Come on Big Bad Wolf, Blow My House Down.

Come On Big Bad Wolf, Blow My House Down.

"You did this," Edward growled as he ran faster than me, nothing could stop him when danger concerned Bella, which was practically all the time with that injury prone girl. "If she dies, I will kill you."

"I'm so sorry Edward," she sobbed without tears, I looked away as I tried to run faster, if that son of a bitch vampire George killed any of my family, he would be begging for hell.

As we arrived, I could hear Bella's screams from the house, I knew for a fact that Bella wasn't dead, but she was bleeding. "Stop time," Edward shouted, I snapped my fingers and ran up to Edward, grabbing him by the arm and throwing him over my shoulder as I ran into the house. Standing over Bella in the corner of the house was George, Bella wasn't hurt much I could tell, but Rosalie was about to attack him, and he knew because he was looking at her out the side of her eyes. I glanced back around and noticed Carlisle and Esme where nowhere. "No," I whispered as I sat Edward down beside Bella, and then pulled Rosalie over to the side, that's when I unfroze time.

"No!" Rosalie screamed as she fell on the floor, I glanced out the corner of my eye at Edward and seen he was fighting George bravely.

"Avery look out!"

I turned around and seen one of the four vampires at Bella's wedding, launching itself at me, I tried to duck but he was just as fast as me, or faster as he pinned me to the ground and bit into my neck. I screamed in agony as I felt the venom burn my skin, it was so painful even after you’re a vampire to be bit by one. "Avery!"

Everyone screaming seemed to blur out as I felt the vampire weakening me to a state of more agonizing pain, then he pulled away. "Have fun killing Bella yourself."

The hunger was too much; I flew up from the ground and got a couple inches away from Bella when I was threw back against the hardwood floor again, this time by Emmett. "Calm down!" he shouted. But I couldn't, I just couldn't.

"Let me," I hissed as I clawed at his arms, he looked down at me sadly and pinned me down with his knees too, over my legs. "Just one taste."

"I'll take you feeding, you can't harm Bella!"

"It's too much," I whispered, I had never felt this hungry, or thirsty before. It was painful to hear the heartbeat coming from her chest; it was painful to hear her blood flow through her veins. "It hurts."

"I understand Avery," he said softer that time. "But you need to concentrate on fighting it, on not hurting Bella. We need you."

I closed my eyes and arched my back at the pain, howling slightly as the sharp pains radiated down my throat to my stomach, through my own veins.


I shivered slightly as I imagined myself as a human again, smiling and laughing with Rachel and Riley outside the theater in Seattle. The feeling of happiness when I controlled what I done, I could eat when I wanted, drink when I wanted, walked away from something harsh when I wanted. But never could I take what I couldn't have, something I was thrust into making due with, something I had to learn to avoid as much as I could. It wasn't easy, but I could do it if Jasper, Emmett and Edward could, they haven't had easy lives but they have lived them the easiest they could. Something that I wanted to do, something I had to learn to do, something I could and would do.

So as I laid there under Emmett's firm grasp, I weakened my response to the blood, I stopped breathing and blinked my eyes open slowly, I knew my eyes were black as night, but my hunger.

Was under my control.


"I'm okay," I whispered as I suddenly started to smile. "I'm perfectly fine."

"Are you sure?" he looked at me skeptically before he glanced over to Bella and Edward, Bella was huddled against his chest staring at me in shock, George was no where to be found, but neither was Rachel, Rosalie and Chad. Probably disposing of the body in a large bon fire somewhere cold.

"I'm sorry Bella," I whispered as I looked into her eyes, seeing the past events clearly.

"Please don't," Bella said calmly as she backed up against the piano, George was standing in front of her. "What do you want?"

"Revenge, plain and simple, you are the reason my sister and her mate were killed by your husband, and I am going to avenge them," he smiled softly. "To bad you had to be so pretty, you would have made a beautiful immortal."

"You don't have to kill me, your sister and James killed themselves by going against the Cullen's, it's not my fault they acted so idiotically," she looked regretful of her words.

"Then I'll join in with the idiots," he growled as he jumped forward, but Carlisle suddenly jumped on him.

"Carlisle," I whispered shifting to look over my other shoulder. "Where are Carlisle and Esme?"

"Taking care of the other two," Emmett said softly as he eased his grip. "You okay?"

"I'm kind of peaceful right now," I smirked. "I feel like Carlisle."

"Yeah right," he scoffed as he climbed off me and held his hands out for me grab, once he did I jumped up, scaring Bella farther into Edward's chest.

"I'm sorry Bella," I whispered again. "It was that guy's fault that attacked me, he drank my blood."

"The venom still burning?" Emmett grabbed my chin and tilted it to the side. "You'll have you a nice war wound."

"The venom is gone but that will not be easy to cover," I ran my hand over it with a sigh. "Guess I'll be stealing some of Jasper's scarves."

"You're not attacking," Rosalie walked in and slowly stared at me before turning to Emmett. "What did you do?"

"She learned to control the urge, which I can say is a very good thing because only Carlisle has mastered that."

"Yeah I surprised myself," I grinned slightly as I held my chest. "Whoa…I just had a really weird feeling."

"What kind of feeling?"

I looked up at Bella and my eyes widened. "Jacob…"
♠ ♠ ♠
The end!!!!

So...should I do a sequal?
