Forbidden LOVE

Forbidden Love

The man that had helped with the shutting of the door turned and looked me straight in my eyes. My breath stopped...

He had stunningly dark blue eyes with long but short dirty blonde hair (not literally) all naturally messed up in a cute way. He was extremely tall but he didn't look gangly. He seemed built as I saw the muscles bulging from his black wife beater he was wearing.

He was wearing a pair of dark blue acid wash jeans, with a pair of K-Swiss to match. I noticed his jacket draped across the back of the chair he was sitting on. Denim.

He stood there staring at me for a while (maybe ten seconds almost) before he shook himself out of the trance and walked to his seat.

Nothing else eventful happened when I was in the cafe and at around half one in the morning the rain stopped and I gathered my stuff and got up to leave.

The greasy waiter smiled at me before I left, he was cleaning the counter tops with a dark blue rag dish cloth.

I looked over to where the man was sitting but he was gone. I remember thinking that I would never see him again but I was mistaken. I later heard of this man that had moved into the old Smith house on the corner of Breach Lane. Apparently he was handsome with dirty blonde hair and dark blue eyes.

Beep! Beep! Beep!
The alarm rang shrilly in my room shaking me from my awesome dream. I slammed my hand down on the button and it immediately stopped. I sighed and tried to get back to sleep, telling myself 10 more minutes. But I couldn't.

I groaned and hauled myself out of bed and trudged to the bathroom to get ready for the day. I did all the morning stuff like washing my face and brushing my teeth. Don't forget the shower. I got dressed for the day and checked the time. It was only half eight so I still had another 10 minutes so I could actually eat breakfast today.

I had my usual, Alpen with banana and hot milk and a slice of toast, not with the orange juice because that would be too weird. I grabbed my school bag full of all the essentials I would need for the day and I headed out of the door.

I just got to the school gate when my friend Ashley attacked me.

"Owww," I seamed it him.

"Sorry," he replied sheepishly, looking at the floor and shuffling his feet.

"No, its my fault, I should have braced myself," I patted his shoulder and he grinned up at me.

We walked to our usual area where we meet our friends by The bench. It the coolest because me and my peeps hang there. Waiting for us was Jane, Chris and Suzie. We greeted each other and got on with the business that we normally do in the morning.

I was touching up my make-up and looking into my compact when a head of hair caught my eye. It was dirty blonde. I followed the hair until it disappeared into the college building.

"Macy!" I looked towards my friends with a glazed look in my eyes.

"Are you okay, you seem a bit...out of it?" Ashley asked tentatively.

"Yeah. I am fine," I looked back over at the building, hoping that the hair would come back into view and I could see the pair of eyes again.
♠ ♠ ♠
Erm...Do you like??
It is a bit slow but it will get better (I am staying positive)
I went to this shop today and it was weird!!!!
It was in Solihull and you could get like Anything and Everything in there.
Omg Weird or What??
Love Ben