Forbidden LOVE

Forbidden Love

I reached the reception and saw everybody there waiting for me. We left to go hang out heading south of the campus.

"So who were you talking to?" Ashley asked while nudging me.

"No one," I tried to keep my answer as short as possible so that Ashley would get the hint and not talk about it.

"You are not gonna get away with that 'no one' business" he shook his fore finger at me.

I sighed, "His name is Ethan."

"Oh," he grinned up at me while tugging my sleeve, pleading me to tell him more.

"That is all you are going to find out," I sped up my pace and started to talk to Jane about clothes and shoes and such.

We passed the local library and I decided that I would check it out in time. We ended up in a Borders and we decided to check it out. I ended up buying 3 three books, that should last me up until about 2 weeks. I smiled.

Time passed relatively quickly and I remembered that I was supposed to meet Ethan, we didn't arrange a time but I just wanted to hang out with him for a while.

I made up a pathetic excuse to leave my group and promised them that I would hang out with them soon. I quickly re-traced my steps to my dorm and dropped my stuff by the door. Is shuffled in the main area, which was, to be fair, the only area.

The beds were set about a foot apart with two bed side tables separating them. An there were wardrobes by the beds, one for me and one for Ethan. In the right hand corner there was a small kitchen, with a fridge, a freezer, a toaster and a microwave, all the essentials.

On the left hand wall there was a door leading to the bathroom that we shared (a/n: If I said the bathroom was on the other side then it has been miraculously moved =])

There was a sofa and a one-seater on the right side on the room with a 32in TV and a DVD player. It was quite kitted out but it is a pretty prestigious school.

I settled down on the sofa with one of my books that I had pruchased today with the radio on in the background. Around an hour later, I heard a set of keys in the door and a few male voices.

"I can't believe you got to room with a girl this year," I heard some one say, obivously to Ethan.

"I know mate, I am so jealous."

They all trudged into view and I put my book down to greet them.

"Hey, Macy," Ethan smiled at me, his friends behind him looking under his arms or over his shoulder and one strange boy through his legs to get a good view of me.

"Hi," I smiled back, only looking at Ethan.
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Well, there you go, Chapter 5/6 *shurgs* is done.
Could you comment on it, cus I haven't had any comments =[