair and walked over to him. “Get plates and ask what everyone wants to drink.” I just blinked at him. “It’s the polite thing to do.” When I turned around Loraine was already in the fridge pulling out a can of soda.

“Is it ok if I drink this?” She asked. I nodded. She pulled out two more and took them to Landon and Tank. “Maggie, Tyler, what would you like? No idea what’s in there but if I find it I’ll get it for you.”

“Someone beat me to it.” I whispered to him. Opening the drawer beside me and pulling out a stack of paper plates.

“Ok. Come and get it.” Billy said to the group behind us. Loraine pushed Tank out of her way which surprised me. She was half his size. I guess she really was hungry.

“Maggie.” Tyler said once he and Billy had their pizza. “Why don’t you come eat with us in the living room?” I knew why he was doing it but I never suspected Maggie as an eating on the couch type.

“Alright, but only if we can watch the game. I have money riding on it.” What? Confused and slightly disbelieving I went back to my chair at the table stopping to get a soda on the way.

“Mind if I join?” Tank called out, and not waiting for a response walked back into the living room.

“He is such a jock I swear.” Loraine sighed sitting beside me. “The other night we were halfway to second base and he just stops and is all like ‘sorry babe, I forgot there was a game tonight’ and turns the TV on.” What was second base? TV didn’t help me at all.

“You know I almost just lost my appetite.” Landon muttered sitting down beside me. “If she starts giving you too much info tell her. Seriously. She doesn’t have a filter.”

“Ok.” What else could I have said? I had no idea what they were talking about.

“Luckily for us Landon ever the consciences one isn’t big into sports. He’s more of the ’I’m so sensitive and mysterious I’ll just right in my journal all day and ignore anyone who I’m not friends with rather than make new ones’ type.”

“Right, and you’re more of the ‘I’ll go after anything with testosterone and a pulse and I’m way cooler than you’ type.” He smirked.

“You really do get me.” She sniffled and then turned her attention to me. “You have no idea how boring this kid was in study hall. He just sat on his laptop making playlists. You know what playlists are right?”

“Yeah.” I said. Did she really think I knew that little? The again I didn’t know what second base was.

“Just checking.” She took a sip of her soda. “Anyway he wouldn’t even talk to me. It was like he had to get them just right or whatever. Anal retentive.”

“You would know.” He shot at her.

“Yeah, because I’m the one holding onto some petty grudge.” She rolled her eyes and leaned back in her chair. “A couple of years ago, in 10th grade Landon and Simon unknowingly dated the same girl at the same time. Eventually they figured it out and now hate each other or whatever. It’s not like they were ever as close as he and I are but now it just makes for more drama.”

“That doesn’t make sense.” I said. Loraine nodded in agreement. “Why get mad at each other when it was the girl who was lying to you?”

“Exactly.” Loraine sighed. “Is it because you’re still harboring feelings for that two-bit whore?” She asked Landon. “Even though she’s still dating Simon, and they both constantly cheat on each other?”

“No.” His eyes narrowed. “It’s a guy thing.”

“Right.” Loraine said in a sarcastic tone. “Even Beckett thinks it’s stupid and she’s been stuck in the house by herself for the past decade. She didn’t have to watch this unfold.”

“Beckett.” Landon said softly. I looked over at him. “Do you think it’s stupid?” I nodded. “Fine then. I’ll drop it.” He looked at Loraine. “I can’t make any promises for Simon though.” Loraine’s jaw dropped.

“You can’t be serious.” Landon shrugged. “Everyone has been telling you for the past two years to pull your head out of your ass and you don’t listen. But you listen to a girl who you barely know?” She gave me a look I came to recognize as her ‘no offense’ look. “Oh. My. God.” She gasped and looked between Landon and me a few times. “You like her don’t you?” What was she talking about? He must have if he came over to hang out with me like she did. Oh she meant it differently.

“Don’t be ridiculous Loraine. As you just said yourself I barely know her. Yeah she’s cool to hang out with but that’s it.” I felt my stomach drop. I always figured I would grow old alone, so this shouldn’t really surprise me. Yeah he was cute. Ok that’s a lie. He was gorgeous. But I shouldn’t let this bother me. I didn’t know him. He didn’t know me. We were sort of friends. Apparently it was going to stay that way. Besides. I’m way too weird to be getting that close to anyone.

“Way to be a dick.” Loraine snapped at him. I knew I didn’t look upset. I had made sure to keep my face perfectly composed.

“Everything ok?” Tyler asked walking into the kitchen.

“Oh yeah. Everything is dandy.” Loraine muttered sarcastically and then left the table.

“Is there a bathroom I can use?” Landon asked me.

“Upstairs. Bottom one is occupied.” Tyler answered before I could open my mouth. “It’ll be on your right.” Landon got up and left, Tyler took his empty seat and set down his plate tossing another slice of pizza on mine. “Feeling fine?”

“Yeah. Why?”

“Just checking. Don’t need any incidents.” I rolled my eyes.

“I’m fine.” I wiped a bead condensation off of my can and held up my finger to show him. Then in horror I watched as it absorbed into my skin. “Wait. Why is it staying on the…” I trailed off looking at the can wide eyed.

“Upstairs. Now.” He demanded. I didn’t hesitate as I bounded up the stairs taking two at a time. The bathroom door was open. No one was in there. I jumped in and slammed the door locking it behind me and turning the sink on full blast shoving my hands under it. It only took a few seconds before it started to bounce off again. What was going on? The water didn’t fly out to get into my skin (thankfully) but it absorbed into it anyway. Frustrated I flung the door open and went into my room slamming yet another door behind me. I knew I was shaking and needed to stop.

