Forbidden LOVE

Forbidden Love

The rain started to fall. Heavily. Giant sheets of cold droplets fell from the sky, irritating me skin. Looking around I couldn't see any shelter; come to think of it...I couldn't see at least two feet in from of me. I started to shiver. The cold water dripped down my neck, down my back. Invading me; making me erupt in goosebumps.

I stated to walk in a direction, towards. Anything. If it could, I swear the rain got heavier. I walked for about 5 minutes trying to find any sort of shelter but to no avail. Finally, after giving up on hope, I find a nice, quaint cafe on the corner of Malbourn Street. I quickened my pace and reached the door in record time.

I grabbed the door knob and turned it. The door opened a crack and warm air engulfed me, tempting me. I opened the door further and a bell rang. I shyly walked in to see it mostly empty. Well, it would be seeing as it is around midnight. I trudged over to a booth near the back of the cafe and plopped down on the seat; the warmth of the room heating me quickly.

A small plump waiter came to take my order.

"So, What will it be?" the man said in a greasy voice.

I shrugged not really knowing what they were serving.

"Could I have the menu please?" I asked not meeting his watery eyes.

"Sure, let me just get one for you," he walked away and came back with a booklet, made of paper and had grease marks every where. I was very tempted to walk out right then and there but I couldn't, no wouldn't face the rain again so soon.

So instead I grabbed the menu from his hands and watched as he waddled away to another table to top up some one's coffee. I looked down at the menu to see if they had anything decent to eat, because if the food was as greasy as that waiter I guess all that is left to do is walk out.

I glanced at the menu, occasionally stopping to read the ingredients. The food here didn't seem as bad and maybe, just maybe though that man was just a one-off. I decided to order some eggs and bacon with nice crusty toast and a lot of butter.

The food came to me piping hot and it was delicious. I also decided to order a hot chocolate with whipped cream, a flake and chocolate sprinkles. It was heaven. I am so blatantly coming here again I thought. The hot chocolate was creamy and so chocolaty but not too much. The flake sat on the cream and the cream tasted like clouds on a rainy day.

I was content but I couldn't see the rain ceasing anytime soon. I grabbed my book from my bag and started to read. Around 5 minutes later the bell sounded and I was shocked out of my stupor by the gust of wind that suddenly gushed into the cafe. I looked up to see what the commotion was about.

I looked towards the door and saw nothing...the door just stood ajar and the greasy waiter was trying to close it shut but it seemed that the wind was too strong. I man that I hadn't noticed before got up from his booth to help him and with that help the door was closed. But the wind and the interruption still hung in the air making it is, tense almost.

The man that had helped with the shutting of the door turned and looked me straight in my eyes. My breath stopped...
♠ ♠ ♠
So I am going to leave it there...Comment me and message me will you??
Well...I know you're all dying to know who that mystery man is (so am I)
So read??
Love Ben