Come on Big Bad Wolf, Blow My House Down.

Come On Big Bad Wolf, Blow My House Down.

"Denial, probably but listen we won't tell because we believe that it's you decision to be stupid and love a werewolf," Jasper smiled as he nodded his head towards Alice, who rolled her eyes and looked to me.

"Follow what you think is right Avery."

"Thanks guys, I think I'm going to go walk the streets in town," I smiled standing up, only to hear them laugh behind me.

"Or the border of La Push?" Alice suggested as she giggled and covered her mouth. "Or then again you can just go to town," the glare I sent easily changed her tone. "Have fun."

-----The Next Night-----

"I don't see how you don't get bored," I rolled my eyes as I made my way out the door from Alice's room, she and Jasper had just stared at each other for a few hours and I gave up on trying to break them from there trance, I grumbled as I jogged down the steps to the driveway, I grinned and ran for the garage, Alice wouldn't even bother, but I sure as hell will be in trouble when I get back.

As soon as I made it to the dark and lonely streets of Forks, I sighed heavily and placed my head against my palm that was laid against the window. "Ah Bella!" I shouted in realization, I could spring her out of prison and take her to Seattle with me on a road-trip, no Edward would rip my throat out.

I climbed out of the Porsche and snuck up to Bella's window, after a hellatous jump that is, I knocked on it and stirred her awake enough to walk over and open her window. "Avery?" she whispered confused.

"Hey Bella, I wanted to know if you wanted to go somewhere with me? I'm so completely bored and the only person that won't bite my head off for making a fool of myself is you, if you don't want to go ahead and go back to sleep, I just stole Alice's car that's why I wondered if you wanted to go on a road trip," I said making it all run together as I smiled.

"Uh," she said rubbing her face. "Where would we go?"

"Know of anywhere you've been wanting to go? I was thinking Seattle but Edward would surely kill me, he's probably on his way now," I turned to look behind me. "He's close, dang it."

"Yeah I'll go with you, there is supposed to be a bonfire at La Push we can go there," she smiled as she reached and put her arms around my neck, I folded my arms around her waist and jumped to the ground, then ran for the car, as I made it in the car I sat her in the seat and turned on the engine, gunned it down the road then smiled over at her.

"Jacob going to be at this bonfire?" I asked grinning as I shifted the gear to make the car go faster, earning a scared glance from Bella. "Don't worry Bella, I won't kill you."

"Okay," she eased slightly as she turned to face me. "Yes Jacob will be there, why?"

"He's a cutie," I laughed as I turned a right at the stop sign, I looked behind me to see a silver Volvo following close. "Stupid Volvo owner!"

"Be nice."

"Sorry, wait am I allowed on La Push property with the whole, vampire werewolf treaty line thing?" I asked as I turned to her and sped up a little.

"I don't think so," her face sunk to a frown.

"You can always invite me," I grinned as I looked her in the eyes. "I promise I'll be on my best behavior, if anything shall go wrong I take full responsibility and the wolves can eat me," I held up two fingers. "Scouts honor."

"You're invited," she smiled as she turned back around, I smiled and raced around a curve in the road, I heard Edward step on his breaks, guess we past the line. "Just be good."

"Edward may kill me, the werewolves may kill me, might as well make this interesting," I turned and grin. "You're friend Jacob imprinted me or something along the lines."

"He did!" she asked in shock as we reached the the dirt road, I nodded not looking at her and tore down the small road, causing dirt to fly until we reached the beach front that was inhabited by man people, they all looked up at the sound of the breaks. "Jacob can't imprint you, can he?"

"We don't actually know, I blame male hormones, he blames imprinting on it but I think he's cute so, I decided I wouldn't worry to much about it," I shrugged my shoulders as I took the key from the ignition and stepped out of the car.

"You can't have a life like that can you, I mean you can't have children and he'll die where you won't," she whispered as I walked over to her side while shrugging off my jacket to give to her, since she was holding her arms for warmth.

"Again I don't know, and it's kind of depressing," I whispered as I laid the black leather jacket over her shoulders then but my arm over the leather. "Let's just have fun girlie, no worries."

"I can't help but worry, what about the whole..." she moved her hands around trying to find the right words.

"I don't know Bella," I sang as I walked down the hill with her, where everyone was watching, well most of everyone. "Just forget it okay."

"I'll try," she whispered as she pulled the jacket closer, I took my arm off her shoulder and placed my hands in my jean pockets.

"Remember, you invited me and I'm unaware," I reminded her as Jacob and his group of friends walked from the fire to me and Bella.

"Hey Bella, hey Avery," Jacob said as he walked in front of everyone, he had a pair of old wore out jeans on that fit loosely to his hips and legs and a tight white tank top that stretched over his build. "What brings you girls here."

"The party," Bella smiled.

"Many things," I grinned as I looked at Bella. "You should tell them now."

"I invited Avery here so I hope you don't mind," Bella smiled at me silently thanking me for reminding her.

"Glad you did," Jacob smiled showing his beautiful white teeth at me, I grinned back and gave him a one over, he really was looking good tonight. "Avery can we talk? Bella I'll find you later okay?"

"Yeah, I'll go talk to Emily," Bella waved her hand off to the left of her, I nodded at her showing I would be watching over her before I turned back to Jacob, seeing his friends were still behind him.

"I promise I will be on my best behavior," I held my hands out to show I meant no harm. "I give you my word and if that's not enough I promise I won't fight back if you have to kill me."

"Like we need you're okay," one of the men said from behind Jacob, I grinned and waved at him.

"Hello Paul," I winked at him then to then I turned to Jacob. "He has quite the temper tantrums doesn't he?"

"How would you know?" Paul shot out as he stepped forward, shivering as he did so.

"Well I needed to know who you are Paul," I explained as I held my hands out while shrugging my shoulders. "All I did was relive the last three years through you're eyes, no big thing."

"You did what!" he yelled rushing forward, I stared at him with hard eyes as Jacob's hand pushed him back.

"Calm down Paul," he said with a growl deep in his throat, he turned to me and sneered. "Why did you read his mind."
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