Status: Short story



They both were extremely bored. No one really wanted to be at this fancy-smancy dinner full of polite small talk and fist sized meals. They came because they knew that the other would be there. Her name was Helen, his name Rob. For a long time now they had been together. Neither could remember exactly how long. These two were not the kind of couple that celebrated month-averseries but the kind that would that just happily lived every day in each other’s presence. Helen’s stomach growled angrily. She wanted to eat something substantial, maybe a turkey and a giant peanut butter milkshake. “Dear, how are you? Enjoying yourself?” The withered old lady sitting on her right asked her. Helen ignored her. Rob was just as bored as Helen was but a little bit less hungry. He kept looking down at the old sports watch held on by a piece of string and duct tape. He wanted to get out of this hell-hole and go watch old black and white movies wit Helen. He sighed loudly enough that Helen looked up from her meal of tiny vegetables and small pieces of meat. She looked him squarely in the eye and he smiled; a bored, sympathetic smile. Standing up suddenly (startling the lady beside her) she climbed up on to the table and leaned over and kissed Rob. Rob was surprised at her boldness but went along with it anyway. A babble of voices erupted around them. They just ignored them. Minutes later Helen got off the table and walked to the door. Rob jumped up on the table and followed Helen to the door. At the door Rob grabbed Helen’s hand. They walked out of the boring party to get turkey and giant peanut butter milkshakes and watch old movies.
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Something I wrote in creative writing class. As you see it is how it is originally written. The only things changed were incorrect spelling and incorrect grammer. The "excersise" we did was that we each got a postcard with a picture on it. And this is what came to be from my picture.