Forbidden LOVE

Forbidden Love

The bell rang a couple of minutes later, signaling the start of the day. My friends and I made our way to our first lesson, splitting at our appropriate junctions. I made my way to Psychology on my own. I entered the class about 5 minutes before the official start of the lesson. The class started to fill with the students I would be spending the next 3 years with.

The last person to walk in was the blonde haired dude. I was so happy that he was in my class that I nearly squealed, nearly though. But he took a seat at the opposite end of the class to me next to some guy he obviously knew.

The teacher walked into the class after the blonde haired dude, I will call him Blondy, and plopped down on the swivel chair behind the teacher's desk and spun around. Once. Twice. Three times, then faced us.

"Hi," he said with a smile.
The class laughed.

"My name is Mr Samuels," he spelled his name and was pretending to write it on an imaginary blackboard in front of him. I made a face.

"I will be your teacher for the next 3 years, and don't worry, I am not always like this," he grinned at us and let us calm down, more like him calm down.

He got up from the chair and started to circle the desk as he talked to us about what the course entailed and stuff about the lesson and other random stuff. Nothing more exciting happened for the rest of the lesson so when the bell went I was really glad to have left the classroom.

But I had French next, so I made my way to French which I gladly shared with Ashley. As soon as I walked in, I saw him sitting at the back corner of the classroom daydreaming out of the window.

"Daydreaming already?" I asked tutting at the end.

"What?" He shook himself out of him obvious fantasy and stared at me dumbfounded.

"Nevermind," I shook my head and sat down in the seat next to him while taking my stuff out.

"You seen any hot guys?" he asked nonchalantly (a/n: Did I mention that Ashley was gay...well now you know).

"No," I shook my head, not really wanting to tell him about me secret crush on Blondy just yet, I will let it ride for a while and see if I can get a chance to talk to him.

"You?" I asked out of sheer politeness, really trying to concentrate on the lesson.
He shook his head no and, thankfully, faced the teacher to attempt to listen.

After that lesson Ashley and I went to meet the others at the cafeteria to get some lunch. (a/n: I do know that this seems weird to have a lunch like after second lesson but it is to do with he story obviously =]) I noticed Blondy sitting with some of his friends and as I walked past I couldn't help but stare. Bad move. I, I thought, was staring quite casually but his friends we pointing at me and nudging Blondy, which in turn made him turn around and look straight at me. I don' t think that my face could have gotten redder.

I quickly gathered myself and walked towards my friends head down. Little did I know Blondy was staring after me...
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I hope you will get more actionny soon promise =]