Forbidden LOVE

Forbidden Love

Next Day [u/]

Beep! Beep! Beep!
"Urgh!" I groaned and slammed my hand down on the alarm clock, shutting it up.

"Do you have to be so loud?" Ethan questioned from my right.

"Well, I wouldn't have to be, if I didn't have school," I responded.

"That doesn't even make sense," I could tell he was furrowing his eyebrows at me. We both groaned in unison and I dragged myself out of bed to get ready for the day ahead, while Ethan went back to sleep for another half on hour.

The day was uneventful and so the weeks passed by. During that time I hung out with old friends and got to know my new. I seemed to be pretty popular (not that I am complaining).

And so the faithful day came when Ethan and I were alone for the first time in weeks. T'was a Friday night and we were watching TV.

"Soo..."?" he asked dragging his eyes away from the TV and looking at me.

"Shh," I scolded him playfully but didn't look at him.

He poked me, obviously he was trying to get my attention but I will not give in that easily. He poked me again and again and again.

"Stop it," I pushed his hands away from me but my eyes still remained glued to the TV.

"But I am bored," he whined, "entertain me?" he pouted, angling his face towards me so I had to face him. I smiled.

"Go to see anyone else but me," I started to push him off the sofa and stretched out. I was wearing a pair of shorts and a fitted light blue shirt. I pout my hands behind my head causing my shirt to ride up my belly a bit. I didn't dare look at him, I kept my eyes on the tele.

"What are you doing?" He asked with a strain to his voice.

"What do you mean 'What am I doing?'?" I stated innocently.

"Get off me," he tried to push my legs from on top of him but I think that he couldn't because he didn't have the right frame of mind.

"Why don't you make me?" I asked seductively. I sat up and looked him straight in the eye.

He gulped. "God, you fell for it, I was only messing!" I started to laugh.

"Don't do that," he told me, face reddening.

I still didn't stop laughing and he was getting angrier or embarrassed, I wasn't sure which.

"I mean it," I still didn't stop, "That's it!" he pushed my legs off him and straddled me and proceeded to tickle me.

"Ahhhh! Stop!" I shouted, pushing his hands away from belly and he furiously tickled it.

"How do you like it now?" he asked with a mischievous glint in his eye.

I, somehow, managed to poke him in the belly, he stopped tickling me and squirmed away from me. I poked him again and he did the same thing.

Five minutes later, we were both on the floor trying to regain our breaths while wiping the tears away from our eyes.

"I didn't know you were ticklish," I tried to say through laughter.

"I didn't know you were either," he laughed. It was silent for a while until I spoke up.

"That was fun," Ethan stopped laughing and gave me a really serious look.

"Yeah it was," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

He leaned in..."What are you doing?" I asked him shocked.

He decided to ignore me and our lips met.

I pushed him away, "Seriously," he put his fingers to my lips.

"Yeah, seriously, shut up," he whispered and carried on kissing me.

He pushed me down onto the floor, running his hands up and down my bare thighs.

His tongue danced over my bottom lip and I parted them allowing entrance. His tongue massaged mine and he became more eager.

Knock! Knock!

"Urgh," he groaned, "Who is it?" he called.

"Its your friends," Ethan got up to open the door to reveal...
♠ ♠ ♠
Who was it that came to the door?
Why did Ethan kiss Macy?
Will Ethan ever get a life?
All will be revealed in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!!
Ben Loves uu
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