“Why can’t for once I just be normal?” I whispered resting my forehead against the door closing my eyes. I felt myself start to cry and then I felt tears roll down my cheeks. Something I hadn’t felt in years. I lifted a finger to my cheek and brushed a tear away opening my eyes to stare at it in amazement as it sat on the tip of my finger.

“Are you ok?” I jumped back from the door and spun around. Landon was standing in the center of my room. He looked at the tears rolling down my cheeks. “Should I go get Tyler? Or Billy?” I shook my head. “Ok. I guess your wondering why I’m in your room.”

“Yeah.” Actually I was kind of worried at what he just saw. I probably looked like a lunatic.

“I opened the wrong door and got sidetracked. Sorry, I didn’t mean to invade. I’ve just never seen anyone’s room with so many books and movies.”

“Oh.” I wiped the tears away from my face and walked over to sit on my bed.

“You must spend a lot of time in here.” I shrugged. “It must be lonely.”

“It’s not as bad as it sounds.” I mumbled looking down at my feet. “I mean other than constantly being stir crazy it hasn’t been that bad now that I think about it. I kind of miss it. Being pretty solitary you know? I’ve never felt more lost than I have the past few days.”

“Oh. Do you want us to leave?” He asked jerking a thumb towards the door.

“No. It’s up to you guys. I have to get used to being around people besides Maggie and my family at some point right? Why not start now?” He walked over to my bed and paused.

“Mind if I sit?”

“Go ahead.” I felt the weight shift as he sat next to me. The door opened and Tyler poked his head in.

“Uh..” Clearly he hadn’t been expecting to find a boy in my room.

“Fixed it.” I promised. He nodded.

“I’ll be downstairs if you need me.” He pushed the door open some and then left.

“I take it there was an incident with your allergy?” Landon said softly.

“Yeah, I guess you could say that.”

“I’m sorry. It can’t be easy. But it’s getting better right?”

“Something like that.” I sighed.

“So tell me something Beckett.” I tilted my head so I could see his face. “Why have you been feeling so lost the past few days?”

“I guess I always assumed I could do pretty well out in the ‘real world’ but the more I hang out with you and Loraine and your friends the more I realize I don’t really fit in. There’s a lot of stuff you guys have done that I never have. I find myself just going along with a conversation not understanding what you guys mean some of the time. Ok well more than some.” He frowned slightly. Did I say something wrong?

“Beckett I-”

“Hey.” Landon was cut off from whatever it was he was saying by Loraine. “I love your room.” She walked in and sat in my desk chair. “It’s very you.”

“Thanks?” She smiled at me and looked around.

“Can I look in your closet?” I nodded. She squealed happily and flung the doors open. “Holy crap. You have more clothes than I do and that’s saying something. Wait, why do you have so many? It‘s not like you ever used to go anywhere.”

“Loraine.” Landon sighed. “Could you not be so you?”

“I do a lot of online shopping. I think it was always my dads way of making up for keeping me in the house.” She pulled out a dress that I hadn’t purchased but had been sent to me recently.

“How do you have this dress? It’s not supposed to be out till like next week. And it’s like $200.” She held up a light red sundress with a bow in the center of the waist. “I don’t care how bad your dad feels he’s not going to shell out $200 on a dress no one will ever see.”

“Tyler’s wife Tina. She designed it, she sends me stuff all the time.” Loraine’s jaw dropped. Tina, like my new friends, believed I was allergic to water. She felt bad and wanted to cheer me up, as a result I had more clothes than I knew what to do with.

“Wait. You know a former player for the NFL and a fashion designer?” I shrugged. “You are by far the coolest person I know.” She sighed and put the dress back in the closet.

“See?” Landon whispered to me. “You do fit in.”

They hung out until the end of the game when my dad got home. Maggie had been so into it she forgot about me. Tyler told him what happened earlier and while they tried to figure it out I went back up to my room. I didn’t feel like trying to figure it out. My only guess at getting an answer to any of this would have been finding my mother. I didn’t see that happening any time soon.

On my bed lay a folded up piece of paper, a flash drive on top. I recognized the paper as part of the stationary set my grandma sent me so we could write to each other. My name was scrawled across the front in loopy letters. I picked up the paper and opened it.


As Loraine already pointed out I spent all of study hall making playlists. I put them on the flash drive for you. Take a listen and tell me what you think next time we see each other. Or you could call me, I’ll put my phone number at the bottom of this.

I know your life is changing a lot right now, so if you ever need someone to talk to, I’m here. Don’t hesitate to call. Maybe I can help you understand the things we talk about you don’t quite get.


I read the note again and plugged the drive into my laptop. Whoa. There was five different playlists. I clicked the one titled ‘start’ and played the first song. “Spank” by The Naked and Famous. It didn’t take long for the words of the song to freak me out. There was no way he could know. It was a coincidence. It had to be. I picked up the note and looked at the phone number.

Only one way to find out.
♠ ♠ ♠
Lovecrush1- I hope that explains (well at least for the most part) what the problem between Landon and Simon is. But don't worry, those two are still not done with their foolishness despite what Landon says. Though, I'm not entirely sure when Simon will pop back up. I'm working on chapter 7 and he has yet to be seen.

Thanks for reading :D
