Status: In-Session

Chronicles of Eeliethiya

Nella fantasia

Abella had escaped the watchful eyes of her Kingdom's Guards just in time to greet her mother's gentle caress. The Elven Queen had entered only moments after her daughter had settled herself back into bed. She was not fooled and had always known about her daughter's midnight Forest Excursions. The princess before her feigned sleep as she immitated stretching and yawning. She looked into her mother's deep Amethyst Crstaline eyes. They sparkled with years of wisdom as her would soon become. Her Golden tresses flowed with the elegance of a river down her back. Aislinn was a vision of beauty in every man's eye but only one was able to capture her heart.

“Come Abella. You must prepare yourself for the Council. Always remember that you will become a part of it one day.”

The princess could only nod in response as she threw on a robe. Attending Council was one of the many things she had on her ever busy schedule. Being a princess was not always sitting in the lap of luxury and receiving everything on a silver platter. No, she was a being who earned the title of Princess. Yes, it was given to her as the eldest of three children but not without its trials. She had to prove to all of Eeliethiya that she was the one who would be able to rule this country when the time came.

Once in the Hallway, two hands maids met them. They bowed in respect. “We shall escort you to the bathing chambers, your highness.”

Aislinn nodded at her daughter, speaking to her without words. Without a hesitant glance, Abella followed behind them. The two maids, Know as Celesia and Solara, led her to the Bathing Chambers. Until she was to be wed, her body was kept pure by bathing in the purest of waters. This kept her body Pure and Divine for her future husband. As they entered the Bathing chambers, Celesia made sure everything had been prepared properly. Solara ushered their princess through the hall and into the open area where the pool of purity resided. Abella shed her robe as she descended into the water.

She took in the air as she relaxed, the water working its purities on her flawless and curvacious body. As many times as they'd laid eyes upon her, her body could rival a goddess. Abella's mind was elsewhere. Even the water's purities could not purge Vielyn from her mind. It was strange he'd help her, considering the many dreadful stories she'd been told as a child. How could she forget those eyes that were as beautiful as the deepest and purest ocean?

“Princess?” Celesia questioned, concerned.

Upon hearing her name, abella was knocked out of her thoughts. Maybe the water was a little too pure. Standing, the water cascaded down her body and a transparent robe was draped around her shoulders. The robe also aided in prolonging her purity as it would keep the water from leaving her skin as it dried. Celesia led her to a different chamber. No Males-Whether it be Bodyguards or servants, they were never allowed near the bathing chambers or the Princess' Bed chambers. It was absolutely forbidden.


“Simply beautiful.” said Celesia as she marveled at her work.

Abella was dressed in a purple gown, golden embroidery at the seams. The beading was intricate yet elegant as to appease the Council. It hugged her curves in all the right ways and her hair had been styled in a crown braid, a matching golden circlet. Any man would stop in their tracks just to gaze at her emminent beauty. The King and Queen would be Proud.

“Your Highness, please behave yourself with the Council. It would dishonor your kingdom.”

The crown-daughter couldn't have been anymore bothered. Of course she'd heard her parents drill this into her mind. The conflict between their family and the Nobles was on to be reckoned with and she had no ill intentions of burdening her Mother and Father anymore than they could bear. She loved them and she would never wish to do such a thing. As the thoughts entered her mind, she stopped in the doorway as she slipped into her slippers.

“I will become the Queen of my people and I will not Tarnish my Name.” she said, head held high.

And with that a future Queen left the room with the appearance and elegance of a future rule. Once out of sight, Abella quickend her pace. She greeted the various servants with a smile. The Council Hall was just up ahead. As she neared it, Abella slowed her steps to a leisure walk, calmed her breathing and held her head high. The guardsmen bowed to her in which she nodded. They granted her entrance.

The members of the court and attendees rose, greeting the heir to the Elven Kingdom. Abella inclined her head to them, greeting them silently before taking her respected seat at the the left hand of her father. Her eyes scanned the room, spotting every noble and respected of Eeliethiya. Even the Drows, their sworn enemies attended. The King and Queen, as well as their heirs and advisors attended. She glared but her eyes widened when she noticed the prince staring at nothing in particular. Flashbacks from last night came rushing back. The Drow who had helped her was none other than the prince of the Drovian Kingdom!
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Wow! This actually used to be a 10-page chapter but i'm breaking it up into many chapters. woo! Thank you for the kind comments.:)