Waits in hope

waits in hope.

Her eye’s shine as she steers up at the clouds that float aimlessly in the light blue sky.
The cuts and scars lie open to the world that parses by ever so slowly.

Why did it have to be like this, why did it have to be her. All she ever wanted was to be normal to fit in. Now she can’t help but feel like she doesn’t fit in anywhere. That’s all she wanted ever since she was five and got picked on.

She’s out now no going back but it’s hard to hear the nasty comments people say behind her back and sometimes to her face.

Fearful of being alone for her whole life, that no one will love her the way she longs to be loved.
She admits this to no one, no one will understand.

She is just a shell now, no emotion, no laugher and no love. What’s left for her anymore? But as hard as it gets she has hope not for love but for life.

If only it would came sooner rather than later. So for now she waits in hope.
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Hope you like it.