Forbidden LOVE

Forbidden Love

-Next Day-
Beep! Beep! Beep!
That alarm is beginning to annoy me. I reached over to the bedside table to turn it off. I groaned as I sat up to survey my surrounding. Bad move.

I looked up to see a very sexy, half-naked Ethan standing by his bed with his towel hanging onto his hips for dear life and he was dripping wet, his blonde hair fell into his eyes.

"Morning," he simply stated, not at all phased at the situation we are currently in.

I made some sort of noise resembling "hugh" and blushed scarlet looking away. He carried on getting dressed for the day and was waiting for me.

"Are you done yet?" he asked whining (sp?).

"Wait a second," I scolded him. We had been doing this for around 10 minutes. "If you keep on talking to me then I will take longer then wont I?" I smiled as he shut his mouth.

We left the room 5 minutes later heading for the nearest coffee house we could find.

"So what are we doing today?" He asked looking at the floor.

"We?" I asked emphasising my words.

"Yeah, we. We are gonna be sharing a room for like 3 years we might as well hang out. You can meet some of my friends if you like?" He looked at me this time and smiled.

"Erm..." I was just about to answer when my phone rang. It was Ashley.

"Sorry..." I mouthed.

"Hello," (me)

"Hey," (Him)

"You called, sorry I am in the middle of something," (me)

"Oh sorry, well I was just wondering if you wanted to meet up and chat and stuff, like the gang?" (him)

"Erm...yeah sure," I smiled down the phone.

"Well I will catch you later, meet at the reception at around noon?" (him)

"Yeah sure, I will see you then," (me)

I clicked off the phone.

"Sorry, that was my friend Ashley, he wants to meet up with me, like all of my friends as well," his face fell, " but we can meet afterwards, we can meet in the dorm with all your friends and we can watch a movie," he brightened up and grinned at me.

I began to back away but he pulled me into a hug. I breathed in his scent and my stomach went crazy. My knees felt weak and if it wasn't for Ethan holding me up I would have toppled over.

"Well, I will see you back at the dorm," I smiled and walked away for real.

I looked back and he was looking my way talking animatedly on the phone.
♠ ♠ ♠
What was he talking about?
Who was he talking to?
What am I wearing?
All will be revealed in the next episode of Dragon Ball Z!
P.S. I lie when I saw all will be revealed sorry