Forbidden LOVE

Forbidden Love

"Why are you so red?" Angeline asked me. She has Short choppy brown hair up to her chin and always wears a different colour head band in her hair everyday, apparently it is to do with her moods but I think that she is just putting it on.
I shook my head and looked down at my food attempting to eat it. I kept glancing over at the table where Blondy was, trying to get a good look at him. I obviously didn't succeed.
The rest of the day I spent in the other two lesson I would be taking...which is Drama and Maths.

Now I will tell you about the school. Well, the first day you are at a closed school (not open to pupils on that certain day) trying out all the lessons and meeting everyone. Since that day is now over, we are then moved to another school. Not just any school though...a boarding school. Yep, I are thinking...WTF are you doing?? But I chose to go here, it is a really good school. It is called St Takfi.

So I went back home to gather all my suitcases together and get ready for the drive up to the mountains (a/n: did I mention it was up in the mountains...well now you know). My mum and dad would be in the car with him (well driving me) and I will get there for around 7 o'clock in the evening.

"Make sure you're a good girl okay?" my mum said to me through tears. She stroked down my clothes and beamed at me.

"Yeah Macy. Don't cause too much trouble and stay away from the lads, I don't want them disrupting your concentration,"

"Dad!" I blushed and looked away, suddenly the trees seemed a lot more interesting.

They left half an hour later after seeing me to my dorm room and getting me 'settled' in. I was the first to my room and there were only one other bed.
'I wonder who else I am sharing with' *thinks*
Just as I finished thinking, the door swung open to reveal....

The one and only...Blondy!!!!!
My breath caught in my throat , similar to when I first saw him. I exhaled deeply and met his eyes.

"I guess we were the mixed up ones and ended up together," he smiled at me.

I made some sort of noise that resembled "hegh" and blushed deeply scolding me in my head for doing so. He smiled wider.

"My name is Ethan by the way," he said and held out his hand.

"Macy," I held my hand out and shook his. They were like clouds (a/n: I seem to like clouds).

He came in an plopped on one of the two sofas in the room.

"So which bed do you want?" He asked while rubbing his temples.

"Erm...Well I was gonna wait for my roommate to choose...and since you are my room can choose," I faltered at the end and looked at my shoes.

"'s choose," he smiled at me reassuringly.

"Okay," I looked at the beds, turning my head this was and that for a while trying to see if one of the beds looked comfier from an angle.

I decided that turning my head wouldn't make a difference and nor would looking at them upside down. So I decided toe sit on them. Then I decided to lie on them to see if that made any difference. It didn't of course. I then proceeded to jump on one and Blo-Ethan came and joined me.

"Having fun?" He asked while grinning.

"Err...Yeah," I smiled at him.

"Have you decided which bed you want because I am kinda tired," he shrugged.

"OMG...I am so sorry, I should have picked one straight away. I should have been quicker and not a freak about it," I shook my head and started to mutter about things that I should have or shouldn't have done.

"It's okay," he reached out and I flinched.

"Sorry," I got off the bed and walked into the bathroom that we shared and sat on the toilet, tears of embarrassment filling up in my eyes.

I heard movement in the main room. Beds squeaking (a/n: not in that kind of way) and stuff. There was a knock at the door.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Are you okay? You have been in there for quite a long time," he said softly.

"Yeah sure, just give us a sec and I will be out," I got up from the toilet and fixed myself in the mirror.

I walked out and saw him sitting on my bed (=S) reading Dan Brown Deception Point. Wait. That is my book. I forgot I left my suitcase open and he took it out of there. I made a face.

"Is that my book?" I asked tentatively.

"Yeah," he looked up from the book, "I hope you don't mind," he pulled the sweetest face and I couldn't stay angry at him.

"Yeah sure...I have the rest of the books by him, if you want to borrow them, then just ask," I smiled at him.

We had a wardrobe each and I started to unpack.
"It was you at the cafe other month wasn't it?"

"Huh?" I asked stopping what I was doing and facing him.

"You was a rainy day, well night should I say, and you were at this cafe, drinking a hot chocolate and eating bacon, eggs and crusty toast. I froze. How did he know what I was eating when I didn't even notice him until the door blew open.

"Err...yeah," I laughed nervously.

"Sorry, there is nothing to worry about, I just pick up things and I could distinctly smell your food," he smiled at me and went back to reading his book as I went back to unpacking.
♠ ♠ ♠
How did he know what she was eating and drinking?
Who is he?
Why was he at the cafe anyway?
All will be revealed in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!!!!
P.S. Comments are welcome...maybe you could give me some ideas or summit =]