Come on Big Bad Wolf, Blow My House Down.

Come On Big Bad Wolf, Blow My House Down.

"I didn't read it," I mused as I shook my head. "I didn't do it on purpose, I look into some-one's eyes and I see there past, if I don't have a hold on it, luckily I stopped at year three, so yes I might have invaded his privacy but I assure you, it was accidental, so my apologies Paul."

He only glared at me before walking away; I leaned on my side and smiled. "By the way nice butt you got on you man!" I yelled then stood back up straight. "Maybe that will send him on a better mood, compliments usually brighten the day."

"Have you seen my past?" Jacob asked lowly as he turned his gaze to my eyes, I smiled softly and nodded.

"When I first met you in Ellen's thrift shop, it wasn't accidental I will admit but I wanted to see what you were like, if you're looks countered you're personality, apparently not," I shrugged my shoulders and looked to the ground. "My apologies to you to if I pissed you off for invading you're mind, Alice says I need to get a handle on that."

"Apology accepted," he shocked me, I turned to glance up at him and suddenly more memories went through my mind, I had to close my eyes.

"I apologize again," I groaned at my mistake. "I seriously need to stop looking at people in there eyes, I feel like I lived there heartache."

He sighed and turned to his friends, gave them a nod and slowly they left, I opened my eyes and focused on his lips instead of his eyes. "It's alright," he sighed as he held out his hand. "Come on we need to talk."

After walking away from the bonfire I stared up at the moon that set above the water. "What do you need to talk to me about?" I turned my head to him, resting it against my shoulder.

"I talked to the guys about our problem," he stopped to take a deep breath. "At first they were furious that I imprinted a bloodsucker," he stopped and smiled apologetically. "I meant vampire," he continued. "But when I explained what I felt they assured me it was imprinting, and that we would find a way to make it work."

"You do realize that I'm dead, I can't have children, hell I don't know if I can do anything besides kiss without doing something to hurt you, you'd be better of imprinting a duck," I sighed and rubbed my head.

"We could deal," he said slowly as he grabbed my hand in his, the feeling of heat raced through my fingers and made me shiver, that wasn't supposed to happen. "I mean we can adopt, I could look over the dead part since you talk and breath-"

"By choice," I reminded him. "I can choose not to breathe, it's not necessary."

"Let me finish," he narrowed his eyes down at me and sighed. "And I'm pretty strong, I doubt you could hurt me, I mean I broke Bella's hand without even touching her."

"How did you manage that? And how are you still alive!"

"Well she punched me for kissing her, and because Edward said that if he killed me it would hurt Bella," he shrugged his shoulders and looked out to the water, stopping his movements. "I don't know if I like this imprinting thing, it's kind of scary because I feel like I should protect you, love you and hate you all at the same time."

"Well," I sighed as I looked down to my hands. "It's weird for me too because I've never been in love or been loved so don't get all protective then a jerk the next minute because that happens with Edward and Bella and it drives me crazy."

"I wouldn't do that," he said softly then hit himself in the forehead. "Damn it I sound like a love sick puppy-"

"Nice choice of words," I chuckled as he turned and grinned.

"I don't like this at all because you're too nice to be someone I'm supposed to love and hate at the same time," he groaned in frustration. "Why can't it be simple?"

"Because then we wouldn't grow stronger," I smiled softly as I punched his arm. "Did you feel that?"

"Not much, felt like you poked me," he grinned as he pushed me in the arm. "Feel that?"

"Nope," I rolled my eyes as I pushed him in the gut. "Feel that? Damn wait a second," I lifted his shirt and grinned. "two, four, six dang..."

"Are you done admiring or should I go and get a towel for you're drool?" he smirked down at me, causing me to slap his stomach. "Ow...that hurt."

"It did?"
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