Status: In-Session

Chronicles of Eeliethiya

Find Me In Your Fantasy

The moon hung high in the sky, illuminating the quiet forest. Milky white patches shown through the treetops, making illuminated paths in scattered directions here and there. Footsteps softly walked the dirt covered earth,the footsteps of a young elven woman. She stood at 5’3,an average height for the females of her race. Her father didn’t approve of her midnight strolls but he didn’t understand how she loved the elegance of the forest in which they lived. She felt in tune with this sacred place like she had felt with a lot of things as of late. It was a wonderful yet strange feeling at the same time.

She walked slowly, admiring the lunar allure of the woodlands. The young elven woman went a little deeper into the winding thicket. It was sometimes perplexing but all the while whimsical and it sure was worth the walk. Her eyes caught sight of a small lake. The silvery shimmer of the moon rippling across the water. It was a sight to see. The young woman leaped gracefully onto a flat rock sitting in the middle of the mystical spring. The view was even better now that she was closer. The celestial Body was so close you could touch it, but in reality very far away. She sat there for a moment, just staring. The underbrush russled. Her ears tensed with alert, searching for the culprit of the sudden noise. It seemed like nothing because it was silent after that.

Dawn approached slowly and she had to get back home before her parents awoke and found her missing. She broke into a light jog back through the trees and back onto the main path. It wasn’t long before searing pain rushed through her, sending her crashing to the ground.

“Well well well, what have we here?” a voice said teasingly.

Fear made her skin prickle but the pain was more evident in her eyes. Even so the fear couldn’t be hidden despite her trying not to show it. Her eyes scanned the area.

“Who’s there?” she questioned, putting edge into her voice to cover the fear.

Someone stepped out of the shadows of the trees. The figure stepped into the now pale moonlight. Her jaw dropped in surprise as she eyed his dark skin,light hair and dark eyes.

A Drow.

“How dare you come into our territory, my father’s kingdom….my kingdom.”She whispered the last part but kept looking at him with fire-filled eyes.

“Princess Abella, it’s a pleasure.” he said with a bow, his hand moving in a gallant manner.

The young princess eyed him with disgust and he stared at her. Abella winced as the trap dug into her leg. These were used to ensnare elves for capture either by Drows or the dreaded humans. The Drow kneeled in front of her and their eyes met. His eyes were filled with an emotion that was hard to comprehend at first. Then she caught it. It was Sympathy. He felt Sympathy for her? A Drow? It was something written in the scrolls that drows absolutely hated Elves and every other mythical creature for that matter. Why? She had no clue. He reached towards the embedded trap and she cringed, not wanting him to touch her.

“Let me help you.” he whispered.

Abella moved away again at the cost of her own pain. She bit back a curse as the pain hit her full force. The unnamed Drow sighed. He reached for the trap once more and this time succeeded in getting it off. Abella hissed in discomfort before grabbing her bleeding ankle.

“Don’t touch it.” He said quickly, holding his hand out to her.

She refused. “Do you want to get back to your kingdom without being seen or not?” he questioned, sapphire eyes veering into hers.

Abella looked up at the sky as it slowly brightened into dawn. Reluctantly she took his hand and he helped her to her feet then steadied her.

“Can you walk?” he questioned.

Abella faltered on her wounded ankle, the pain being too much to bear. She sat on a tree stump, clenching her teeth in agony. Suprisingly he scooped her up into his arms. She cringed at his touch again and a small smirk played on his lips. When they stepped into what was left of the moonlight he could see how beautiful she was. She had beautiful porcelain skin, almost as white as the Moon itself. Her long lavender hair flowed in the slight breeze and her bangs framed her beautiful face. The young princess’ eyes were like Amethyst gems sparkling in the twilight.

“A Princess really shouldn’t be outside in her nightgown. You’ll catch a cold like that. ”he said.

Abella blushed slightly, crossing her arms across her chest in hopes that she covered up. She never really thought of how her choice of clothes would draw him into her territory. That wasn’t the case. He set her at the edge of the pond and she dipped her throbbing ankle into its cool depths. She sighed in content as the pain ebbed away.

“Why did you help me?” she questioned, turning to him.

His gaze was elsewhere, looking off into the distance. He was purposely ignoring her. She frowned and continued to move her ankle around in the water. The young princess saw her reflection as it rippled in the oasis.

“At least tell me one thing; What is your name?”

The Drow turned towards her. “It’s Vielyn. Now go before your parents find you missing.”

Abella tied a piece of fabric around her ankle and stood to her feet. She mouthed the words thank you before running off through the magical wards and barrier that separated their worlds. Vielyn turned to look back at the elven kingdom before slinking back off into the shadows.