Come on Big Bad Wolf, Blow My House Down.

Come On Big Bad Wolf, Blow My House Down.

"Self control," I reminded him and swung my leg over his lap and ran over to Bella who was walking up the hill. "Are you cold?"

"Not really, you're jacket is really warm, I'm just really tired," she smiled as her eyelids drooped slightly, I slung my arm over her shoulder and nodded.

"Well when we get in the car you can go to sleep, I'll put you in bed and make Edward stay with you instead of killing me," I grinned and opened her door, she nodded and laughed weakly as she slumped in her seat, I closed her door and jogged around the front end of the car, Jacob caught my eyes, he was standing up with two of his friends and they were staring at me, I threw up a peace sign as I opened my door and slid in.

After two minutes of driving slowly around the curves in the road, Bella fell asleep against the door, I chuckled lightly as I turned my gaze to the road, right when I seen a bright shiny silver Volvo's lights turn on, I cursed under my breath and kept driving until I reached Bella's house, I turned the car off and stepped out only to come face to face with Edward and his hard stare. "Hey Edward," I smiled as kissed his cheek, then walked around the front to Bella's door, where I slowly opened it and slid her in my arms.

"Why did you take her to La Push, and why did you take Alice's car, and beyond all those why did you kiss Jacob Black!" Edward hissed as I walked past him to Bella's window, I turned around and handed him Bella.

"Put her in bed then we'll talk."

Known to me, someone was watching, I could feel their eyes but I couldn't think of who it could be, it faintly smelled like a werewolf in the air but it didn't smell like Jacob or Sam, I waited a few seconds then Edward was in face again. "I can't understand what drove you to do that," Edward hissed as he backed me against the wall of Bella's house.

"Because she's my friend so I took her out, big deal Edward, you know as well as I do that she was safe between me and the wolves," I hissed back feeling slightly intimidated under his golden gaze.

"I meant kissing Jacob Black," he hissed yet again. "I know Bella was safe, that's why I listened, but explained to me where in you're mind you find it okay to kiss a werewolf, do you know how wrong that is? Do you know how wrong it was for you to intentionally take Bella to a bonfire and leave her to talk to you're little boyfriend?"

"Edward back up there," I said pushing his chest with a growl in my throat. "I didn't let her get hurt, I listened too you know, I'm sorry my love life standards aren't up to you're par but just like you we all have our problems, you fell for a human, I'm starting to fall for a werewolf, get over yourself Edward Cullen, life doesn't evolve around you."

"I know that," he growled as he stepped back. "But the problem is that if you so much as lost any control you could have been killed, you could have killed everyone on that beach, you could have killed Bella!"

"Do you have any trust in me at all Edward?" I nearly shouted but kept it down for Bella's sake. "Do you not think I could handle myself, for Pete's sake I wouldn't hurt her, I haven't hurt anybody and yet you treat me like a serial killer on the loose, I know my limitations Edward and I know myself than you do so don't make judgments and don't make assumptions because at the end of the day I will prove you wrong."

"I have trust in you Avery, I just don't trust you're hunger, you haven't fed in five days, you could have easily lost all control and it would have gotten you killed, you don't think," he tapped his head in gesture to the word think. "You go on emotion, a natural human reaction to fun, use you're head Avery it helps a whole lot!"

"Edward go jump off a cliff," I glared at him as I walked past him, he growled behind me as grabbed my arm. "Let me go."

"Not until you realize what you done could have had major consequences."

"But they didn't Edward!" I shouted that time as I pushed him in the shoulder. "Lay off me for one minute, you and Rosalie act like I'm a moron that knows nothing and it's not true, I may be a little strange at times but its the only way I can deal with what is going on with me, this is the most fun I have had in months Edward, just let me be for five minutes!" I ran from him to the car and sped down the road, as soon as I parked the car in the garage I ran inside the house with anger, hurt and fury clouding my vision.

"Avery Jane Cullen you- Are you okay Avery?" Alice asked as I stormed past me. "Avery!"

"Leave me alone, I'm so sick of everyone treating me like I'm a burden!" I slammed my door, only for her to run in with Emmett, Jasper and Esme behind me. "Get out!"
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Did that make any sense? Just making sure...
