Status: Working progress


Fail is my Grades

This was not happening. This wasn't fucking happening. I was seventeen! I had exams, friends, and a life to keep up with! The pregnancy test was lying. So was the other one. I knew it. I wasn't pregnant. These tests were always getting it wrong. They probably just randomized the result. I laughed at my new found truth and threw the tests away.
"Steph, what the fuck are you doing in there? Get out!" shouted Derek with a steely voice.
"I was just adjusting my make-up!" I lied, and rushed out.
"You're not even wearing make-up! What have you been doing?" He asked me as I walked past him. I'd just ignore him until I had to go to school. Then I'd ignore him some more.

"Like, Steph, you're like, real pale! Are you like, OK?" Alan asked. He should have known the answer already. Of course I wasn't OK. I had an ocean of bile ready to explode out of me at any second. What if the pregnancy tests had been correct? I shook my head. Impossible. "Let's take you to see Mr. Apple. He'll like, know what to do."

We sat in Mr. Apple's class awkwardly. None of us knew what to say, apart from me, who knew not to say anything. If I did, I'd throw up. I lurched over the paper sick bowl given to me and disposed of the demons inside me. What was wrong with me?
"Morning sickness?" Mr. Apple suggested, as if he'd been reading my mind.
"What?" I replied.
"Morning sickness. You're pregnant." he said in a calm voice. How the hell could he know that just from looking at me? What the fucking fuck?
"You ignored both pregnancy tests? They don't just randomize the results or anything." Alan must have told him. But... Alan didn't know that I'd bought the pregnancy tests! Maybe Derek had found them in the bin and told Mr. Apple. Maybe Mr. Apple had gone round my house last night and went through all of my stuff! My former idea seemed more plausible.
"How do you know that?" I asked, giving up on the theories, before vomiting once more.
"It's obvious. Now, I suggest you go home and tell your pare-" he paused, "guardians." I hadn't told him that my parents weren't around either. I hadn't told him anything.

"Steph! Get up here now!" Derek shouted when he heard that I'd arrived home early. Heartbroken for the loss of my future freedom, I trudged up the stairs. One foot in front of the other... That's right, Steph. Keep going. You've done nothing wrong. Getting pregnant by a gay guy was something every teenager did once and again! Slowly, I made my way up to the bathroom, where Derek was standing angrily... Holding two pregnancy tests.