Come on Big Bad Wolf, Blow My House Down.

Come On Big Bad Wolf, Blow My House Down.

"You don't look to bad yourself Vamp girl," he grinned as he walked over in his tux without the jacket, just a vest, white shirt, tie and black slacks, with his hair straight and falling in his face.

"Come here," I chuckled as I lifted my arms to pull him to me, he grinned and wrapped his arms around my waist. "Wait, please don't tell me," I groaned as I laid my head on his chest. "You grew more."

"Slightly," he mumbled as he looked down at me. "Not much though, just an inch and a half."

"Seriously Jacob, I'm short as a gnome and you're taller than shaq, stop growing!"

"I can't help it," he started laughing as he pulled me closer. "I swear, if I could, I'd stay at six three, but since I've done passed that a while ago, I can't really go back."

"You could stop growing," I grumbled darkly as I put my arms around his waist. "I can't even reach you're neck!"

"Here," he put his arms around my waist and lifted me without any trouble to where I was level with his face, he smiled showing his pointy teeth that I love so much and tilted his head. "Better?"

"Much," I grinned and pecked his lips, then tilted my forehead against his. "Do you feel comfortable here?"

"Not really, but I'm here with you so," he shrugged and smiled. "I like being with you."

"Really now?"

"I'd be happy in hell if you were beside me," he laughed as he kissed my lips again, while staring at them. "Of course it would be kind of hot, so I'm sure I wouldn't mind that."

"I don't believe in hell," I whispered as I kissed his lips again. "I believe in heaven and hell is on earth," I kissed his lips again. "We're hell."

"You're not hell," he smiled gently and slowly sat me on the ground, where he leaned over and kissed my ear lobe while whispering. "You're a little piece of heaven."

"You sure know how to flatter a girl," I grinned as I slapped his shoulder. "Stop trying to make me giggle."

"It's fun to hear you giggle," he defended as Bella ran over in her long fifties styled black dress, her beads of three layer necklace rattled as she bounced on her heels, she nearly tripped but caught herself, laughed and ran her hand over her head band that was also fifties styled, the fifties were Edward's favorite decade so that was the party style, my dress wasn't necessarily fifties material but Edward said he liked it and it would match a little.

"Oh Jacob you look great," Bella said smiling then she turned to me. "Hello Mother Nature, you look gorgeous Avery."

"Mother Nature?"

"You just seem to me what I would picture Mother Nature, red hair with the green dress," she waved her hand dismissingly. "Never mind, come dance, we're about to put on some fifties style music."

"I can't dance," I mumbled as I stared at her. "I really can't dance."

"I'd dance with you, but I only slow-dance," Jacob shrugged sadly. "It took a while for me to get that one down pat so…"

"We'll fly-on-the-wall it," I grabbed his arm and pulled him into the parlor, I jumped up and sat on the piano end, while Emmett walked in the room, he grinned and sat at the keys.

"What song Madame?"

"Which one do you think I should sing?" I asked leaning over to look at his song book. "Hurt by Christina or Immortal by Lee?"

"Or you know, something not so twenty first century," he mumbled as he pulled up Amy Lee's song Immortal, I had a whole songbook that I had of my own music but I kept it safe in my room, the other music was either Edward's or my collection of piano used songs like Hurt by Christina Aguilera or My Immortal by Amy Lee.

"I don't do that old crap you listen too," I grumbled as I sat up straight and cleared my throat, causing Jacob to stop watching Emmett read the songbook to look at me.

"You sing?"

"Barely," I shrugged my shoulders as Emmett started the song, I slowly started off until halfway I toned it up a little, causing my voice to seem stronger and thicker, raising high with the notes or lowering with the saddened parts, as soon as the song stopped, the people who were in the room started to clap, it was Bella, Alice, Jasper, Rachel, Chad and a few other randoms, Jacob just stared until he shut his gapped mouth and slowly walked over to me, he put his arm around my waist and pulled me to him, his lips smashed into mine and demanded response, enough to make me gasp slightly as I opened my mouth to the invasion of passion.
♠ ♠ ♠

Random note: I honestly didn't see the irony of Amy Lee's song called My Immortal and the fact they are all vampires until I posted this.

Image --I made that :) cool eh?